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 Topic: Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim

 (Read 171829 times)
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  • Re: Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #270 - July 07, 2011, 03:23 AM


    i really didnt know that about Fatimah! i gotta look more into this!

    Nothing can be more contrary to religion and the clergy than reason and common sense. - Voltaire
  • Re: Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #271 - July 07, 2011, 05:26 AM

    i skimmed through the questions and some of them are actually stupid lol

    but the rest are great, thanks

    i love wikiislam
  • Re: Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #272 - July 07, 2011, 06:28 AM

    I do agree with ifrit, some of the questions are pretty bad but there are enough gems to compensate  Wink nice work

    "Ours is the age which is proud of machines that think and suspicious of men who try to."
    هذا من فضل جدي
  • Re: Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #273 - July 07, 2011, 07:06 AM

     Rights of non-muslims in an ideal islamic state? (ideal according to the Muslims)
  • Re: Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #274 - July 07, 2011, 08:21 AM

    Here are a few.  The first one is obviously the most important Smiley

    If Allah wanted men to have short moustaches, why not make the hair grow short just as eyebrows do?

    Can a mass murderer be forgiven, but not someone responsible for shirk (association)?

    If there is no compulsion in religion why do you not wait and ask your son's if they wish to have their foreskins cut off?

    If Muhammad really went on the night journey how did he pray in a temple that no longer existed?  If it was a spiritual experience then why is Al Quds holy when he didn't actually go there?

    Some people have a physical split down their brains and have two personalities. When one side is a Muslim and the other a Kuffar, what happens to the body when they are resurrected?

    After creating Satan, good, and evil, why would Allah then make man flawed enough to be mislead and then punish US for it?

    Why does Allah want us to believe Islam without evidence and reject everything else that has none?  And then punish us for eternity for choosing the wrong unsubstantiated claim?

    Where is the great wall that traps the people of gog and magog until judgement day?  Is it near the edge of the Earth where the sun sets, or the other edge where it rises?

    Why would Allah use a method for determining prayer times that is so difficult for people near polar regions?

    If Islam is such a perfect system, why do so many people disagree about what they should be doing?

    Couldn't Allah have made the Quran so clear that we don't need scholars to tell us what it means?

    If Allah sent Muhammad to clarify his message because Rabbis were misleading people, why are there now so many Islamic scholars misleading people?

    Why can men have sex with slaves but unmarried women cannot?

    Why does Allah allow marriage between cousins but not unrelated people that have had the same wet nurse?

    What was the point of putting things in the Quran that only the author of the Quran understands?

    Why did Uthman burn all of the other Qurans if the Quran was unaletered since its revelation?

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #275 - July 07, 2011, 08:30 AM

    Where is the great wall that traps the people of gog and magog until judgement day?  Is it near the edge of the Earth where the sun sets, or the other edge where it rises?

    I have always felt this is a very important question. These people must be in amazingly dire shape by now, and in need of immediate humanitarian aid.

    The foundation of superstition is ignorance, the
    superstructure is faith and the dome is a vain hope. Superstition
    is the child of ignorance and the mother of misery.
    -Robert G. Ingersoll (1898)

     "Do time ninjas have this ability?" "Yeah. Only they stay silent and aren't douchebags."  -Ibl
  • Re: Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #276 - July 07, 2011, 09:20 AM

    Some are really good like:
    Why do Muslims accept aid from non-Muslims? Didn't Allah tell you not to take kafir as “friends and protectors”?

    Others are really stupid like:
    We’ve gone to the Moon and didn't find the invisible rope. Why is that? (coz it's invisible, dummy! Tongue)

    I'm open for debate (of why we should re-/embrace Islam), but I will no longer participate in this forum. Message me if you need anything. Good luck and may you all find your way... again...
  • Re: Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #277 - July 07, 2011, 04:12 PM

    What was the point of putting things in the Quran that only the author of the Quran understands?

    Why did Uthman burn all of the other Qurans if the Quran was unaletered since its revelation?

    Stealing these..

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  • Re: Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #278 - July 08, 2011, 12:33 AM

    Lots of why questions of which many can be answered with "why not". Others were pretty interesting to read though.
  • Re: Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #279 - July 08, 2011, 03:07 AM

    i assume some questions are satirical on purpose.

    What am I? Deist / Quranist <--- Click links to Find Out More
  • Re: Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #280 - July 08, 2011, 04:35 PM

    Since I consider a Quran based islam as the only version of islam that makes sense, I will take a stab at those ones...

    For Quranists

        Why do you deny the hadith?
    Because they have no authority as per Quran.

    Is it because you're ashamed that your prophet was a mass-murdering pedophile?

        Does it bother you that even without the hadith, the Qur'an sanctions pedophilia, domestic abuse, and many other crimes? Shouldn't you embrace your apostasy and get rid of the Qur'an?
    See the above site for example.

        Why do some of you accept the hadiths that make Muhammad look good and reject the ones that make him look bad? Do you enjoy being intellectually dishonest?
    afaik "Quranists" do not accept any Hadith, as they are a mix of truth and falsehood.

        The historical evidence for Muhammad is found in the hadith and sirat. If you do not accept these sources, how do you know your prophet ever existed?
    Cause "Quranists" accept Quran and its in there he existed. Besides, the message is what makes a messenger, not the person.

        If you reject the hadith, you lose the whole context and order of the Qur'anic revelations. So is there no compulsion in religion or do you have to slay the idolaters wherever you find them? Should I flip a coin?
    Read the context of those verses, as they are about self-defence.

        Why would Allah protect the Qur'an, but allow his entire ummah for 1000+ years to be led astray by corrupted hadith? Doesn't that make his protection worthless?
    Not if his protection is only in regard to Quran. Protecting a people from being misled is illogical and impinged upon free-choice.

        I've never met a Quranist in real life. Are you really an embarrassed Sunni who likes to call yourself a "Quranist" when you're on the net?
    Apparently there are many in Egypt, Malaysia but they are generally scattered throughout the world. The earliest muslims rejected Hadith as a source of law, this is fact.

        Why do you believe the Qur'an is the uncorrupted word of God, when the narrators of corrupted hadith are the same people who passed down the Qur'an?
    This is a common myth. The narration, memorisation, recording of Quran was significantly different to Hadith, as testified to in Traditional Islamic history. No companions of Muhammad wrote Hadith first hand that have survived today afaik. In fact, Caliphs Abu Bakr and Umar for example are recorded as burning their hadith collections, and of others.

        The Qur'an never explain how to offer salat. Who taught you how to pray?
    There are variant approaches to salat amongst Quranists, but the Quran does seem to point to a more basic/individualised salat/link. Some have attempted to reconstruct the prayer from Quran, e.g. Edip Yuksel or sites.

        The Qur'an says there should be 3 daily prayers. Who told you to pray 5 times?
    It was originally two according to Tradition, then after the alleged night journey they changed to 5. This is not in Quran however. 5 seems to be a Zoroastrian corruption.

        The Qur'an mentions Abu Lahab. Who is he and why does Allah hate him? (Remember; no peeking at corrupted hadith)
    "abu lahab" literally means "father (of) flame" and it is an archetype for those who hate and fuel the flames etc.

        Does it make you feel sad knowing that most Muslim thinks you follow a cult and that you're a kafir?
    Funnily according to the Quran, majority means nothing.

        What's it like being in an obscure cult? Do you have a secret handshake? Do all ten of you get together on Halloween and dance naked around an open fire?
    A secret handshake would be cool!

        Why accuse the Sunnis and Shi'ites, who've been following hadith for 1000+ years, of innovation, when it's you who's the innovator? Isn't that just a little bit hypocritical?
    This is one of the biggest myths amongst Muslims. Rejection of hadith was common and mainstream in early Islam, this is fact based on Traditional islamic history itself. See michael cook or aisha musa's work.

        What did Muhammad look like? How many wives did he have and what were their names? What were the names of his children? How old was he when he first received his prophethood? When and how did he die? Do you even know anything about your prophet?
    Quranists only concern themselves with what is relevant to salvation/guidance, they dont care about things like if he had a beard and how long it was and how often he clipped his toenails etc. Cheesy

        When you perform Hajj, would you dare announce that you're a Quranist or would it be your dirty little secret?
    afaik al hajj is an entirely different construct when compared to traditional islam.

        Why do you accept the revelations given to someone who you know nothing about?
    The veracity of a truth is not based on the person saying it. A truth stands on its own.

        Did you know that Rashad Khalifa was a lying pedophile and rapist just like your prophet before him?
    Again, a common myth is that Rashad Khalifa somehow is the founder of Quranists lol He certainly seems to have caused it to grow in recent times but thats about it.

        If you don't accept the history behind the compilation of the Qur'an, what makes it different from any other poorly written Medieval text? How do you know that (like The True Furqan) its not an old parody?
    poorly written? Well i dont know about that, but i do know non-Muslim professors of language/Arabic consider it to be a superlative example of Arabic prose. This is well known.
    It does mention many stories from the bible however, but that is because it considers itself a continuation and completion/clarification of previous scripture.

    What am I? Deist / Quranist <--- Click links to Find Out More
  • Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
     Reply #281 - July 09, 2011, 12:04 AM

    Why didnt Allah protect the hadith given that 99% of Muslims take them seriously, and they make up 99% of Islams history & stories about the last & final messenger?

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    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
     Reply #282 - July 30, 2011, 01:39 PM

    okay... so what is the definition of a prophet in Islam?

    And you say Adam was the first prophet.  WHO the hell
    was he prophecizing too?  The fruit trees?

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    Helen Keller
  • Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
     Reply #283 - July 30, 2011, 01:41 PM

    Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Momma Smurf, nice one!
  • Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
     Reply #284 - July 30, 2011, 02:28 PM

    Hi all,

    I just saw this thread.  Smiley

    Can someone compile a list of questions to ask Quranists (as they are sometimes known). I have a few acquaintances that I could pass them to. Or take a stab at them myself.


    What am I? Deist / Quranist <--- Click links to Find Out More
  • Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
     Reply #285 - July 30, 2011, 02:30 PM

    whoman... its called "copy and paste" lol.

    Check out Islame's channel, or the link on his
    signature, in a letter he wrote to his brother.
    There is a good list of things he brings up.

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    Helen Keller
  • Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
     Reply #286 - July 31, 2011, 05:40 PM

    who is Ishmael?

    And are they specifically for "Quranists"?

    What am I? Deist / Quranist <--- Click links to Find Out More
  • Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
     Reply #287 - July 31, 2011, 06:38 PM

    Hi all,

    I just saw this thread.  Smiley

    Can someone compile a list of questions to ask Quranists (as they are sometimes known). I have a few acquaintances that I could pass them to. Or take a stab at them myself.


    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

  • Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
     Reply #288 - July 31, 2011, 07:48 PM

    How come the koran doesnt discuss any of the other prophets AND
    prophetesses in Abraham's lineage?  (besides the well known
    dudes) Namely, Queen Esther?   I mean, she was a serious bad
    ass LOL, and judge over all the tribes of Israel.

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    Helen Keller
  • Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
     Reply #289 - August 01, 2011, 06:28 AM




    But I meant questions specifically for "Quranists" (they reject Hadith), not general ones.

    See here for an introduction:

    What am I? Deist / Quranist <--- Click links to Find Out More
  • Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
     Reply #290 - August 04, 2011, 03:11 PM

    Okay.. so i have been watching "Through the Wormhole" on the
    science channel every wednesday, and I must say, this is getting
    interesting.   Several questions came to mind, when I started thinking
    about allah creating humans as his favorite pets, and wants all other
    creation to bow down to us.  So with that in mind,

    WHY did allah create poisonous snakes, poisonous spiders, 
    lions, tigers, bears, alligators and crocs, sharks, humbolt squid,
    komoto dragons, box jellyfish, hippos, and a host of other creatures that
    have maimed and killed countless human beings? 

    I mean really, if we were to be bowed down to, why arent hyemas
    doing so? 

    What about locusts, who destroy millions of dollars worth of  crops?
    No rhyme  or reason for them to randomly hit X number of farmers
    when they swarm? 

    We have to build our own shelters to keep us from hostile weather,
    and what about tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes and tornados?
    Sand storms, solar flares, drought, and floods?

    Science has taught us that all of these are part of our eco system.
    Its what keeps this old ball turning and sustaining life.  But
    these things also includes countless fatalities for humans.  Again,
    both the faithful and others.  Indisciminately. 

    What about ice ages and global warming?  We arent causing them,
    they have been going on since the beginning of time.  At one point,
    there were less humans on the earth than there are gorillas today.
    We almost went extinct a few times.  Some of our "cousins" DID
    go extinct (ex. Neanderthal man) 

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    Helen Keller
  • Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
     Reply #291 - August 19, 2011, 10:20 PM

    I think according to islam, all kids who die before puberty will go to heaven.

    Why do they get they get a 'get out of jail free' card and go straight to heaven? While their parents and others must suffer this 'test' and possibly end up in Hell? How is that justice?
  • Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
     Reply #292 - August 19, 2011, 10:29 PM

    Why was the rest of the universe created when only sun and earth would be enough for Alah's stated purpose?

    Particularly when our perfect model for society is that of Medina in the 7th century. All scientific knowledge of the stars and universe beyond ours is superfluous and actually only causes people to question a 'perfect book that leaves nothing out'.

    Better that God just created our solar system.

    One more indication God is having a laugh.
  • Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
     Reply #293 - August 19, 2011, 10:31 PM

    How can allah be "the best of cheaters/deceivers"?
    What kind of frackin quality is that! LOL

    He is the best of jokers. Well unless your human that is. But I'm sure the angels think he's a riot.
  • Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
     Reply #294 - August 19, 2011, 10:32 PM

    Why did Allah create the devil to test us?

    To prove what he already knew, so he can say "I told you so!"
  • Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
     Reply #295 - August 19, 2011, 10:33 PM

    Why is there no compulsion in religion when the punishment for apostasy is death?

    <Holds gun to head> "You don't have to believe - it's your free choice!"
  • Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
     Reply #296 - August 19, 2011, 10:37 PM

    Hey Islame (btw where the fuck are you?) - you posted a long list of questions - I was looking for them on this thread but can't find them? Where did you post them you stupid wanker? Wink
  • Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
     Reply #297 - August 19, 2011, 10:54 PM

    btw I am thinking of making a vid of "Ex-Muslim questions to Muslims".

    Is it a good idea?

    Can we have more questions that made you think?
  • Re: Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims...
     Reply #298 - August 19, 2011, 10:55 PM

    I have noted some good ones here.
  • Re: Hundreds of Questions to Ask a Muslim
     Reply #299 - August 19, 2011, 11:46 PM

    MODS please merge this with the sticky here:

    Awkward questions to ask "moderate" Muslims.
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