Okay, two things, and then I'll stop picking on you. grin12
On the contrary, please do keep on. I'm not here to win any debate or score any points. That's absolutely not my aim. I joined this forum to get as much knowledge as possible and that only can be achieved if you guys keep correcting me

Firstly, that film doesn't raise any good points, it merely tells plausible sounding lies.
Skepticism is fine, just don't become so open minded that your brains fall out
I don't think I'm excessively open-minded. You make it sound as if I'm Alex Jones or something

. Like I said, I genuinely believe that there was a Jesus of Nazareth but I can't certainly rule out theories that argue otherwise. It's an 8 for me, 10 being absolutely certain that he existed and 0 being absolutely certain that he didn't. Also, I'm a solid 9 on the existence of God (10 being certain he doesn't exist). It's just an innate nature of mine which I don't think is unhealthy at all. However I can tell you for sure I'm a 10 on Elvis being alive, everywhere and everything!!
As for the movie. I admit I haven't done much research on the historicity of Jesus so thank you for pointing it out. I will try to watch it again soon and then discuss with you the points that raised my doubt at the time

Secondly, Stephen Jay Gould's theory of punctuated equilibrium is part of modern evolutionary theory, not an alternative to it.
I don't know what you mean by modern evolutionary theory. From my understanding of it, evolution as a process has now been observed and is therefore a scientific fact. Evolution by natural selection is a the most plausible and widely-accepted theory hypothesized by Darwin in On the Origin of Species. Punctuated equilibrium is an evolutionary theory that is pretty much in harmony with Darwin's theory except when it comes to the specific mechanisms of the evolutionary process. In order to explain the gaps in the fossil record, it proposes that there must have been rapid, random, and sudden changes along the way. This of course contradicts Darwinian gradualism which even Darwin himself questioned.
Many evolutionary biologists incorporate the theories but some do not. Both Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett have challenged Gould for different reasons.
Again, if I made any mistakes then please do correct me.
like Bill Maher, end up buying into nonsense like the anti-vaccine scares.
I ain't no idolater but I have to defend him on this one. He was simply misunderstood. He said on his show (which I never miss) and on Jay Leno that it was taken out of context and that he is no conspiracy theorist. If you haven't watched any of that then please do watch this interview from 05:10 onwards so that you can hear it from the man himself. In the interview he refers to
this survey which proves he didn't simply "buy into scares".