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  • Question: Should men have the right to have a baby aborted when they're not ready for it?
  • Yes - 10 (19.6%)
  • No - 41 (80.4%)
  • Total Voters: 51

 Topic: Men's right to abortions

 (Read 57046 times)
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  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #90 - December 30, 2009, 12:09 AM

    Yes, but its the man's sperm in her body, isn't it? And its the man's life who will get affected if he is forced to become a father. Why is that neglected so easily and carelessly?

    Because the man does not have to go through the inconveniences that come with being pregnant and giving birth to it.  If you take into account the whole process, the woman has a far greater role and goes through far greater risks.  Also, there is the issue of forcing someone else to go undergo a procedure on her body and not yours.  If it goes wrong, she suffers not the man

    "Modern man's great illusion has been to convince himself that of all that has gone before he represents the zenith of human accomplishment, but can't summon the mental powers to read anything more demanding than emoticons. Fascinating. "

    One very horny Turk I met on the net.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #91 - December 30, 2009, 12:13 AM

    There should be a 'digging yourself a hole' smilie.  whistling2

    There is:  goodnight


    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #92 - December 30, 2009, 12:15 AM

    I know for sure that I will not want to abandon a child because of the guilt factor of how it would grow up without a dad, it would start to hate me when it grows up, etc.

    If only you gave this much love and sympathy to the girl you want to force a procedure on. I don't think she'd be too happy with you either...
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #93 - December 30, 2009, 12:16 AM

    Hot damn! lol, dedicated to our dearest forced-abortion advocate:

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #94 - December 30, 2009, 12:21 AM

    I'd like to see a source for your estimate too btw. Last I checked there were no time limits to feeling depressed over abortions. I'd also like to see a study to show that mourning for longer then you feel is normal indicates psychological problems.

    My study showed no time limit. Mental health problems can last for years.

    My estimate is based on the many people I know who have dead relatives whom they have known for all their lives. None stay depressed for more than a couple of months - an year. Yes, if you bring it up, they will get sad and possibly cry, but in their day-to-day life they just don't think about it. On the basis of that if a woman is still mourning an unborn fetus for years who was only alive for a week - a month - its my personal opinion that she's faking it to get attention, which then indicates other psychological problems.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #95 - December 30, 2009, 12:23 AM

    Hot damn! lol, dedicated to our dearest forced-abortion advocate:

    (Clicky for piccy!)

    Would you like to explan the logic behind this gem? 001_wub
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #96 - December 30, 2009, 12:25 AM

    I reckon any man who gets pregnant should have the right to have an abortion. Next question? parrot

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #97 - December 30, 2009, 12:27 AM

    I reckon any man who gets pregnant should have the right to have an abortion. Next question? parrot

    Next question: What if the man wants to have the baby but the woman is not ready to become a mother, should the man force his choice upon the woman and force her to become a mother, thereby violating her rights? And further force her to pay child support too?
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #98 - December 30, 2009, 12:38 AM

    Well technically the man would be the mother and the answer to that would be yes.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #99 - December 30, 2009, 12:44 AM

    My estimate is based on the many people I know who have dead relatives whom they have known for all their lives. None stay depressed for more than a couple of months - an year. Yes, if you bring it up, they will get sad and possibly cry, but in their day-to-day life they just don't think about it. On the basis of that if a woman is still mourning an unborn fetus for years who was only alive for a week - a month - its my personal opinion that she's faking it to get attention, which then indicates other psychological problems.

    Well that's all I need then! Roll Eyes

    Not many people cry in their day to day life, that is not the point at all. We are talking about a trauma caused by the abortion that can affect them for years to come. Not to mention you are violating their body integrity by forcing a procedure which will cause even more psychological distress then an abortion which is performed by choice.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #100 - December 30, 2009, 12:55 AM

    I love it when Jeremy Kyle always puts men in place for as he puts it 'not sticking something on the end of it'.

    "The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #101 - December 30, 2009, 12:59 AM

    I love it when Jeremy Kyle always puts men in place for as he puts it 'not sticking something on the end of it'.

    You watch Jeremy Kyle??!!  ugh..  Jerry Springer was a bit amusing for a while considering the utter depravity it featured, but Jeremy Kyle... 


    "Modern man's great illusion has been to convince himself that of all that has gone before he represents the zenith of human accomplishment, but can't summon the mental powers to read anything more demanding than emoticons. Fascinating. "

    One very horny Turk I met on the net.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #102 - December 30, 2009, 01:01 AM

    You watch Jeremy Kyle??!!  ugh..  Jerry Springer was a bit amusing for a while considering the utter depravity it featured, but Jeremy Kyle... 


    lol not anymore. Jeremy Kyle actually gets shits done. Jerry Springer just sits there while the people on the show try to kill each other.

    "The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #103 - December 30, 2009, 01:20 AM

    Oops... didn't read the OP before voting... thought this was about pregnant men - so voted 'yes' -_-

    "...every imperfection in man is a bond with heaven..." - Karl Marx
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #104 - December 30, 2009, 01:28 AM

    Pregnant men? Huh?
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #105 - December 30, 2009, 01:32 AM

    There have been cases recently - transsexuals... and one guy whose 'feutus' was his Siamese twin which had turned into a hairy tumour - I think he had a right to that abortion... ><

    "...every imperfection in man is a bond with heaven..." - Karl Marx
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #106 - December 30, 2009, 01:33 AM

    So a woman's rights to bodily integrity etc should not be violated.

    But what about the man's rights to say no to becoming a father and choosing not to have his offspring come into the world? The fetus in her womb comes from his sperm.

    Oh wait, men don't have any rights, they don't even matter, so its OK for women to trample over their rights in this case and then later make the father the most important figure in the life of the baby to get the man's money and attentions. If the man speaks of his rights, just cry a little and talk about the traumas of abortion to appeal to the protective instincts of the man.

    To be fair, I agree that a woman should not be forced to go under a medical procedure, but:

    1) What about the rights of the man which are violated.
    2) The woman will be undergoing a medical procedure regardless, and childbirth is a more painful & riskier procedure than abortion.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #107 - December 30, 2009, 01:48 AM

    Giving birth and removing a fetus are two VERY different procedures. They aren't even comparable! And you are completely ignoring how difficult it can be to have an abortion! It is almost comparable to murder! I am 100% pro-abortion but if I had a child growing inside me I would find it immensely difficult to terminate, it is still my child regardless of whether it isn't developed yet. I don't want any kids ever but abortion will still feel like murder to me as it is my child growing. It will affect me for the rest of my life (and no, that doesn't mean I will cry every other day, depression goes much deeper then that). Of course this isn't to say all women who cant go through abortions feel the same as me, this is just one example of the emotional baggage an abortion carries for the woman, which you have no problems ignoring. Just a simple 30 minute procedure my ass.

    Women aren't doing this to men on purpose! We have the hardest decision! And to force us to terminate a baby growing inside us is so inhumane I don't even know how to react to it! Just try and understand what you're asking us to do and have some fucking empathy ffs!

    If you don't want a kid then don't take the risk! It's that simple. Or use the back entrance, whatever (but even that has a risk). Both genders take the chance and both have to live with the consequences. Not just men. Grow up and learn to take responsibility for your actions!

  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #108 - December 30, 2009, 01:52 AM

    This is by far the craziest thread I've ever read in CEMB. Couldn't even resist not to talk like I mostly avoid.

    I agree with most people here. It's a biological procedure. Period. The only 100% effective form of birth control is abstinence. That's reality. Sex is not a game hence all the drama that has accompanied for centuries until effective birth control came into the picture. However effective, it's still not infallible. Sex is serious. Do it, have fun, but take responsibility.

    Abortion is not an easy procedure as you make it sound like, liberated. Sorry to tell ya.

    Furthermore, you never know how people REALLY feel. I suffer from depression and most people in my life have no idea about it. They think I'm extroverted, funny and always happy. I'm not. So don't think you know what goes in people's minds just by looking at them. I had recent death in my family and from an outsider's prespective it looks like I'm ok. I'm not. I feel like crap and miss him terribly. doesn't mean I'll go around crying everyday. That's not how it works.

    tea and cake or death!!!

    "Dear Josh, we came by to fuck you, but you were not home. Therefore... you are gay."  Ghost World
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #109 - December 30, 2009, 02:03 AM

    There we go, everyone conveniently ignored the man's rights again like they don't even exist!

    1) Its my offspring, my sperm.

    2) I will be required to pay for it if you choose not to abort it

    3) I have a right to not become a father if I'm not ready for it. A woman should not be able to force fatherhood on me.

    4) Yes, not having sex is an option, but women have that option too to avoid pregnancy.  However if a woman has irresponsible sex and ends up pregnant, she is legally free to get an abortion. Whereas even if a man uses protection and an accidental pregnancy occurs and the woman chooses to keep the child, the man is powerless, the option of an abortion is not available to him whereas its available to the woman. Inequality.

    5) In early stages of pregnancy the fetus is little more than overgrown sperm. It is the man's sperm. He has biological right over it. Just because its inside the woman's body doesn't mean that when born, it will not have the man's DNA and look like the man.  How can this be so easily ignored?

    6) Childbirth is also a medical procedure and a more painful one. An early-stage abortion is a much more humane procedure than childbirth. A woman willing to go through childbirth should be able to go through an abortion rather more easily.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #110 - December 30, 2009, 02:08 AM

    I'm starting to believe you are a lost case, my friend. People have already answered you and you are simply not getting it at all and I'm not going through all that once again.

    It's the law you want to change, child support laws. Not force abortions on people. That's just totally wacko and wrong in so many levels.

    tea and cake or death!!!

    "Dear Josh, we came by to fuck you, but you were not home. Therefore... you are gay."  Ghost World
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #111 - December 30, 2009, 02:12 AM

    I'm sure when abortions were first talked about people thought of them as wacko and weird too!

    Try to think about what I'm saying with an open mind. A man has biological right over the child just like the woman does. A man has a right to not become a father if he is not ready. An early-stage abortion is a humane and pain-free procedure, relatively easy especially for a woman who is ready to go through childbirth.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #112 - December 30, 2009, 02:21 AM

    I'm sure when abortions were first talked about people thought of them as wacko and weird too!

    You are talking about an unresolved issue. Abortion is still a very debated subject, not a resolved one. For example, I am against it unless it's a case of rape, danger to the life of the mother or child and serious health problems on the child. Abortion should not be birthcontrol.

    Try to think about what I'm saying with an open mind.  

    I am. Most of us are. And it's still crazy.

    A man has biological right over the child just like the woman does.

    He does partially because the child will not grow inside his body and he will not have to deliver it nor to abort it.

    A man has a right to not become a father if he is not ready.

    He does. It's called "giving up a father's parental rights" and it's a legal procedure.  I know people who did it.

    An early-stage abortion is a humane and pain-free procedure, relatively easy especially for a woman who is ready to go through childbirth.

    You should really do a little bit more research on abortion procedures. Futhermore, sometimes pregnancy can go unnoticed for months due to many factors, such as a possible vaginal bleeding that can be mistaken by menstruation.

    tea and cake or death!!!

    "Dear Josh, we came by to fuck you, but you were not home. Therefore... you are gay."  Ghost World
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #113 - December 30, 2009, 02:24 AM

    Shall we just forcefully castrate you liberated? It goes with your principles and you wont have to deal with any unwanted pregnancies that will ruin your life and job.

    Or maybe we should put it to a democratic vote? Oh wait, we have and you lost. Oh well. Touch luck.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #114 - December 30, 2009, 02:36 AM

    He does partially because the child will not grow inside his body and he will not have to deliver it nor to abort it.

    I agree, but he does not even get the partial rights when it comes to aborting the child if he doesn't want it.

    He does. It's called "giving up a father's parental rights" and it's a legal procedure.  I know people who did it.

    I don't mean in legal terms, I mean in reality. If you have a kid that exists with your DNA and looks like you, you are a father and it might have been forced on you.

    You should really do a little bit more research on abortion procedures. Futhermore, sometimes pregnancy can go unnoticed for months due to many factors, such as a possible vaginal bleeding that can be mistaken by menstruation.

    Well, obviously in that case the woman has a lot more at stake and abortion will be more painful for her. I'm talking only about early stage abortions here, from initial pregnancy - 15 weeks.

    Shall we just forcefully castrate you liberated? It goes with your principles and you wont have to deal with any unwanted pregnancies that will ruin your life and job.

    Really? But then how will we have all the kinky sex you're fantasizing about having with me?  cool2
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #115 - December 30, 2009, 02:37 AM

    In your dreams.
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #116 - December 30, 2009, 02:38 AM

    Yours as well
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #117 - December 30, 2009, 02:44 AM

    I don't mean in legal terms, I mean in reality. If you have a kid that exists with your DNA and looks like you, you are a father and it might have been forced on you.

    Than it's your personal problem and issues. In reality and in many countries she can't force you. You have the right to give up your parental rights.
    Mostly I think you should stop having sex. Masturbate.

    Eat an apple, have a walk, look at the trees, read a book, play a video-game. Become a nerd. I don't know. But you are seriously not prepared, from what you have showed, to have an active sexual life.

    tea and cake or death!!!

    "Dear Josh, we came by to fuck you, but you were not home. Therefore... you are gay."  Ghost World
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #118 - December 30, 2009, 02:50 AM

    Than it's your personal problem and issues. In reality and in many countries she can't force you. You have the right to give up your parental rights.

    It is not my personal problem. Fatherhood should not be forced on someone. You should have the right to select if you want it or not.

    Mostly I think you should stop having sex. Bla bla bla

    Why don't women stop having sex then? Women have sex, and if they accidently get pregnant, they can get an abortion. Men don't have this right. But you're so used to thinking of men as having no rights that you won't even consider it
  • Re: Men's right to abortions
     Reply #119 - December 30, 2009, 02:54 AM

    It is not my personal problem. Fatherhood should not be forced on someone. You should have the right to select if you want it or not.

    By using protection or abstinence.

    Why don't women stop having sex then? Women have sex, and if they accidently get pregnant, they can get an abortion. Men don't have this right.

    Women should stop also. For some people, such as myself, getting an abortion is not an option. Sex is serious. I already told you. You have no right over a woman's body. Period.

    But you're so used to thinking of men as having no rights that you won't even consider it

    Men have many rights and should have. But a man does not have the right to force a woman to abort a child against her will as she has no right to force him having a vasectomy.

    tea and cake or death!!!

    "Dear Josh, we came by to fuck you, but you were not home. Therefore... you are gay."  Ghost World
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