uh, yeah maybe im crazy not to believe that jet fuel caused steel to melt
As far as I'm aware, nobody has claimed that any steel melted. In other words, you are protesting against something that even the official 9/11 investigation never believed or claimed.
What was claimed, and what is thoroughly consistent with well established building and engineering practice, is that the heat from the fire was sufficient to cause the steel supports to lose most of their strength. This is a well known problem with structural steel in fires and happens at a much lower temperature than the melting point of steel.
and caused the towers fall to the ground at free fall speed with air resistance
Again, who has claimed this? Have you seen any accurate figures?
or that jet fuel can evaporate an entire plane
And again, who claimed this? I have seen photos of the wreckage from all planes that were involved. These are widely known photos. You can find them all over the net.
or that a average Wall-mart store has more CCTV cameras installed then in the pentagon.
Of course you can provide accurate figures form a reliable source for this. Right?
Oh yeah i also dont believe that people in a cave are smart enough to carry out attacks on such a large scale without informing the CIA.
So do you think Saudi Arabians are stupid?
As for now i choose not to believe that this attacks where done by some pissed of muslims.
This would be despite pissed off Muslims releasing videos claiming responsibility for the attacks.