Re: BBC: Generation Jihad
Reply #32 - February 18, 2010, 04:43 PM
What is being done about it, political correctness stops us even talking about it, there's a new political correctness word appearing now, cultural racism.
The day is fast approaching when these people need to be severely dealt with, if you are English, i.e. born in this country, and you plot against the country with bombs and bullets, then it is treason. I'm against the death penalty, so 50 years jail.
I hear Mariam saying close down all faith schools and that's wrong, close down Islamic faith schools, you don't hear church of England faith schools teaching Jews are pigs, the problem is with Islam, Sikhs, Hindus don't preach violence and hatred against England and it's people.
The problem lies with Islam and Islam alone.
We have developed a tolerant society and that very tolerance is being used to bring us down. What's worse is that our media and justice system are complicit in this. Take for example those who are accusing MI5 of using torture on a so called British resident, torture, they don't know the meaning of the word, these people would kill us all given the chance.
The time for tolerance is at an end, why should I be tolerant to people who would enslave my grandchildren, dammed if I will.
We need to fight them in every way we can, instead we give in to them, allowing millions of taxpayers money to be spent defending their human rights when they refuse to give any one else any right at all.
People talk about multi-culturism but the reality is there is room for only one culture and that is western culture, democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of the individual and equality, anything else does not belong here and should not be tolerated, multi-ethnic, yes, multi-culturism, a resounding no.
People say to me, you're paranoid, or worse and then I pick up a news paper and read, British council of Muslims demands all state schools to be sharia compliant, WHAT!
These people are advisers to the government, the fact that they can even think such a demand, shows clearly how powerful they are.
Our government listens to these people and so they'll get a concession, then another, then another, until they win.