Can anyone through muslim eyes, offer an explanation for the basic mathematical mistakes in its inheritance laws?
In Quran 4:11 - 12-176, the share of the inheritance of the-
Wife (1/8) is: = 3/24
Daughters (2/3) = 16/24
Father (1/6) = 4/24
Mother(1/6) = 4/24
Total = 27/24
i.e. larger than the total funds available
This is not a direct mistake, don't waste time on it. In real life shares never add up, specially after counting excess + spoilage.
To satisfy this equation here is what everyone will end up with:
Wife (1/8) is: = 3/27
Daughters (2/3) = 16/27
Father (1/6) = 4/27
Mother(1/6) = 4/27
Total = 27/27
At best, you can debate the language the equations were presented with, but then this is no longer the clear-cut argument that the koran is stupid.