King Twat,
What an absurd post!
There's no need to be abuse to me personally just because I am a Muslim, attack my argument not me.
As Iris says people can have different beliefs and ideologies and they can very easily be against different belief systems.
So, but does that make it alright for individuals to discriminate against each other? don't you see the irony here? this website is against Islam. But yet you are trying to fool the public my coming up with these pseudo policies to desperately give credibility to your abhorrent organisation? which indirectly discriminates against Muslims, just because they believe in Islam.
Are you saying that because you believe in Islam that you MUST hate everyone else as they don't believe in the same thing as you? In other words, do you have no respect for anyone who is not a muslim?
Am not the one saying that, look around you... Who owns this website? not me? do I own a website which discriminates against religions? no I don't.
There are many muslims that I have a lot of respect for (particularly my mother!) but I do not agree with their beliefs... is it really that hard to see - are you so blinded by your Islam?
It shows how tolerant your mother is to respect you, despite you holding abhorrent views about her belief system. How am I blinded by Islam, I'm not discriminating, I can't care less if you leave Islam, our scriptures state clearly there is no compulsion in religion.
For me there are two main categories of people which range from the very good to the very bad... and ALL people on the planet fall into those categories regardless of whether they are muslims, christians, Man U supporters, americans, indians, conservatives, liberals, policemen, soldiers, gays, teachers, etc, etc, etc. My affinity is for the people in the good category regardless of their race, colour, creed, religion, political stance etc.
Then I support you to.
So as far as I am concerned you can shove your Islam and pathetic ideology where it doesn't shine!
Thanks for showing us all your true colors and hearted of Islam and contradicting yourself.
Have a good day.