I think Liberated and who the hell ever else need to read the stories on this page if they think getting an abortion is just a formality.
You're trying to downplay its effect on a woman as if it becomes an afterhtought. here's a little example of what it can do if it means anything:
After it was over, i went home and stayed in bed for 3 days. I told my dad and he cried. He would let me touch him for four months after that. he brought me a book to write in. I tried commiting suicide twice. Even now i am crying and its been 3 years.
http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Had-An-Abortion/837716I cant be bothered to go thru 17 pages of this shit so here is the def of an appeal to consequences from wikipedia if it hasnt already been posted. I know Ceetah mentioned it on the first page:
Appeal to consequences, also known as argumentum ad consequentiam (Latin for argument to the consequences), is an argument that concludes a premise (typically a belief) to be either true or false based on whether the premise leads to desirable or undesirable consequences. This is based on an appeal to emotion and is a form of logical fallacy, since the desirability of a consequence does not address the truth value of the premise. Moreover, in categorizing consequences as either desirable or undesirable, such arguments inherently contain subjective points of view.
sorry if all this is being repeated ad infinitum
A thing is not right or wrong based on its fucking consequences, so this line of reasoning could never lead to a logical conclusion, but you've remained to stick woth it for 17 pages, so I suspect this will fall on deaf ears.