Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
Reply #206 - January 10, 2011, 09:35 PM
Here is a list of all questions... You can join in and help to identify all the same questions, or maybe make a "best of" since these questions are the seeds of doubt that made most of us nonbelievers and will make most rationally inclined believers think twice... The list needs some work but I compiled it in one place so we can continue working on it...
1. Why did Allah send so many prophets to the Jews?
2. What is so special about Isa that he is born of a virgin, saved by Allah on the crucifix and comes back on Judgement day?
3. If Allah sent prophets to all people - did he reveal his message in Arabic or in a local language?
4. Do you believe the Hadith and Sira accurately depict Muhammad?
5. If you do not - are you angry with the people who have depicted him as a murderer/rapist etc.?
6. Are those people Muslims?
7. If girls in Arabia matured early (which is why Muhammad could have sex with Aisha) - how old did the boys of the Banu Qurayza to be executed?
8. What percentage of a drink must consist of alcohol for it to be considered "alcohol"?
Since any liquid containing sugar (orange juice, coca-cola) breaks down some of the sugar into alcohol in the presence of oxygen, at what point does it become haram?
Shahid Raza:
1. Do you think it is ok for a 50 year old man to marry and have sex with a 9 year old girl?
2. Do you acknowledge that Muhammad ordered adulterers to be stoned to death?
3. Do you think it is right to stone people to death?
4. Do you want to see Islamic law eventually in America? If not, then why not?
5. What is your position on religious profiling? Do you denounce Saudi Arabia for profiling non-Muslims and preventing them from traveling to Mecca?
6. Why do you refuse to condemn the killing of Americans in uniform?
7. Do you believe that it is wrong for Muslims to force members of another religion to pay money to Islam in the form of a jizya tax?
8. Are non-Muslims who reject Muhammad and resist Islamic rule considered to be "innocent persons" in Islam?
9. Do you believe women should have the same rights as men? Should Muslim women be free to marry whomever they choose and wear what they want?
10. Hamas has deliberately murdered hundreds of Israeli civilians, including children, and left hundreds more with physical disability, mental impairment (from brain damage) and chronic pain. They have also killed Americans. Do you condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization?
11. Do you believe in equal rights for all religions? Should religious minorities be as free to promote their faith in Muslim countries as CAIR and other Muslims do here in the West?
12. Do you believe that the punishment for adultery should be death? If not, then why not?
13. Why have you refused to condemn the Islamic Republic of Sudan for the deaths of over 200,000 Africans in the name of racial cleansing and Jihad? Would you be just as apathetic if this were a non-Muslim government killing Muslims instead?
14. Do you now believe that your non-Muslim family are destined to be burned in hell forever? (question for converts)
15. Muslims are allowed to freely preach and proselytise Islam in non-Muslim Western countries. Even in Hindu majority India, Zakir Naik operates a huge Islamic dawah organisation and TV channel.
16. Can you name me ONE Muslim majority country in which non-Muslims can preach their religion (or lack of)? Can you name me ONE Muslim majority country in which a person like Richard Dawkins would be allowed to freely operate without any fear of repercussions by the public or state?
17. Do you believe that the Quran is the word of God? If so then how do you explain this verse:
6:104 Proofs have come unto you from your Lord, so whoso seeth, it is for his own good, and whoso is blind is blind to his own hurt. And I am not a keeper over you.
or this verse...
6:114 Shall I seek other than Allah for judge, when He it is Who hath revealed unto you (this) Scripture, fully explained ? Those unto whom We gave the Scripture (aforetime) know that it is revealed from thy Lord in truth. So be not thou (O Muhammad) of the waverers.
or this verse...
37:164 There is not one of us but hath his known position.37:165 Lo! we, even we are they who set the ranks,
or this verse...
51:50 Therefor flee unto Allah; lo! I am a plain warner unto you from him.
or this verse...
84:16 Oh, I swear by the afterglow of sunset
1. Why did god give women a pointless hymen and never explain that it is NOT a good indicator for virginity? Does he have any idea how many women have suffered needlessly because they didn't bleed on their wedding night? He had enough space in the Quran to tell guests not to linger too long in Mo's house yet he couldn't spare women pointless suffering?
2. 65:4, 4:34, 4:43, slavery, encouraging first cousin marriage but sees a problem with marrying someone who was milk-fed by the same woman as you when babies (where's the logic in that?!!!), telling women a hijab will protect them when it does the exact opposite, etc, etc.
1. Why would a God who doesn't need humans create them to worship him ("and we haven't created humans except to worship us")?
2. What's the point of hell, and if God is merciful, why is it beyond even the worst of human evil?
3. Why does God test us, is he not all knowing?
4. What was the need of the bloodshed and violence from Muhammad, why couldn't Allah do it himself, or why couldn't Muhammad have acted in the way Jesus acted?
1. Do you believe in the shariah law? 99% will say yes. Then you can serve them a dish of the very best stoning for adultery verses, killing gays & apostates..
2. Do you believe in ghosts (djinn)?
3. How do you know you are not following a myth, like you believe everyone else is doing?
4. Why did god create us imperfect, and then punish us for eternity for these imperfections?
5. Why did he provide us with a brain, yet no proof?
6. Why are no exotic passion fruits, kiwi fruits or pineapples available in heaven, only 7th Century Arab fruits are mentioned as being available there?
Did Allah (or the desert dweller )not know about the rest of the world?
7. Why is there not a single verse in the Quran condeming rape?
or tell us infant marriage was wrong, or something medically useful like a cure for cancer or simple like telling us to boil water to kill of harmful bacteria.
Yet it finds it necessary to tell us how to clean our arse with sand & grit when water is not available, and to quote Baal, more usefully 17 ways of how boiling water is used for torture by Allah.
8. Oh yes, and why did the prophet have sex with his slave out of wedlock, whilst he was still married to another women?
9. Why is Allah invisible?
10. Also were Eskimos at the poles supposed to do during the month of Ramadhan where the sun rises and then sets after six months - starve to death?
11. "If the Quran was the final message for mankind, then why was alcohol only banned in the hadith?"
1. Do you believe anybody who doesn't convert to Islam has chosen the right religion? Quote the No other religion than Islam will be accepted of you.
2. Why did Mohammed say Arabs are the best of people? What proof does he have for this? How can he say this when the earliest converts came from Etopia and Persia?
3. Why do we speak arabic in Heaven? How is it possible that a langauge that has evolved from Aramic is the final language for all of mankind, a language which btw has not spread the way English has or French or Latin. And is it classical arabic? Is it the Quraish accent?
4. How did Mohammed finanace the Ummah during Medina?
1. Do you believe in your right to practise Islam in non Muslim countries? If so, why do you support the Islamic injunction to kill those who exercise freedom of conscience by leaving Islam?
2. Do you believe in human rights and the rights of all prisoners in combat situations to be respected, for example, in Guantanamo Bay? How do you square these principles with the mass killings of the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza by Prophet Muhammad?
3. Do you believe in equality of all people, regardless of their religious belief? After all, it is the central principle that guarantees your rights in a non Muslim society like Britain or America. If you do believe in equality of all people, how do you square this with the Islamic principle that non Muslims, or kuffars, are innately inferior to Muslims?
4. In the 21st Century, why is it acceptable for religious beliefs that debase women like polygamy to be practised? Shouldn't such practises be excised from Islam, and whatever sources they gain their legitimacy from, be disowned?
5. Why does Allah demand puritanism and chastity in this life, and yet promise sexual licentiousness in heaven? Why is that acceptable in heaven, and not acceptable on earth?
6. If the principle is that Islam renders things that are sinful on earth into acceptable practises in heaven, does that mean that other acts which are sins on earth are acceptable in heaven?
7. Why would Allah promise a heaven in which supposed sin is acceptable?
8. Why did the prophet Muhammad require a donkey to ascend to heaven? Why not just ascend there like everyone else?
9. Why does Islam support slavery?
10. If Islamic veils for women are deemed by Islamic logic nessecary to prevent a woman arousing lust in a man, why are men also not enjoined to wear a burqa to prevent women and homosexuals from lusting after them?
11. Why are Muslim men permitted by Islam to marry a non Muslim woman provided she submits to Islam, but a Muslim woman is not permitted to marry a non Muslim man? How do you square this with principles of universal gender equality, especially in a society like Britain?
12. Why does Islam consider all cultural, philosophical, social and scientific contributions to humanity made by non Muslim individuals in non Islamic societies, from the ruminations of Buddha and Confucious, to the science of Newton and Einstein, to be manifestly jahil?
13. Surely these discoveries and achievments render preposterous the idea that non Muslim societies exist in a state of barbarism, a barbarism that only Islam can alleviate?
14. Is Muhammad uswa hasana, al Insan al-Kamil, the perfect human for eternity, the ideal Muslim?
15. Should Muslims seek to emulate him? If so, would you seek to make it acceptable for 50 year old men to marry female children under the age of ten? Would you believe it acceptable to follow his rules on the acceptability of slavery? Do you believe it was wrong to abolish slavery, at least for Muslims? Also, do you believe that killing captives, regardless of their individual guilt, is acceptable? In other words, do you believe inflicting violence and death on innocent people, following the Prophet Muhammad's treatment of amongst others the Banu Qurayza, following the principles of collective punishment, part of the attributes of an ideal Muslim? Does an ideal Muslim practise and consider violent collective punishment acceptable?
16. If societies like Britain have organised themselves in a manner that is consensual, and in such a way to try to maximise equality of all people, in which individuals have equal opportunities for success, in which all people are equal in law, in which men and women are equal, in which there is no such thing as a 'kuffar', in which there is freedom of conscience and religion, in which these principles have been hard fought for and hard won, and liberal, secular democracy is the consensual culture - why do many Muslims carry out dawah, or dream of a future in which Islam influences the public domain outside of the confines of personal belief? Isn't this crass, stupid and imperialistic? Why does Islam so often have an impulse to impose itself on non Muslim societies, in the belief that it is performing a favour and what is right, in such a way that will curtail the principles and freedoms that those societies have as their aspiration and practise?
17. Why is the Lord of the Universe, the omnipotent creator of all that exists, the eternal, immutable author of existence, unable to make his chosen believers anything more than a minority amongst kuffars on planet Earth?
18. And what was Allah doing for the billions of years before humankind existed, and then developed reading and writing and settled organised society, up until he decided to send his message to a man in the desert in a language spoken by a tiny, marginal group of humanity?
19. Why doesn't Allah give his ummah superpowers, like Jedi mind-control tricks, in order to make the kuffar submit to Islam?
1. So there are all these "miracles" that have been in the Qur'an long before modern scientists found out about them? Wow! So, while everyone else in the world knew absolutely nothing about the big bang and position of the sun and embryology and talking ants the Muslim world was keeping all this information secret?? How selfish!
1. Why is there not a single verse in the Quran condeming rape?
1. Why are men allowed to have sex with slave girls ?
2. Why are women supposed to be obediant to their husbands?
Why does a woman need permission from her husband for everything?
3. Why is Islam against homosexuality? Doesn't Allah know that it's not a choice?
4. Why will all the non-muslims go to hell forever but even the worst of muslims will eventually go to Paradise after doing their time in hell?
5. How can someone who had 9 wives (who were always fighting and jealous of each other) worthy of prophethood? How can someone be the best human being and yet treat women like sexual objects?
6. Why is masterbation a sin? who is it harming really?
Iraqi Atheist
1. Did Allah send prophets to the Aztecs? what about ancient China? what about anywhere outside the Middle East? and if he did, why is it never mentioned in the Quran or the Hadith?
2. Why was Mohammed the last prophet? why not keep sending prophets?
3. Why doesn't Allah show us some miracles?
4. Why does Allah want to test us?
5. If Allah is omniscient, that means he knows whether anyone of us will end up in heaven or hell. If that is so, how can we really have a choice? how can we "think of" or "choose" something that is not already pre-known by God?
6. Why hasn't been any case of an amputated limb regenerating in recorded history?
7. Why is music Haram?
8. Why is chess Haram?
9. Why is fucking Haram? (specially when we have contraceptives)
10. Now that we have DNA parental identification, why can't women practice polygamy?
11. Why does Allah need us to do complicated rituals? can't he just measure the faith in our hearts?
12. Why are there congenital deformities? didn't Allah say is the Quran "we created you in the best form"?
13. Why are their famines?
14. Why are there natural disasters?
15. Why does Allah allow Satan to exist?
16, How is Mohammed's military conquests different from Israel's occupation of Palestine?
17. Why is a woman's testimony in court equal to half of the man's testimony?
1. Why god created the penis with a prepuce, then order us to cut it off, He could not do it himself, was he squeemish? Was it a design error? Why animals get to keep it, and men have to cut it off?
1. Why do we have vestigial organs ? (wisdom teeth, foreskin, male nipple, body hair in places we are supposed to trim)
2. why do we have vestigial genes?
3. why are the human eyes so badly designed that a huge portion of the global population has to wear glasses ? (pretty shitty designed no?)
4. if santa clause cant fly with a dozen reindeer how the hell can MO fly on a horsie and "visit" the heavens ?
Omaar Khayaam
1. Am I absolutely certain that Islam is true? Bearing in my that there are hundreds of religions from which to choose. What criterion am I using to make that judgement? What if that criterion is empty and not legitimate?
2. Is it because I believe in God that I follow Islam, or is it because I trust Muhammad? If it's the latter, how do I know?
1. Did Allah fail as a parent to teach Iblis manners?
2. Did Allah, himself fail to save Satan going the wrong path?
3. Even after Satan SAW and HAD evidence of Allahs greatness, why did he reject it?
1. Why didn't Allah protect all the other religious texts that came before the quran?
2. Why did Allah wait until 570 AD to send a universal messenger for the ummah??
3. Why is that we cannot find a single record of monotheism before the late bronze age?
4. Why didn't Allah's message ever reach the Ancient Americas??
5. Do you believe that a poor Christian, Sub-Saharan African youngster who dies at the age 18 because of malaria will spent eternally in hell??
6. Why does the Quran contain Duas??
7. Who is Allah making dua to?
8. Do you believe in Black magic??
9. Why is Allah's message constantly changing e.g:- Not banning Alcohol on all the other ummahs that came before the prophet Mohammed.
10. In heaven apparently we will never think about "immoral" stuff, feel sorrow, jealousy, sadness, pain, boredom or shyness. Don't you think that even though these feelings are not exactly fun, they are part of what makes us human and without these basic emotions that make us reflect onto ourselves and understand ourselves and others better, we really are not that different from most other animals.
11. The quran often criticizes idolaters because they are merely following the religion of their parents, how is that different from 99% of muslims who follow islam because their parents were Muslims?
Just look at the sun and the moon, rotating around the earth perfectly! Out of all the never ending space in the universe, the sun and moon ended up close to earth rotating around it perfectly.!!