The worry about Ali Sina I have is this.
Its to do with credibility. The problem is that ex-Muslims and Muslim dissenters are going to be attacked from so many angles by people from within Islam. Everyone knows that. One thing you will always face, is bare faced slander about your motives and agenda. The one thing ex-Muslims have as their strength is their integrity and their credibility. Not only to withstand the slings and arrows of the hysterics from within Islam, but attacks that are made from the more inverted parts of the secular-left, who try to sniff out any signs of 'Uncle Tom' and take their cue from the ideologues of the Islamism - Left alliance, who want to portray any opposition to Islam as inspired by bigotry, racism, Islamophobia, Neo-Con Zionism, etc etc etc
Now, when you exist in such an environment, if it is true as some have said, that he says Muslims are sub-human, and asserts the truly lunatic, about how aliens exist, allying yourself with the most demented right-wing hysterics about Obama.....these things immediately destroy your credibility. He begins to resemble the most bizarre conspiracy theorising Islamic extremist, who looks at non Muslims not as individuals but as animals worthy of contempt - except his conspiracy and contempt come from the opposite direction.
Its hard enough for ex-Muslims and Muslim dissenters as it is. Ali Sina, whilst he might have done or said some important things when he first started, slowly revealed himself to be a liability to the movement.
The type of muslims who would use Ali Sina to attack ex-muslims as a whole are not worth our time.
Fuck credibility, you make it sound like family honour. We shouldn't care if some crazy ex-muslim is getting the fame, we ex-muslims are not one unified group and we should never act like we are. We shouldn't care if Ali Sina is getting the limelight, it means nothing to us as a whole. We all have our individual reasons for leaving Islam and when you debate with a muslim this is all that really matters.
Muslims already attack our credibility and integrity without the need of Ali Sina, to them we only left Islam so we can enjoy the haram things in the world or because we were misguided. It's up to us to show otherwise and that is the most important thing of all. What Ali Sina does in his spare time doesn't mean anything. He's paved the way for us and it's time for the rest of us to share the limelight and help others.
Both CEMB and FFI are important, they both appeal to different types of muslims wavering in their faith. Some muslims need our soft approach to show them the way while others need the brutal approach by FFI.