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 Topic: Inspiring words

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  • Inspiring words
     OP - December 22, 2009, 02:19 PM

    I saw this on another site and thought the words were inspiring and have a lot of truth in them.

    Yes, Islam is in grave danger. Never, since its inception, Islam has faced a threat as serious as this. Today, millions of ex-Muslims are questioning the claimed truth of Islam, can make their criticisms heard worldwide, and unlike before, not fear for their lives.  As long as these questions are not answered, this trend is only bound to continue, until the trickle becomes a torrent and the fall of Islam becomes obvious.  In the past, the critics of Islam briefly shined like lamps in darkness, only to be put out by winds of persecution. What is happening today can be likened to the break of the dawn.  Darkness has no chance in front of this much light.  Muslims are waking up and leaving Islam like never before. A spiritual and intellectual revolution is underway.  This is the century of enlightenment of the benighted Muslims. The giant is finally awakening.  The days of Islam are numbered.  This demon of hate and ignorance will be slain by the hands of its own primary victims.  The unity of mankind and the world peace are around the corner. Please advertise this challenge. Every Muslim must see it.  This is like throwing water on their fire. Nothing will dampen their zeal more than the realization that among a billion Muslims there is not a single scholar who can prove the wild claims of Muhammad, nor acquit him of these grave charges. This unmet challenge has a sobering effect on them.  They can make any excuse, such as, I am not worth their response, that there have been greater men than me who opposed Islam, or that I have been refuted already, but they will not be able to fool themselves.  The more this challenge is circulated, the more Muslims will be forced to remain silent and doubt Islam.  Do not undermine the psychological effect of this impossible challenge. Sincerely Ali Sina


    It is actually true what it says, that the days of islam are numbered and this is the century of enlightenment of benighted muslims? Thoughts?
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #1 - December 22, 2009, 02:21 PM

    Today, millions of ex-Muslims

    I doubt that number, infact from the moment I read that idealistic number I just couldn't give credit to the rest of that quote.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #2 - December 22, 2009, 02:23 PM

    I agree with Berbs on this point. That figure quoted seems way too good to be true and an over estimate.
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #3 - December 22, 2009, 02:25 PM

    Exactly, there might be millions of non practising naughty muslims, but that's still not an ex muslim.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #4 - December 22, 2009, 02:25 PM

    The number may be credible if you take into account the many non-practicing muslims or people who are apostates in their heart but don't come out
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #5 - December 22, 2009, 02:27 PM

    If they are apostates in their heart, but haven't come out, even online, then how can they even be factored into the number?  it's far too much fantasy guesswork.

    Also non practising naughty muslims make the best jihadis in their turn around part of their life, being a non practiser as I said above, doesn't make an ex muslim.

    My ex husband barely prayed or fasted, but boy oh boy was he the evil jihadi wannabe muslim.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #6 - December 22, 2009, 02:31 PM

    Well, considering that there are billions of muslims all over the world, I think at least 1 million of them should be non-believers in their heart but don't come out for a variety of reasons, like family, fear of death, not being computer literate enough to find websites like this one, or simply not interested in anything to do with religion.

    But yea, even if the number sounds over-optimistic, the rest of the paragraph is a good read imo  Kiss
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #7 - December 22, 2009, 06:13 PM

    Also non practising naughty muslims make the best jihadis in their turn around part of their life, being a non practiser as I said above, doesn't make an ex muslim.

    My ex husband barely prayed or fasted, but boy oh boy was he the evil jihadi wannabe muslim.

    Yep. And non practicing Muslims can often be just as bigoted and religiously fanatical as their conservative counterparts. They have this jekyl and hyde persona, schizo almost. After I fell away from religion some of the most judgemental and nasty people were dudes who were themselves non-practicing muslims. And they have the nerve to judge me for being honest!

    Until you philosophically and deliberately separate your mind from the Islamic-worldview, you're not really a secular or liberal even.

    Ali fucking Sina...  whistling2

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #8 - December 22, 2009, 06:21 PM

    What's wrong with ali sina? Seems like a decent guy apart from the slight over-optimism on the number of ex muslims  Huh?
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #9 - December 22, 2009, 06:23 PM

    If by 'decent guy' you mean 'completely insane' then I agree with you whole heartedly!

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #10 - December 22, 2009, 06:32 PM

    what has he done?  wacko
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #11 - December 22, 2009, 06:32 PM

    What's wrong with ali sina? Seems like a decent guy apart from the slight over-optimism on the number of ex muslims  Huh?

    He calls muslims sub human, believes aliens are amongst us, and has the most insane obama conspiracy theories ever.

    I don't know about you as an ex muslim, but my sister is a muslim and she isn't sub human.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #12 - December 22, 2009, 06:35 PM

    Any links to where i can read the obama/alien stuff he said?

    I'll give him a benefit of doubt regarding the subhuman comment and assume he meant fundamentalist muslims/religious folks
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #13 - December 22, 2009, 06:40 PM

    I'm not sure about lately, but the infuriating debate about aliens was in their secret subforum over at FFI so I don't have a link.  Myself, cheetah and osmanthus were members there.  Cheetah was banned, as was I.

    As to the obama stuff,

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #14 - December 22, 2009, 07:05 PM

    Any links to where i can read the obama/alien stuff he said?

    I'll give him a benefit of doubt regarding the subhuman comment and assume he meant fundamentalist muslims/religious folks

    No, he means all of them. The guy is crazy, it's a shame really. He has done some amazing stuff.
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #15 - December 22, 2009, 07:10 PM

    Ali Sina is a classic victim of Islam. I feel kind of sorry for him. He has been staring into the abyss of Muhammad's mind for so long that the abyss has stared deep into him. He has reacted to the madness of Islam with madness of his own. Sad.

    And frankly anyone who is a 'birther' is automatically an unstable nut as far as I'm concerned.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #16 - December 22, 2009, 07:12 PM

    That obama stuff is indeed very lame. But again, that doesn't mean all of his good stuff should be boycotted - just like if it was proved that charles darwin was a rapist and pedophile it won't make the theory of evolution wrong  yes. I think the words i posted above are still inspirational.. lets judge the words only and not the man  Afro
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #17 - December 22, 2009, 07:16 PM

    Ali Sina is no Darwin lol. His only claim to fame is being one of the first ex-muslims on the net and exposing people to criticism of Islam. That he deserves thanks for. But aside from that what "idea" has he put forth that wasn't already there? He does't own the ex-muslim label, nor did he invent it. He's just a nutter who happened to be their first on the net.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #18 - December 22, 2009, 07:20 PM

    Aside from his obvious flaws.. he did have some good arguments, didn't he?

    "Modern man's great illusion has been to convince himself that of all that has gone before he represents the zenith of human accomplishment, but can't summon the mental powers to read anything more demanding than emoticons. Fascinating. "

    One very horny Turk I met on the net.
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #19 - December 22, 2009, 07:23 PM

    I don't think Ali Sina should be tossed away so lightly. What he did was courageous and has paved the way for so many other ex-muslims to come out and has put the critical light on Islam. Yes he's a loonatic and a dickhead but he still deserves some praise (as well as criticism).
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #20 - December 22, 2009, 07:25 PM

    Oh yeah, no doubt he was a great debunker of Islam, very thorough and devastating. Props to him for that.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #21 - December 22, 2009, 07:26 PM


    Courageus? Naw. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is courageous. Wafa Sultan is courageous. Irshad Manji is courageous... this nigga ain't courageous. He hasn't even shown his face in public!

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #22 - December 22, 2009, 08:28 PM

    He's at least running a (seemingly) popular website about the criticism of Islam and none of the muslim 'scholars' have been able to refute his 'challenge' so far? Anyway, back to the topic. What does everyone think of the words, does it seem likely that this'll be the century of enlightenment for muslims?

  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #23 - December 22, 2009, 08:32 PM

    It's sounds over exaggerated. There will be no 'enlightenment' because the enlightenment already happened in the 17th/18th century. It's been done. He's fantasising of some epic fall of Islam like a hollywood lord of the rings battle. It's bullshit. Islam will either drag Muslims to their annihilation or it will adapt to the modern world slowly and secularise itself. And it will take time, and lots of sadness and bloodhsed in between.

    The quote reveals a person in la la land, imo.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #24 - December 22, 2009, 08:32 PM


    Courageus? Naw. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is courageous. Wafa Sultan is courageous. Irshad Manji is courageous... this nigga ain't courageous. He hasn't even shown his face in public!

    Courage means more than just showing your face.
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #25 - December 22, 2009, 09:19 PM

    Courage means more than just showing your face.

    Yeah, but I fail to see how posting your opinions online, completely anonymously, is courageous. Seems to really water down the meaning of "courage"

    fuck you
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #26 - December 22, 2009, 09:29 PM

    Well I wont say he's more courageous then people like Wafa and Ibn Warraq because he isn't, not by a long shot but what he has taken on some knowledgeable people. That does involve some courage as well as other things. Plus the fact that he actually did it rather then being one of those people on the sidelines saying they want to do it but never actually will makes him somewhat respectable.

    His loony side shouldn't be ignored but I don't think the good he's done should be totally ignored.
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #27 - December 22, 2009, 09:43 PM

    Well I wont say he's more courageous then people like Wafa and Ibn Warraq because he isn't, not by a long shot but what he has taken on some knowledgeable people.

    I'd really like to know who these "knowledgeable" people are? I'm not interested in browsing through the FFI site. But if you do recall any names, please run them by me. I'm sure Ali Sina is accomplished, but I have a certain threshold about people who I might class as knowledgeable and ranking amongst these people are Hamza Yusuf, Abdal Hakim Murad and Tariq Ramadhan. These are the next batch of people that I would like Ali Sina to challenge, if he hasn't already done so.
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #28 - December 22, 2009, 09:51 PM

    He's debated with Javed Ghamidi and Khalid Zaheer. You can see the debate here:

    I haven't had a chance to read it yet, it was recommended by another user here who's opinion I respect. It spans over 200 pages.
  • Re: Inspiring words
     Reply #29 - December 22, 2009, 10:10 PM

    Ali Sina is a cautionary tale - Islam really can drive people nuts, even when they reject it. Its so easy to lose your perspective and mind, even to the extent of mimicking some of the madness of Islam in rejecting it.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

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