Apostatization probably isnt a word but whatever.
How many stages did you go through to get to your current belief system? Was it straight from Islam to atheism or were there steps in between?
I went from a solitary, free Islam to a mashup of salafee and mainstreamy type of things to orthodox sufism to orthodox agnosticism to agnosticism to atheism.
Solitary free -- I didn't go to the masjid, I didn't follow the rules and rituals, I dressed and ate as I pleased. I did not really associate with Muslims at all. Yet it was at this stage that I had the strongest faith in allah and a pure conception of Muhammad (mainly because I didn't know the details of his life and all that).
Mashup Islam -- This is when I thought I needed to get more serious, "give more to allah" that sort of thing. I associated it a bit with growing up. The main form of Islam that was around was salafee Islam, but I also had some conception of both liberal / quran only Islam through friends and the sort of Islam that is mainstream, like that you see at the conventions (isna, that sort of thing). I didn't have any judgments about salafee methods, etc but I knew that I didn't like what I was seeing as the result of salafism in people's attitudes and lifestyles. I saw some horrible things that happened to women and children and at this stage my lifelong belief in allah started to falter a bit.
Orthodox sufism -- This is obvious. I dabbled a bit in progressive / no-hadith Islam, but the people's personalities were so obnoxious that I was turned off from learning more about the ideas themselves. I thought sufism might give me back to that pure, strong faith in allah, but instead it was more rules and if you aren't 'feeling' allah then it is your fault for not following all the rules 100%. This was the stage, I think, where my goose was cooked. There was not going back to "solitary free" or anything like that, b/c I had been educated - or indoctrinated - so strongly against any unorthodox form of Islam, and against 'ecstatic sufism'.
Orthodox agnosticism -- At this stage, I really questioned the existence of allah. I was not sure that I believed he was there at all - and if I'd thought about it at any great length, I would have realized that I don't. However, embarrassingly, I still believed that Islam was the 'best system for society'. This is because I was a bigger asshole then than I am today. I thought that if people would follow 'the rules', then the horrible things I saw in my mashup period would not happen. But then I came to realize that this was not the case - Islam is so stacked against women, it wouldn't improve what I saw. I also began to conceive of the rules as having no divine origin - the obsession with the right side and 3, 33, 99 all sound like OCD to me - very human.
Agnosticism & atheism -- Getting away from Islam and all these other things was such an effort that I couldn't even think about do I think there is a higher power or not. That lasted about ... maybe a few months. Then I realized that no, I really don't see the evidence for one at this time.