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 Topic: Why do muslims make up lies to defend islam?

 (Read 3094 times)
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  • Why do muslims make up lies to defend islam?
     OP - December 28, 2009, 10:31 PM

    I've noticed this and thought this was really weird. Why would anyone make up lies knowingly to justify stuff about Islam?

    As an example I was recently talking to a muslim on the internet about 2 verses in quran which contradict each other. They're talking about the battle of badr, one says that allah promised to help muslims with 3000 angels, the 2nd says the same thing but with 1000 angels. I showed her this, and she goes, no, this isn't talking about badr, this is a general thing that if you're pious allah will send angels to protect you. I was like  Huh?. Why would you lie to defend this?

    Seriously, when I was a muslim, if someone gave that sort of evidence to me it would make me very much doubt islam and i'd never lie to justify the verse.. or may I would too  wacko.

    Btw, this page shows the verses I was talking about if anyone is interested:
  • Re: Why do muslims make up lies to defend islam?
     Reply #1 - December 28, 2009, 10:53 PM

    Denial, delusion. I can list many possible reasons but the mindset of Muslims in general is stiff and uncompromising in that they will never accept criticism against their prophet, book or religion. Islam is usually at the centre of many Muslims' lives or taught to be that way so as a Muslim there is also that fear of being an outcast in your own family and community. When engaging in conversation regarding islam with Muslims I would be very careful and delicate. The most I would try to do is raise another perspective of looking at Islam and try to get them to question their beliefs if I feel the individual is not too close-minded.

    "The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."
  • Re: Why do muslims make up lies to defend islam?
     Reply #2 - December 29, 2009, 03:54 AM

    The age-old interpretation game. You almost never win. The best you can do is to point out interesting inconsistencies and let them ponder on it. Some heads will simmer, some will boil. Wink

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  • Re: Why do muslims make up lies to defend islam?
     Reply #3 - December 29, 2009, 06:15 AM

    i used to think very much of those two verses...
    so had god sent angles to support Muslims they sure should win, but whey Muslims aren't winning in other places in the world like palestine???
    don't those Muslims deserve support???

    to me the idea of angles fighting side by side with people was really sick and unbelievable. for example if the kufar of kurash had sensed an invisible force fighting with Mo shouldn't they believe???

    so if you ask me, this whole thing is layering one lie over another

  • Re: Why do muslims make up lies to defend islam?
     Reply #4 - December 29, 2009, 08:06 AM

    Because reality conflicts with it.

    The foundation of superstition is ignorance, the
    superstructure is faith and the dome is a vain hope. Superstition
    is the child of ignorance and the mother of misery.
    -Robert G. Ingersoll (1898)

     "Do time ninjas have this ability?" "Yeah. Only they stay silent and aren't douchebags."  -Ibl
  • Re: Why do muslims make up lies to defend islam?
     Reply #5 - December 29, 2009, 09:34 AM

    I would get quiet if I couldn't defend Islam. If somebody confronted me with evidence that I couldn't disprove. Or sometimes I would try to argue logically. But I don't think I would lie, maybe twist the truth on some occasions? But I'd feel guilty doing that. That's why I went to the scholars, and the apologetics. And I realized they're using the same arguments everybody else is. And the arguments aren?t really that good, a few solid counter-arguments and you?re pretty much done. Unless they?re dishonest and straight up lie.  Now that pisses me off. Lying and being dishonest in a full-frontal manner sickens me. Especially coming from a religious person, a "pious" person, that should know and act better, at least that?s what they keep ramming down our throats. If you call them on their lie they?ll give justifications, like how they want to save people, its for the greater good. As if that sanctimonious bullshit cant be used by a Satanist or an Atheist or simply put, somebody that doesn?t follow your religion. Motherfucker God is supposed to save people. And he uses you to lie and deceit us into heaven? 
  • Re: Why do muslims make up lies to defend islam?
     Reply #6 - December 29, 2009, 11:23 PM

    my mom literally told me if she found out if it wasn't real, she'd kill herself. then she constantly argues with me on leading the path to helll. very tough situation.

    very funny 'cause we've been going to majalises for the past few days. and the mullanah was talking about REFUTING EVOLUTION AND DARWANISM, and my mom clearly selectively "didn't hear" it 'cause she big on the whole science thing.

    it's shocking to say the least, when education conflicts with religion, you ignore it or ignore your education. such a sad life.

    Closets after closets
  • Re: Why do muslims make up lies to defend islam?
     Reply #7 - December 30, 2009, 12:02 AM

    my mom literally told me if she found out if it wasn't real, she'd kill herself. then she constantly argues with me on leading the path to helll. very tough situation.

    very funny 'cause we've been going to majalises for the past few days. and the mullanah was talking about REFUTING EVOLUTION AND DARWANISM, and my mom clearly selectively "didn't hear" it 'cause she big on the whole science thing.

    it's shocking to say the least, when education conflicts with religion, you ignore it or ignore your education. such a sad life.

    It is even more shocking when fucking idiots within the Muslim community are worshipped as if they were the fountain of all wisdom and knowledge - Sheikhs being put into positions of influence in their community and are about as fucking thick as a four by two; regurgitating and no thinking or reflecting. If there was anything that destroys the credibility of Islam the most would be its followers.

    "It's just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up." - Muhammad Ali
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