I think many people in parts of the world have a similar laid back religious attitude and so when they read about atheists or former religious people criticizing religion, they can't quite understand what is so bad about it.
Well, i think that religions can have widely different aspects. They can terrorize people with threats of hell and they can make people superstitious and do awful things. They can also be more cultural - like when people are meeting to sing, pray or make festivals together. It all depends on the religious teachings and how they are being interpreted today.
But i am also aware that also christianity has some awful teachings that were used for killing many thousands of "witches". Or that in the USA fundamentalists try to change the school curriculum for their personal (christian) belief. Or that the pope condems condom use in africa.I am absolutely against those things!!!
However, here in germany my experience is, that chrisitanity has become harmless, and its not my intention to go around and tell people who are praying, singing and having fun, that they are all stupid. I have also been in buddhist countries and i really liked the culture and the temples. Also here, i would never go around calling buddhists stupid just because of their religion.
So i think, that "being against all religion" ist counterproductive. I do not want to mock peacefully singing people. I am just against bad teachings or interpretations of teachings which lead to intollerance, violence or threats. And of course i am against wrong claims regarding science and such stuff ;-).