I have a Pakistani Muslim friend who drinks, smokes weeds, doesn't pray, have had premarital sex(or at least brags about it). I once invited him to eat chicken and rice with me, and he said he only eats Halal food. I was like WHAT
Anyway him aside, I remember that even though I was of a quite religious background, haram food was not that of a problem (not pork though) for me and my family. We ate McDonalds and stuff when we travel to non-Muslim countries. This Ayah [
5:5] came across to me as "It is OK for you to eat from Ahlulkitab's(People of the Book) food", though I made 'a leap of faith' that the owners of McDonalds, KFC and Burger King were Christians/Jews, and didn't dare to check
I couldn't really understand the mentality behind the guy I mentioned not eating non-Halal, but doing every other sin. And I actually remember all my friends in Yemen who travel abroad didn't make the case that they couldn't eat from non-Islamic restaurants/fastfood takeaways because they were Haram. Those who refrain from it simply do so because of the boycotting bullshit. And I know for sure that most of my other Muslim friends(who had a hint of religiousness in them) here in the UK don't really give a rat's ass about this, but at least most of them pray and refrain from alcohol.
So my question is: Did you guys in your Muslim days (Whether religious or not) had a problem with non-Halal food? If yes, did that even bother you? And how did you interpret the above ayah had you came across it?
I will also appreciate it if Debunker and Abu could state their opinion as well.