@ BD
I'm not aware that I used God of the gaps argument... but perhaps I didn't express myself very well.. my argument is you don't have to insist on understanding everything because we really aren't able to understand everything. My argument is: just because we don't have answers to everything then you can't claim God didn't communicate with us on that basis. God is beyond being described by seas and seas of words... what I'm saying is atheists can't use No-God of the gaps argument (the gaps here being spiritual things we don't know anything about like why were created, etc).
As for God, He was always a truth for me.. it's not a feeling.. anyway, you might want to check these posts:
http://www.councilofexmuslims.com/index.php?topic=8240.msg206782#msg206782http://www.councilofexmuslims.com/index.php?topic=8240.msg206968#msg206968http://www.councilofexmuslims.com/index.php?topic=8240.msg207073#msg207073Two, which is my biggest issue, the Quran is without fault. It astounds me how you can come to this conclusion, if you read it with a detached mind.
Again, I don't know what made you reach this conclusion. I was not arguing from the premise that the Quran is faultless... I was using verses from the Quran to make my point as to what I actually believe the Quran is saying (since I'm discussing with Hassan
Hell according to Quran).
Are you really telling me I'm interpreting things wrong? I'm reading it as it is. The lower skies is decked with stars. It doesn't say universe, it uses sky. Samawat.
The Quran says the lowest sky is decked with stars.. (verse ?) Which means there are 6 other heavens beyond our senses (in all likelihood these aren't even made of the same fabrics of our known universe).
And comets are missiles to keep the Jinn away from listening to God?
Yeah, but the Quran did say that before Islam shooting stars
had NOTHING to do with Jinns, only with the advent of Islam, Jinns were forbidden. Of course, the question as to how shooting stars can interact with supernatural beings is a different issue, since I know nothing about supernatural beings.
I mean seriously? Comets can seem to have a life of their own, again, if you see it with those eyes.
The problem also is the heavy reliance on Judaism and Christianity.
I'm not sure what you mean.
Not to mention that Allah seems to belong with the other Ancient Gods of that region.
Allah was the word for capital-G God even for Christian/Jewish Arabs back then. (Hassan could correct me if I were wrong.)