Q Man, please do watch this whole show here called Brat Camp, and tell me right now that you agree that everyone has the freedom to speak to their families in thier homes exactly as the girls on this show do:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w79Hg5rTX3I&feature=relatedI await for you to watch it all and tell me that these girls have the right to speak to their families the way that they are doing in this show.
The rest of the videos are on youtube, there are about 4 episodes with 6 clips for each one.
Didn't watch it. Not gonna watch it. Don't need to. Are they immediately and directly making a physical threat against someone? Because if not, then yes, they have a right to say what they will without the government punishing them. That being said the owners of the house (the parents) also have a right to tell their kids not to say certain things.
Now, what do you think happens when people like these who do not get any kind of help, or change in anyway decide to settle down and raise a family?
Don't know, don't care-- not my business, not the government's business. It is not the role of civil government in a free society to attempt to legislate functional, happy families. As long as kids aren't having actual rights violated (not your imagined "anything Ex-Hindu declares is a right" rights), like being raped, beaten, starved, etc., then the state needs to stay out of it.
but according to you, the yelling, swearing and verbal abuse parts are all completely fine right? They have the freedom to talk like that correct?
God you're thick. The fact that you are mindlessly conflating the right of someone to do something/say something with it being "completely fine" only confirms what I have been saying about you and your conception of rights. You can have the right to say and do horrible, morally-objectionable things as long as it does not directly and immediately infringe on the rights of others-- and not being offended or emotionally hurt is not a right.
You want to declare rights are being violated everytime something happens with which you disagree, but that ain't how the world works, bud. You don't get to selfishly proclaim the existence of rights and demand the government protect these "rights" simply because you personally find something objectionable. You're no better than the Muslims say their rights are being violated when someone criticizes Islam.
You are calling these children cowards for being unable to defend themselves?
So according to you, people who get murdered as the result of gun ownership are cowards for not defending themselves, correct?
Your brain works in really fucked up ways. No, Copernicus, I am calling YOU a coward because many of your posts on this forum have led me to that conclusion. And what I am objecting to are those people who would deny me and others the tools to effectively defend ourselves.
So, do you believe that gun ownership is a right?
A natural right? Sort of. Owning a computer and having access to the internet is not, in and of itself a right, but these things are important tools in my exercise of free speech, which is a right, therefore if the state were to restrict my access to these tools, it would effectively be a violation of my right to free speech.
Similarly owning a gun is not, in and of itself a right, but being able to defend myself is, and as a gun is a very important tool for me to exercise this right, the government is not justified in restricting my ability to own a gun.
This was the question I asked you before which you are avoiding by calling me a coward.
You never asked me that question.
Please do tell me, how does an unarmed person defend themselves against being fired at with a gun?
By not being unarmed in the first place. Tell me, ex-Hindu, is it better to be shot with an illegal firearm or a legally-possessed one? To be stabbed to death or shot to death?
Gun/weapons bans make it more difficult for criminals to buy firearms, but not even close to impossible-- however it does make it impossible for law abiding citizens to be armed and capable of defending themselves against armed criminals.
Not being able to defend yourself from bullets makes you a coward?
No, but expecting the government to do everything for you, even if it results in the violation of other people's rights and liberties is. And you've demonstrated time and time again on this forum that's what you're all about. Again, my calling you a coward has very little to do with your opinion on gun control and very much to do with the other nonsense you've posted here.
And do tell me then, how is abusing people a natural right?
It's not, Einstein-- but speaking is. And if you allow the government to start restricting speech on subjective standards of what is "abusive" then freedom of speech is meaningless.
That I have the respect not to pysically or verbally abuse other people with malicious intent.
But you don't-- you've said things on this forum that could be construed by overly sensitive people as "verbal abuse", and your jackoff excuse that "it's the internet so it doesn't count" ain't cuttin it with anyone here besides you.
a violent and aggressive psychopath as you seem to be.
I'm offended. I feel verbally abused. I'm calling the police on you.