Re: Political muslims
Reply #8 - December 18, 2009, 01:50 PM
Hello Sarah. They do burn out. I do not know how long it takes. On some occasions, when people actually learn about islam, instead of just reciting, when they look long enough, under the hood of the actual scripture, they apostate but it is not that common that you be so lucky.
More often than not, he will destroy few things on his way to the eventual burn-out.
My advice is go with him on a trip to Europe. Make him watch beautiful things made by kuffars so to speak.
And never ever, accept from him the insults that the koran/islamic scripture throws at women. Put him in the doghouse kicking and screaming if he ever mentions you lack intelligence/religion. If he ever mentions the girl should get half an inheritance. If he ever thinks it is okay to beat you (4:34). Your answer should invariably be something like: "Keep your houris fairytale to yourself, now get your ass on the couch, you are sleeping there tonight".
His answer will always be "But the koran said..". Never fall for it or agree to it. Never discuss koran with him. The koran will always be on his side. If you Two can speak arabic, than it will be worse for you. The English translation tries to make the koran a nicer/modern book. But if he is using Arabic you are more screwed, as the actual Arabic is more backward and cruel.
I want your ego to become bigger than 'his' koran, if you are to get through this storm. For the sake of your sanity, you have to accept that: "You are always right. 'His' Koran is always a fairytale. Whenever he invokes a fairytale from 'his' koran, than you are right, and 'his' fairytale is a fairytale."
If ever you seem to be losing ground to his fairytales, than you can come here with specific questions and we can help you. Please mention at the beginning of any thread you open, that you are "not" interested in apostasy, or interested in 'defending' or 'attacking' islam. So people do not start 'arguing' with you and take their frustration against islam on you.
"Ask the slave girl; she will tell you the truth.' So the Apostle called Burayra to ask her. Ali got up and gave her a violent beating first, saying, 'Tell the Apostle the truth.'"