I'm sure when abortions were first talked about people thought of them as wacko and weird too!
Try to think about what I'm saying with an open mind. A man has biological right over the child just like the woman does. A man has a right to not become a father if he is not ready. An early-stage abortion is a humane and pain-free procedure, relatively easy especially for a woman who is ready to go through childbirth.
It's a trite, vapid argument which has been given more consideration than it has ever deserved TBQH.
She's the one getting impregnated not the other way round. Simple, no?
Besides, responsibility applies to both biological parents. If a man has a 'biological right' to fatherhood, then he also has the other trappings of fatherhood.
What you seem to be saying is men should be able bang up women as much as they want without taking any responsibility. It essentially means that men should have *all* the rights, and women none, even as you cry of men's rights being 'trampled'.
By the way, any sensible social policy won't make contribution to upkeep financially crippling to the father, especially if augmented by welfare.