No, I acknowledege I don't know everything, in fact I'm quite dumb.
This modesty and humility forms part of the basis of my faith in God.
I see what you mean, but acknowledging you dont know everything should in fact make you agnostic
God is not a personal thing, he either exists or he doesnt. Neither you or I can collectively prove either assumption, so its not about modesty or humility, its about what WE know & what WE dont know.
One day WE as a race might come to a general consensus, until then isnt it right to at least remain sceptical or agnostic?
I dont quite understand how the existance of a creator came into the discussion, its a bit of a staawman as its irrelevent to the subject of Islam being a manmade entitity, or at least in my case it was.
More to the point, I also believe a creator might exist. However you are more specific than this. Your take, correct me i I am wrong, is that a specific type of creator must exist with certain characteristics & desires. This specific creator dictated the quran and a particular man was his messenger.
This is the bit I dont understand at all, at least your 100% certainty that is at its core. Forgive me for being so crude but it just sounds like brainwashing to me
Islame, ps I will let my children make up their own mind about religion.
I think this is very admirable.
However, unless you have a girl, I assume you already have made your son undergo genital circumsicion or would have done if it had been.
I assume the quran was read into its ear on birth, will take it to Friday prayer, teach it to read the Quran at 7 years of age etc. - this to me is not letting its mind be free, in fact its setting its mind to live within the boundaries of the Islamic cage.
And history has shown few break out from such a cage, no matter what religion you are born into.