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 Topic: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!

 (Read 5582 times)
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  • HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     OP - December 20, 2009, 04:31 AM

    Hello all

    sorry for using the programming slang "Hello world" but thats what i learned to say when i am into a new thing.
    I am Abdallah(will thats cynical in this forum i guess Wink ), i am from Palestine, Computer Programmer, tech geek, physics nerd, and until now an in the closet ex-muslim

    I am not sure that I've been one ever, certainly not in the last decade, but i went into religious school where we used to study hadeeth, suna, Islamic governance, and quraan and i was a very bright student at school, however for some reason I've always been called "the atheist"

    so today i decided to put all these religious non-sense all in their proper place and to start a new page in my life, a life that i don't need to worry about any of the following items:
    • Religious people with an IQ less than a 100 lecturing me about allahs great wisdom in his creation and getting every peace of scientific info wrong
    • women inferiority, prosecution, what ever you want to call it, i am not buying it and not interested in causing, or receiving any
    • restriction on freedom of thought and choice, i don't need or want a 10000 year god telling me how to run my life, nor all the people speaking in his name
    • violence, hatred, foolishness, sex obsession, narrow vision, delusions, scene of inferiority...etc

    starting out from today, i am my own king. i believe what i think reasonable, and do what i think fit.
    sorry for the long speech but this is a great leap for me to make, and a sure hope to get to know you people.

  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #1 - December 20, 2009, 05:14 AM

    Welcome my Palestinian friend Afro

    So do you currently live in Palestine, or did you move somewhere else? If you live in Palestine, what is it like seeing all the violence with your own eyes?

    "The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshiped anything but himself."
    ~Sir Richard Francis Burton

    "I think religion is just like smoking: Both invented by people, addictive, harmful, and kills!"
  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #2 - December 20, 2009, 05:25 AM

    Welcome my Palestinian friend Afro

    So do you currently live in Palestine, or did you move somewhere else? If you live in Palestine, what is it like seeing all the violence with your own eyes?

    hello hello Cool Canadian

    well yes i still live in Palestine, Ramallah to be exact, and yes i still have violence in my life

    as a matter of fact i was beaten three weeks ago by several Israeli soldiers who probably thought i am a dirty Muslim, much kind of suck double time when you are an atheist i guess, but always hurts the same

    anyways happy to meet you

  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #3 - December 20, 2009, 05:46 AM

    Welcome to you, and congratulations! It must be a liberating experience. Cheesy
  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #4 - December 20, 2009, 06:06 AM

    Welcome to you, and congratulations! It must be a liberating experience. Cheesy

    glad you had your kicks out of it, i certainly did....

    and yes it was an enlightened experience, as when i thought about it it was what people do, you know believe in some God, hate your enemy, beat up people, explode little babies all that without thinking or reasoning(this goes both ways)

  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #5 - December 20, 2009, 06:14 AM

    hello hello Cool Canadian

    well yes i still live in Palestine, Ramallah to be exact, and yes i still have violence in my life

    as a matter of fact i was beaten three weeks ago by several Israeli soldiers who probably thought i am a dirty Muslim, much kind of suck double time when you are an atheist i guess, but always hurts the same

    anyways happy to meet you

    Hello my friend and welcome to the forum. I am sure you will like it here.

    You know what? The isreali-palastenian strugle is one of the many factors that made me make my mind about the whole Riligion BS and it's delusion effects on people. I quite often, in fact just few days ago, tell people why Allah does not answer the prayers of his slaves/worshipers?

    We have two ancient religions (Jewish and Islam) which came supposedly from the same incompetent God... Killing each other on a price of land that every party in the conflict says That it was given to them by this shorty God. And all these deaths and misery and inhumane events that happened and still happening, and this incompetent God does not interfere!

    So what I tell people is: I am sure millions of devoted Muslims, Jews, and Christians have prayed to Yahwa, Allah, and Jesus, and no answers were heard whatsoever!

    Anyways, I really wish from the bottom of my heart that all becomes well one day! Cry

  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #6 - December 20, 2009, 07:42 AM

    Please tell us about the situation in your homeland from a secular/atheist arab perspective. That'd be very refreshing. Do you think anti-semitism and religious fanaticism is really making the situation much worse than it should be? Do you think your people who have peace if religion was not so rooted in this issue?

    Since you live in Ramallah I guess it's a PA controlled area right? So no Hamas? Are their still extremist fundamentalists in the area imposing their will? Or are the Israelis the bigger problem for you?

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #7 - December 20, 2009, 08:33 AM

    Welcome to the forum.
  • Arab Israli, Athist point of view
     Reply #8 - December 20, 2009, 09:05 AM

    @RIBS thnx very much for your welcome hope we all get rid of all the hatred religion their is

    Please tell us about the situation in your homeland from a secular/atheist arab perspective. That'd be very refreshing. Do you think anti-semitism and religious fanaticism is really making the situation much worse than it should be? Do you think your people who have peace if religion was not so rooted in this issue?

    Since you live in Ramallah I guess it's a PA controlled area right? So no Hamas? Are their still extremist fundamentalists in the area imposing their will? Or are the Israelis the bigger problem for you?

    for the second question, yes i live in a pa controlled area, PA are not as non-religious as you think, its just the hammas propagand, and an atheist isn't  quite welcomed here, however society is a bitch right now for all the miss it is up to and i don't think i can honestly know what is normal. what is good, and what is bad, but i guess a mixture of hamas + isreal is the biggest fear
    i can only answer your first question by telling my story about this issue, well lets get down on this:

    Israeli's are originally are Egyptian slaves promised the land of Palestine as their prize for being god fearing good people so they are the rightful owners of this land praise the lord, and so they fought the original people of the land for it (see the torah for confirmation)

    Palestinians are most likely some tribes that immigrated into that land somewhere from around the Mediterranean and who have reproduced with other people coming to that region (crusaders, southern arab tribes, turkes, romans, greeks, babylons, egyptions...etc)

    now when Israeli's as the torah says succeeded in their seek, the original either immigrated, lived in some areas outside the grasp of the Isreali's or got killed since in that time you cannot become "Isreali" (it is a biological relativity to the 21 tribes of isreal).

    after that the Isreali's had some fighting of their own (Samaritans + Jews) and caused a heck of a miss so the other super powers in the region got rid of them, repeatedly (romans, babylons)

    after that they were kicked out of the land of isreal (Palestine) - actually their are two versions one is that they made too much trouble and blood shedding in the region so the other empires stumped them out , and the other being that they disobeyed god so they no log deserve the land that god promised them -  and you know the story of Christ and them presumably having a hand in that, {whatever}

    where were we, oh yes however the land was soon re-inhibited with god knows who (mixed races) and in fact there are records of Christians, Muslims (who soon after held the region holly), Jews, Samaritans...whatever

    so they all lived a fought and killed each other, wither its under Muslim control, Christian control, or other (however because Muslims were too busy fighting each other apparently other religions survived in the region, on the contrary Christians killed the Jews and Muslims for killing god and missing with his grave respectively, also the Jews killed the Samaritans for not being faithful for the torah and their were a heck much fun in that time)

    so bang came hitler and he started killing jews around the word (who werern't isreali's per say because not all were biological offspring of a jewish women) however because jews were killed and suffuring on the ground of Hitler's religonal view of them being evil, they started trying to make a homeland for their security

    now after Zionists(atheist jew fellows) discussing alternatives in africa, latin america, europe, and asia they desided that the best location is in the historical land of isreal, because they can use religion in their side.

    now British bitches supported this (while occuping most the world and prosecuting irish, hindu, africans...etc a small rotten mouse shit don't seem to matter anyways) so they had isreal come true,

    the real problem began when the inhabitants of the country (Palestinians - although not direct decedents from the original people) that haved lived their for thousands of years to say the least are now being taken away from their land for the sake of some European people who hadn't seen this land or their fathers or their grand father .... etc only because of a god promise that was withdrawn afterwards

    now the Palestinians them selfs are a pretty complex people (jews, muslims, christians, baha'aies, and sameritans to mention a few) and they all believe that god have granted them this land (no need to explanation),

    if you get down on this with the exclusion of religion factor they you have people who haved lived in a place for thousands of years get thrown out for the sake of illegals immigrants (i bet all American do love Maxican people, not to mention red indiens who might be closer to the story)

    on the other hand you see people immigrating out of fear for pursuit of their safty and happiness (wish is not wrong unless you are killing other people for it)  

    now if you add religion to the factor you see the whole god damn lunatic picture that makes life a bag of dirt, Isreali's killing Palestinians and driving them out of their homeland cause god had promised them it and because if they don't make a country of their own some lunatic is going to burn them again

    and on the other hand Palestinians who are a complex mixture of races and religions who think god granted them the land, and that they are the owners since they lived in the land for freaken hell much time than it takes to get a green card,

    put that in the mixture with rabies who think killing Palestinian babies is only toped by killing a pregnant women, add to that the Islamic groups that are trying to gain public influence by fighting the jews and suicide bome babies, throw some patriots on every side, some fuckt up kids, some red nicks here and there, and put some pretty innocent people who just got to be born there....wallah thats pretty much what you have

    oh forgot, their also the foreign interests in the region, and those Christians how think if they allow Israeli's to have their country jesus well come and kill them all

    so i don't think religion is the only problem but i don't think it can make things better around here

    and they lived miserably ever after  Cry

  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #9 - December 20, 2009, 10:00 AM

    jesus christ what a mess....

    anyways on happier notes salam and welcome habibi, glad to have you here Smiley

    tell me, how many atheists/agnostics have you met in your life?
  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #10 - December 20, 2009, 10:10 AM

    jesus christ what a mess....

    anyways on happier notes salam and welcome habibi, glad to have you here Smiley

    tell me, how many atheists/agnostics have you met in your life?

    four but its a wild guess i never asked them  grin12

    nice to meet you by the way

  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #11 - December 20, 2009, 10:22 AM

    Nice to meet you pure.virtual.   Religion may not be the whole source of the problems but it is one of the major contributers (Was watching a video about a battle between the settlers and some Palestinians in Jerusalem, all arguing that god gave them the land and all that bull).  Your post is quite relieving to read.  There might yet be some hope for an agreement to be reached with more people like you in power and with influence over there.

    It saddens me to see the Falastin end up this way and be pissed on by everyone.  I have met some very intelligent, hard working and rational people from there.

    "Modern man's great illusion has been to convince himself that of all that has gone before he represents the zenith of human accomplishment, but can't summon the mental powers to read anything more demanding than emoticons. Fascinating. "

    One very horny Turk I met on the net.
  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #12 - December 20, 2009, 10:29 AM

    Welcome, and I hope you continue to enjoy & use the forum - how did you come across it?

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #13 - December 20, 2009, 10:45 AM

    Welcome Habibi. Enjoy your stay in the forum, hope you find it interesting.

    [Long story here]

    Finally hearing the story from a balanced point of view.

    Just a question though. Are Jews generally hostile to Palestinians and vice-versa or are there many open-minded people who would not mind co-existence with each other?

    "In every time and culture there are pressures to conform to the prevailing prejudices. But there are also, in every place and epoch, those who value the truth; who record the evidence faithfully. Future generations are in their debt." -Carl Sagan

  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #14 - December 20, 2009, 10:56 AM

    Welcome, and I hope you continue to enjoy & use the forum - how did you come across it?  grin12

    Welcome Habibi. Enjoy your stay in the forum, hope you find it interesting.
    Finally hearing the story from a balanced point of view.

    Just a question though. Are Jews generally hostile to Palestinians and vice-versa or are there many open-minded people who would not mind co-existence with each other?

    pretty much yes, they hate each other and they god damn right about it, i wouldn't love the soldiers who beaten me up, and i don't like the notation of them taken over my country because someone hurt them

    and they don't like the notation of what they see a third world man trying to take over their state dream {and god promise}, in addition that i do believe they are {mostly but not all} resist MF, and dick heads

    down to the earth their has to be a compromise, and its the only way out (other than a good biblical killing each other out)

    peace and out

  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #15 - December 20, 2009, 10:59 AM

    Nice to meet you pure.virtual.   Religion may not be the whole source of the problems but it is one of the major contributers (Was watching a video about a battle between the settlers and some Palestinians in Jerusalem, all arguing that god gave them the land and all that bull).  Your post is quite relieving to read.  There might yet be some hope for an agreement to be reached with more people like you in power and with influence over there.

    It saddens me to see the Falastin end up this way and be pissed on by everyone.  I have met some very intelligent, hard working and rational people from there.

    nice to meet u 2 buddy, anyways anticipate the worse hope for the best

  • Re: Arab Israli, Athist point of view
     Reply #16 - December 20, 2009, 01:13 PM

    @RIBS thnx very much for your welcome hope we all get rid of all the hatred religion their is

    for the second question, yes i live in a pa controlled area, PA are not as non-religious as you think, its just the hammas propagand, and an atheist isn't  quite welcomed here, however society is a bitch right now for all the miss it is up to and i don't think i can honestly know what is normal. what is good, and what is bad, but i guess a mixture of hamas + isreal is the biggest fear
    i can only answer your first question by telling my story about this issue, well lets get down on this:

    Israeli's are originally are Egyptian slaves promised the land of Palestine as their prize for being god fearing good people so they are the rightful owners of this land praise the lord, and so they fought the original people of the land for it (see the torah for confirmation)

    Palestinians are most likely some tribes that immigrated into that land somewhere from around the Mediterranean and who have reproduced with other people coming to that region (crusaders, southern arab tribes, turkes, romans, greeks, babylons, egyptions...etc)

    now when Israeli's as the torah says succeeded in their seek, the original either immigrated, lived in some areas outside the grasp of the Isreali's or got killed since in that time you cannot become "Isreali" (it is a biological relativity to the 21 tribes of isreal).

    after that the Isreali's had some fighting of their own (Samaritans + Jews) and caused a heck of a miss so the other super powers in the region got rid of them, repeatedly (romans, babylons)

    after that they were kicked out of the land of isreal (Palestine) - actually their are two versions one is that they made too much trouble and blood shedding in the region so the other empires stumped them out , and the other being that they disobeyed god so they no log deserve the land that god promised them -  and you know the story of Christ and them presumably having a hand in that, {whatever}

    where were we, oh yes however the land was soon re-inhibited with god knows who (mixed races) and in fact there are records of Christians, Muslims (who soon after held the region holly), Jews, Samaritans...whatever

    so they all lived a fought and killed each other, wither its under Muslim control, Christian control, or other (however because Muslims were too busy fighting each other apparently other religions survived in the region, on the contrary Christians killed the Jews and Muslims for killing god and missing with his grave respectively, also the Jews killed the Samaritans for not being faithful for the torah and their were a heck much fun in that time)

    so bang came hitler and he started killing jews around the word (who werern't isreali's per say because not all were biological offspring of a jewish women) however because jews were killed and suffuring on the ground of Hitler's religonal view of them being evil, they started trying to make a homeland for their security

    now after Zionists(atheist jew fellows) discussing alternatives in africa, latin america, europe, and asia they desided that the best location is in the historical land of isreal, because they can use religion in their side.

    now British bitches supported this (while occuping most the world and prosecuting irish, hindu, africans...etc a small rotten mouse shit don't seem to matter anyways) so they had isreal come true,

    the real problem began when the inhabitants of the country (Palestinians - although not direct decedents from the original people) that haved lived their for thousands of years to say the least are now being taken away from their land for the sake of some European people who hadn't seen this land or their fathers or their grand father .... etc only because of a god promise that was withdrawn afterwards

    now the Palestinians them selfs are a pretty complex people (jews, muslims, christians, baha'aies, and sameritans to mention a few) and they all believe that god have granted them this land (no need to explanation),

    if you get down on this with the exclusion of religion factor they you have people who haved lived in a place for thousands of years get thrown out for the sake of illegals immigrants (i bet all American do love Maxican people, not to mention red indiens who might be closer to the story)

    on the other hand you see people immigrating out of fear for pursuit of their safty and happiness (wish is not wrong unless you are killing other people for it)  

    now if you add religion to the factor you see the whole god damn lunatic picture that makes life a bag of dirt, Isreali's killing Palestinians and driving them out of their homeland cause god had promised them it and because if they don't make a country of their own some lunatic is going to burn them again

    and on the other hand Palestinians who are a complex mixture of races and religions who think god granted them the land, and that they are the owners since they lived in the land for freaken hell much time than it takes to get a green card,

    put that in the mixture with rabies who think killing Palestinian babies is only toped by killing a pregnant women, add to that the Islamic groups that are trying to gain public influence by fighting the jews and suicide bome babies, throw some patriots on every side, some fuckt up kids, some red nicks here and there, and put some pretty innocent people who just got to be born there....wallah thats pretty much what you have

    oh forgot, their also the foreign interests in the region, and those Christians how think if they allow Israeli's to have their country jesus well come and kill them all

    so i don't think religion is the only problem but i don't think it can make things better around here

    and they lived miserably ever after  Cry

    Holly Molly Guacamole! No wonder the middle east is in deep shit!

  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #17 - December 20, 2009, 01:43 PM

    Welcome Abdullah! Its good to have a palestenian ex-muslim here. I'm also in a muslim country right now (pakistan) but am planning to move out soon.

    Good luck and hope that you stick around and share your views with us!

    Is there much demand for a computer programmer in palestine or are you freelancing overseas?
  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #18 - December 20, 2009, 02:35 PM

    Welcome Abdullah! Glad to see a fellow ex-muslim announcing his apostasy Smiley

    Be yourself.
  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #19 - December 20, 2009, 02:40 PM

    Hello mate, welcome to the forums  Afro

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #20 - December 20, 2009, 06:26 PM

    Welcome.   Smiley

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #21 - December 20, 2009, 10:15 PM

    Welcome pure.virtual  Greetings

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #22 - December 21, 2009, 12:35 AM

    hi all and thanx for your welcoming  Afro

    for your question "liberated" yes we do tend to get busy but i don't work in outsourcing, though our company exports to several countries in the region

  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #23 - December 21, 2009, 08:21 AM

    Hiya, and welcome to the forum. Man, you have your work cut out for you living in a place like that. Can't say I envy you that one. It must be like living in a mental asylum half the time.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #24 - December 21, 2009, 03:51 PM

    Have you ever thrown rocks at IDF soldiers?

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #25 - December 22, 2009, 07:11 AM

    Have you ever thrown rocks at IDF soldiers?

    no....but sometimes i wish i did, although i am not a violent person

    and you should call them IOF not IDF

  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #26 - December 22, 2009, 07:18 AM

    welcome to the forum buddy

    Fellow Atheist here

    Glad to hear your story. Please stay safe!
  • Re: HELLO WORLD!!!!!!
     Reply #27 - December 25, 2009, 04:32 AM

    Welcome and stay safe. Tough times where u at obviously.

    "The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."
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