I'm sure when abortions were first talked about people thought of them as wacko and weird too!
You are talking about an unresolved issue. Abortion is still a very debated subject, not a resolved one. For example, I am against it unless it's a case of rape, danger to the life of the mother or child and serious health problems on the child. Abortion should not be birthcontrol.
Try to think about what I'm saying with an open mind.
I am. Most of us are. And it's still crazy.
A man has biological right over the child just like the woman does.
He does partially because the child will not grow inside his body and he will not have to deliver it nor to abort it.
A man has a right to not become a father if he is not ready.
He does. It's called "giving up a father's parental rights" and it's a legal procedure. I know people who did it.
An early-stage abortion is a humane and pain-free procedure, relatively easy especially for a woman who is ready to go through childbirth.
You should really do a little bit more research on abortion procedures. Futhermore, sometimes pregnancy can go unnoticed for months due to many factors, such as a possible vaginal bleeding that can be mistaken by menstruation.