I've been meaning to make a video about all things I like about Islam and Muslims but one thing and another always means I never get round to it. (I will eventually -
So I'd like to make a list of the things that we ex-Muslims like/liked about Islam and Muslims.
I know
alliadere started a thread about this a while back, but sadly it got taken off track - by a few who want to insist that there is nothing good about Islam. So may I respectfully ask those people to stay out of this thread. If they want to discuss that - they can start another topic.
I am also obviously aware that many things we may say are based on personal experience, subjective, generalisations and not necessarily related to Islam the religion -
I don't care - this is just a general - and positive - thread, to make the point that one doesn't have to hate Islam or Muslims to not believe in the religion. (It is an obvious point - but one that sadly needs reinforcing in light of the extreme irrational hatred, fear and bigotry that often polarises any discussion on the topic of Islam on the internet.)
OK - so let me start with 5 things off the top of my head:
1. I always liked the verse about personal responsibility (from memory); No bearer of burdens will carry others sins - each earns what they themselves did.
2. I have generally had very good experiences with Muslims and love their hospitality, generosity, trustworthyness, and sincerity and in a climate where Muslims are often seen as terrorists I have always found Muslim communities to be very safe communities.
3. Chicken Biryani, Cous Cous and Tagine!
4. I always loved the verse that God is closer to us than our jugular vein.
5. I love the hadith Qudsi where God says "I am as my servant thinks of me..."
Please feel free to add whatever positive remark you like about Islam and/or Muslims.