The more I read about Islam and Mohammed the sicker I feel. God, I feel so... I dont know.. repulsed? Nauseous definitely. I mean why, why all this murder, all this death, its perverse to kill another human being, and even more so doing it simply for not believing in Allah or any other deity :(
I think this site is hammering the last nail in the coffin: have read all the Hadiths and Quranic verses previous to reading the articles on that site. But I always glossed over or interpreted in modern light. But it only makes sense when you read it with the "light" of those days. Like there is a special wavelength that will reveal the true meaning of text but only under the right frequency (I knoew my science sucks lol). Im so fucking mad. And I know if I talk with muslims they will tell me im wrong, this verse means that and not what you think it does. I never thought taqiyya would be used to the extent it has been used. Or Dawa, to get non-muslims know a little bit, let them convert and then you can tell them the heavy stuff. Like a small child being spoon-feed before introducing the 12 course meal of carnage and hate.
I think human nature is complex but most people are good natured, sure this is maybe just an evolutionary thing, to certify our existence. But its a beautiful thing. Its a beautiful thing to look at people that dont look like you and embrace our humanity, brotherhood, sisterhood. All the black people, the brown people, the red people, the yellow people, all people that dont look like me. Its a beautiful thing to look at each other and say we have come from the same place, we are all cousins. We are all one. This is not a foolish thought, or a hippie or new age thought. This is a human thought, a beautiful, poetic and fully realistic thought. And this is what I want to embrace. I dont want the blood of another human being on my hands no matter what he or she thinks.
I have always wanted my first child to be a daughter, but during my religious period I was afraid of this happening because how can I raise her to be free when I know there are so many restrictions? I always thought if she doesn?t want veil I wont force it on her, but I will marry a woman with a veil so she can teach her about it. And I always thought its not fair that if i have a son as well then I dont need to worry as much. If he does something stupid i can always discipline him with a few slaps, sure this will still hurt me but its out of love and he can take it (i mean i could when growing up). But i could never imagine hurting my daughter, raising my hand on her, ever, that the palm of my hand inflicting pain on her cheek is for me a grotesque thought and act. Never. Ever. I would rather die than hitting my wife. Die a thousands deaths. I want to love women. To be part of their liberation. To watch them succeed as we men have succeeded. Sure there are women who are assholes, but these are their personal traits, not because of their gender. Also, hitting my son is perverse. There surely has to be a better way of disciplining your children.
And now I am free, now I can imagine my first child being a daughter and embracing that wonderful thought. To imagine her in my arms, my little girl looking up to her daddy. To let her be free and have fun. I will still be wary of any guy approaching her, but that?s natural, most if not all fathers think like that. Nobody wants some douche bag hurting your girl. And I im pretty sure I would still want her to dress moderately, i cant imagine a father letting his teenage daughter going around in hot pants. But as an adult, well that?s her choice, haha Im still not going to like it though
A rant I know but i feel relived
I cant wait until I meet that beautiful wife of mine, not yet haha i still have a lot of partying to get done
so we can have children without the fear of them growing up repressed and support them into becoming adults reaching their full intellectual, emotional and creative potential