Everything you've said completely belies that line. what you've suggested is to take away person's inalienable right to decide what happens to their own fucking body and transfer it some one else. How is that equality? I cant envision a situation where a man decides his gf/wife is going to have an abortion and doesnt care that she doesnt want to. Even if this was an option, there would have to be a 100 percent rate of success. I dont know, use birth control + 3 condoms, whatever. There absolutely cannot be a failure rate.
If there is then youre saying: "I want the right to have and enjoy sex knowing full fucking well that I could get the girl pregnant, no matter how small the failure rate; if this does happen, I then want the right to give up fatherly responsibilities (which you can do) and on top of that I want the right to usurp her right to her own body and decide on my own w/o getting her consent, to abort this baby." Great fuckin idea of gender equality.
Put this in broader context. I'm still saying that women have the right to abort the baby as well even without the man's consent. I'm also giving this right to the father though. Abortion is an easier medical procedure than a pregnancy and childbirth. Its a baseless argument that a woman shouldn't be forced to go through an abortion.
Think of it this way. The woman can have only 2 grounds of objection to an abortion:
1) Fear of medical consequences / physical discomfort
2) Psychological attachment to the child & not wanting to give it up
Point # 1 is baseless because an early stage abortion is way less complicated than a pregnancy & childbirth. Its less risky. Less deaths occur in it, and its relatively painless compared to childbirth. Hence no woman can genuinely object on this grounds.
About point # 2, why should a woman's desire to have the child be respected any more than the man's desire to have the child in a pro-life man, pro-abortion woman case? This is not equality. Both genders have an equal biological right over the child, hence both parents should have the right to abort it.
I'm also saying by all means have all sorts of clauses in the law saying all protection must be used by the man, and this should only be allowed for early-stage abortions, etc, so this doesn't become birth control for men. And it won't.