I have been finding out about a guy called Lounes Matoub who died in 1998.
A Berber Algerian singer who was a secularist and an advocate for Berber causes. He was a big critic of what he saw as an imposed Arabisation of the country. He was assassinated and although the Groupe Islamique Arme claimed responsibility for his assassination, it is believed by many that he was killed by the Algerian government.
Anyway, here is one of his many blasphemous songs, Allahu Akbar. If there is anyone who can speak the lingo, I would really appreciate it if someone could translate it as I really want to know how scathing it actually is of Islam! I only know the chorus (which I got from Wikipedia) which goes:
Knock your head on the ground
Don't be miserly in prayers
Listen to your sidi sheik
Allahu Akbar!