Excuse me, you are not even keeping track of what I am saying. WE were talking about islam sponsoring terrorism. I asked you how many muslims would accept that islam sponsors terrorism. You said they have a different interpretation and hence I asked you whether a different interpretation really exists. AS far as islam sponsoring terrorism is concerned none can deny that it does.Lets see the original source i.e quran which is accepted by all muslims:
Fight those who believe not in God nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by God and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued
The typical excuse given by muslims here is that this verse is asking us to fight those who attacked Muhhamad i.e in self defense . IS that the case? Does it sound like self defense? The verse clearly asks you to fight until people accept islam.You are not required to do any of these in case of self defense. So please explain us how a different interpretation of this verse exists
You are missing my point. I asked you if you consider a Catholic who supports gay marriage a "Catholic in the real sense" and you didn't answer the question.
You make a big fallacy by asserting that
1-Every Muslim who doesn't admit that Islam sponsors terrorism is either a)practicing Taqqiya or b)not a Muslim in the real sense.
2-We should be cautious and doubtful when we meet any Muslim because the majority of them pratice Taqqiya.
So how would you deal with a self-identified Muslim women who doesn't wear Hijab and has gay friends? will you think she's practicing Taqqiya or she's not a "Muslim in the real sense"? will you still not trust her?
My point is you just admitted some Muslims are not Muslim in the real sense (your own words). Why then say most Muslims practice Taqiyya and we should be cautious when dealing with them?
How many times are we supposed to accept the excuse "errorneous beliefs"? I explain them once,twice,thrice and on and on but they still maintain their claims and tell kafirs that they are right and kafirs are wrong. Its nothing but lying! You tell people something other than the truth even when you are shown convincing proofs repeatedly then you are lying .Period! As I say we kafirs would not always be kind to keep tolerating nonsense from muslims. WE use a simple word for such people i.e ?Liars?.
FFS, don't be so dense. It's not lying. It's called being deluded and narrow-minded. That's what my dad is. He's not lying to protect Islam. It's rejecting logical arguments to protect yourself and your beliefs. My dad does it all the time when I nag him. Doesn't mean he's practicing Taqiyya.
You are not keeping a track of the discussion .I said you have soft spot for muslims and not islam.
I do ? really? how long have you known me for?
How many muslims do you know honestly confess in a debate that they are wrong and quran is a lie? Its not a rocket science
Very few Muslim admit they're wrong. It's not unique to Muslims tough. All people do it whether the discussion has to do with religion or anything else. Christians do it when debating evolution.
It's not about lying, lying means you know their intentions. They might honestly think that terrorists are in the wrong. And cherry pick the Meccan verses and early Madinan verses. Or just feel morally repulsed by violent actions. Or think the Madinan verses are used for that historical context, without further knowledge about that they really mean. They could just skim past them. I know I thought like this.
You don't need to tell us that cherry picking the Quran can indeed promote terrorism. But calling regular muslims who refuse to see Osama as a good muslim liars is simply incorrect. That's where I disagree with you. I'm sure there are liars. I'm sure some subvert Islam. Majority? Unlikely. Most of us come from a muslim background, born and raised muslims. Sure you might hear people referring to non muslims as kuffar, but for me this was not a majority and its a fucking disgusting word, I never used it, my parents never taught me it. So how in the fuck are you calling the muslims I know and grew up with for liars?
Your ideas are a variant of the Zionist/Jooish conspiracy. It's silly.
In bold
Thank you