Re: Im back
Reply #12 - January 02, 2010, 06:09 AM
OMG hinduism is not cool, they throw their babies off rooftops and have stories of chopping disobedient kids heads off with swords if they disrespect their parents. The culture I grew up in was pure obsession with idol worship and treating elders like deities just because they are old, even if they are the most evil disgusting people alive, which they all were.
I would drop a thousand nukes over India if I could ..... Oh wait ..... *Goes to blackboard and starts writing Thou shall not hate*.
My main problem was literally being dragged by the ear to random boring shitty Hindu weddings and festivals everyweek, and all the jealous, worthless old crazy witch hags like my mom telling me never to date or marry a white girl and to find a nice brainless and ugly house slave like them, EWWWWWW *SHUDDERS*.
Come to think of it, thats probably what made me gay. And my dad wanted to kill me over that and my mother spent weeks crying, wailing, praying and lecturing ... When I told her I werent going to pray anymore cos I dont believe in god that is.
Must not ever nuke India or burn down the house ... Must resist ..... My stuff is in that house too ya see, my precious.
OMG the music, OMG BOLLYWOOD and fucking Asian TV Aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh!!!
And you think hindus are cool OMG OMG OMG.
Hindus suck and blow on cheeseburgers not knowing they are made from beef, and that my friends, is the absolute truth.
British Hindu in Mcdonalds - 'Ooooh, cheeseburger' *chomp*
Me - 'Ummm, thats made from beef'
Greedy confused hindu - 'IZ NOT BEEF, IZ HAM!!!' *Chomp, chomp chomp*, omg Im eating cow, its so tasty, but Im not telling anyone, *chomp chomp chomp*.
Hindus are crazy. Even more crazy than me. And I have crazy to the power of OVER 9000!!!
*Goes to play Civilization 4 to nuke the shit out of Gandhi*.
Oh seriously, when I were 14 and first started playing Civilization 2, I were playing a game where I were at war with India. My brother came in to watch, and started beating me cos I were dropping parachuters into Delhi or something.
Oh, the CD that my mum listens to? I swear it is just 60 minutes of one same line containing Krishna, Sita, Ram, repeated over and over and over and over and over ... Untill my brain wants to enter kill mode.
We keep hearing about how Jack Straw or the French government have mentioned the veil and our doing so puts us in the same boat as them. How so? I want a ban on the burka, neqab and child veiling.
you can either defend women or you must defend Islam. You can’t defend both
- Maryam Namaze