Thinking about God
OP - January 01, 2010, 04:39 PM
I've been thinking a lot about God lately, that the people that you grow up with, especially your parents and your family can effect whether to think that god is one is normal, whether to think that there is gods or deities is normal or to think that the believer is deluded. i wonder, what makes people think that there is one god? what makes people think that there is many? i cannot see his footprint, how can i say that he exist? why people often use "He" (which is to indicate that someone you are referring to, is a male) instead of she or it? is it because you see that male is stronger, more competent...better then females? what makes one think like that? that is rather narrow, don't you think? what makes you think that god had a gender at all? what makes you think that this being needs to be worshiped? O believers of the world, i cannot see what you see and i cannot believe what you believe and i cannot reached your conclusion, let me see your conclusion and let me hear your arguments so that the truth can be reached for i believe that to believe in a supreme being is a voice of a desperate person that needs hope and justice(either that, or it's just following your default belief). And suddenly, everything about god (because due to the default belief) is subjective rather then objective.