Not really, lots of work to do. I want this one to be good! The thing I published so far is just Blackdog's bit that I just pasted into the index page.
Thanks for the tips Liberated! The only publishing tools I've used is Joomla! and Dreamweaver (which Im not good at!). I'll have to look through some other options for and web designs to see what direction we should go. If any of you have web design experience and are interested in helping out we'd love to get some help. I'm a pretty much a novice at this shit.
I have a bit of experience (I've used Dreamweaver a lot, never used Joomla but I've used a different CMS before). I'll try to help as much as I'm able to, I have coursework to do too so make as much use of the next few days of me as you want.
The best way to start is to think of what exactly this website will consist of. Are we just going to have the one page? Or will we be accepting submissions from visitors too?
Once you've figured that out, come up with a general layout for the website. I can try and help out with this, I need to brush up my skills on using divs.
I would recommend that we stick to using CSS for formatting right from the beginning as it's easier to change everything around when we change our minds on the layout/styles.
We need someone who is good on photoshop if we want a good banner. I'm not very creative with it any more, I'm sure there are others here who are good with ideas.