Ya know what else, ya notice that in all these 'holy' books of old, the Western Hemisphere is never mentioned.
Imagine that! Imagine if just one of these prophets [charlatans] had even mentioned the western friggen hemisphere. Just mentioned the Olmec or the Mayans or something...heck, that there were two giant continents over there, would have been super.
*kafirist goes into a epilectic siezure and begins speaking as if possessed*Surah 145:
1 And lo Allah the most merciful has sent Mo as a mercy unto ye,
2 So that ye may knowest that he the most high, the all knowing
3 Knows of some pagan heathens that liveth among the trees far far to the west
4 For Allah knowest all things, creator, the magnificent!
5 And these Pagans ye will seek out, for Allah's command is enjoined upon all the Muslimeen!
6 But ye will need sea going vessels to crosseth the oceans, for Allah made the ocean wide
7 Wide oceans pleaseth allah, and didest allah mention the dunya is round? Yeah, I probably should have pointed that out earlier. Not flat. Nu uh.
8 Anywayseth.. for allah is most merciful and commandetht he believers to land at this place far to the west and.... drum roll....
9 Slaughther them whereever ye may find them! Root them out from their homes and strike terror into their hearts!!
10 For Allah is Merciful and wise. The Benenficent the all knowing. And most merciful and.. oh yeah I already mentioned mercifical
11 Anyways, yeah you niggaz better get on that Americas business before the kuffar. Aight?
12 Walad daaaaaaaw leeen. Ameeeen.
lol sorry.