@AminRiaz if you come back to play perhaps you can address some issues if worded a littles differently.
I did not understand what you meant by this sentence.
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1) Why would the Creator of language be so limited that he could not reveal his message in many different languages?
How does using one language to convey his message imply that the Creator is limited? But Quran did come to a specific bunch of people in a specific time.
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That is your opinion.
A little more than that - I have taught Classical Arabic grammar for several years. To grasp the fundamentals this is about the required time - also backed up by "opinions" of many other teachers - from all around the world. Many courses regarding Quranic Arabic are around 9-12 months and tend to heavily grammar based.
Can you present any evidence that a language can be learned that quickly?
I am not talking about learning a complete language in the sense that you acquire a sufficient vocabulary set to be able to read and write at near native standard. . . but learning the grammar of the language and acquiring the vocabulary set of a specific religious register.
However - the grammar is very nearly the same as MSA - so a student would not need to learn that much extra to been able to read and write MSA. More or less it is acquiring vocab by reading, listening, watching TV, films and etc.
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How can these people be held responsible for knowing what they believe if they don't have a even a primary let alone a deep understanding of the language?
Obviously they cannot - hence they rely on others.
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is a cop out. It does not come anywhere near logically answering these questions
No - it is simply saying - I have insufficient data to answer your question. If i was going to answer it - best of my ability i would need to know more from the asker. Questions like these are NOT simple - few sentence questions.
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1)Why did Allah make many additions to the religion during the time of the Prophet Muhammad?
The whole story was played out within 23 years of his life. Its main purpose seems to be to leave a religion behind that had strength and was extensive. As compared to other relgions - Islam is pretty detailed and full-on. However - even then the main sources of Quran and Sunnah - later the Opinions of the Companions . Islamic laws, theology, philosophy and their underlying principles and etc took even longer.
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2)It seems that Islam is a completely different religion compared to Judaism and Christianity, which Allah claims to have preceded Islam.
Yes - in many respect it is. But it does share many similarities too. Islam claims the the other 2 were for a limited set of people and time.
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3)So many new additions are made such as: prayers 5 times a day, Hajj, Umrah, Ramadan, new laws ect.
Yes . . . but prayer has always been there - form has changed. Fasting was there in the older religion too.
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4)Why did Allah wait for his final messenger to deliver all these new concepts into his religion and why not implement them from the start?
All the basic concepts were already there from day one - Prayer, Pilgrimages, Fasting, laws around eating, purity, marriage, general morality and etc. Before Islam - societies were primitive in comparison - now given the rate and growth of technology & science - world is a different place. Hence laws and religion were to made to suit accordingly. Islam is the final message and expected to last until the end - and able to stand the test of time.
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So why don't you try again.
I am happy enough to answer. . . but why the over impertinence. There is no need for such lines.