Re: Where is Hassan?
Reply #28 - December 05, 2009, 12:51 AM
Well, if Hassan's just on internet break, I wish him the best and eagerly await his return.
But if he's not-- if he's left permanently-- heed my warning Hassan:
I will find you. I will purchase a round-trip ticket to LA, where I will purchase several Tommy Burgers, the worst flatulence-inducing food ever created-- I will consume these on the flight back, then I will purchase a round-trip ticket to limey land for the following day and will continue to consume Tommy Burgers and Pringles on the flight over. I will approach you in your favorite pub and strike up a conversation. You will find me to be a decent enough Yank, as I can be quite charming and you are a friendly sort. I will excuse myself to go to the bathroom with the empty Pringles can under my jacket and I will fart into it. I will return to the bar and politely offer you a Pringle, what you limeys call "crisps". You, not wanting to offend, will open up the can and be assaulted by the vilest flatulence you have ever encountered.
Consider yourself forewarned.
fuck you