The Incredible Human Journey
OP - December 07, 2009, 09:50 PM
What an absolutely fantastic show. Very much recommended. And I've only seen 2 episodes out of 5 total.
Now to the crux of my post. How in the world did I deny this for so long? I grew up in Europe, the out of Africa theory was never new to me. The ancestors. Theory of Evolution. None of it was new. But I never paid attention to it. It's bizarre. I consider my self to be pretty intelligent, certainly average or above average intelligence. Enough at least to make it through life and university. But anytime this subject would arise I would ignore it. All the cave paintings across the worlds, all the artifacts, the obviousness of the evolution of technology, hunter/gatherers , farmers, cities etc. I ignored it because I had to. It did not comply with Adam and Eve. Its that simple.
Yet nobody has proved Adam & Eve to be real. It's all in a book from the desert that depicts a geocentric universe, amongst other things. This is what we have to prove with Adam and Eve:
That Adam was created after all creatures.
That Eve was created from his Rib.
They were cast out of heaven and somehow ended up on Earth.
They had two sons, somehow these two sons had wives. One of them killed the other.
And out of this family we have the billions of people today and the billions before.
They don't say where these people came from. Or when.
And there is no proof.
And this is a creationism story in Islam
When facing a mountain of facts disproving this creationism story what choice does one have but to shut down? I mean just opening up to the realization of how we actually came about has today shaken the foundations of my faith. I think the edifice is crumbling. My objection with my religion before was out of historical, moral, rational and scientific mindset, but I was only dealing with the Quran and Hadiths. I hadn't even considered this. And now I am moving on to Theory of Evolution (finally, I can intellectually stimulate myself and grow without feeling guilty)
Is this not crazy? I am fucking mad, this is why we're in the fucking swamps of human endeavors. We are focused on jinns and shaitans and god knows what, entering a room with you right foot and the rest of the world is moving on. We are still here talking about the Ark of the Covenant, Noah's Ark and Adam and Eve. While the Kuffars have traveled to the moon, found our genetic ancestry, and provided us with online porn. Verily I am indebted to you O Pagans and People of the Book.