I find it an almost impossible question to answer - I mean that seriously, I can't decide, because each in his own way was immense, and advanced humankind's understanding of science and the world so greatly.
Darwin and his work was perhaps more viscerally shocking in many ways, in terms of what his science meant and how it resonated. The shock waves of his work are still being felt today. It challenged at the very roots of Christianity and in turn every other 'revealed' religion. Did Darwin land the final blow that killed God?
Either way I am proud of them both
But on balance, my vote goes to Darwin, with the caveat that he stood on the shoulders of giants who came before him, including, in a long, pan generational line of scientists and enquiry and the space and dignity of science, Sir Isaac Newton.
"we can smell traitors and country haters"
God is Love.
Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.