Ok picking after the "incest" thread, this obviously comes to mind. What you guys say bout cheating? Sleeping around while you are still in a relationship with another person?
I would like to specifically hear from the people who are not opposing incest and think that it is OK!
Personally I don't like to lie to people and go behind their backs. That is why I make it very clear to someone I am in a serious relationship with that I have not the slightest interest or intention to practice monogamy.
If other people lie to their partners about having sex with other people I don't have any opinion at all (though I may express one and call someone a "slut" or something, I can talk shit too, but I recognise it as shit).
I am interested in our species' sexual behaviour as it is an important part for understanding any species and interesting. But I am not so interested in Tiger Wood's sex life, in his personal history, or in judging him.
Sometimes intervention is provided by society for couples etc. I would hope that such intervention does not seek to judge peoples' sexual preferences but rather focuses on the wellbeing of the individuals concerned.
I would like society to be more accepting of the various types of sexual arrangements, as seems to be happening in many places.
Some things like pedophilia definitely need intervention to prevent it from occurring due to the associated harm involved. Yet allot off harm seems to be caused by peoples' prejudice of a practice rather than the practice itself.
I think that being generally free to do as you please in society is important. Sometimes people are in a bad situation or make harmful choices. But people can learn from their experiences. Society can provide support. Society can promote education. Society can help empower people. Society can intervene when abuse is taking place or is likely to.
Deciding when to intervene and how is of cause complicated. I think the only kind of prejudice that should be involved is such decisions is prejudice toward individuals' wellbeing and the wellbeing of society.
Do not assume that the monogamous heterosexual family is necessary for the growth of healthy children.