...along with some conservative right-wing support from Israelis - FFI often shows support for Israel and some long time members are from there (e.g yglag, Young Reservist and... I'm guessing...yeezevee...).
Zaephon was a genuine Israel supporter, he was a genuine ex Muslim & he is anything but right wing, & certainly no racist.
A website like FFI, or for that matter plenty of very popular websites dealing with Islam draw its members, certainly not from any neo con right wings, but from a very broad base consisting of many nations, races, political orientations & religions-pretty much everywhere Islam has touched, people disliking Islam have arisen. A fair perusal of any such websites show people from many nations, who're all concerned with Islamic extremism. I can't imagine a forum critical of any other world religion being so popular with so many diverse people.
Perhaps people-including ex Muslims need to ask themselves what is it about Islam which raises the ire of so many people who come in contact with it. They'd sense then the fears & skepticism about Islam are very real, very much something to be concerned about.
No matter what one's political orientation, no one likes being bombed to death or being an amputee confined to a wheelchair due to a jihadi terrorist attack. Most supporters of gender equality would find a niqab or genital mutilation offensive, even many left wingers would find Islamic prejudices against gays, pre marital sex etc offensive.
and it is people like my two daughters and two sons who will suffer as a result - so yes - I feel a very personal anger at them!
Non Muslims of diverse views are just as worried about their sons & daughters being killed or maimed in an Islamist attack in London, on a tour of Bali, or in their schools in Beslan.
Can you in all honesty blame them for their "irrational" fears given that plenty of such attacks have happened, & many more are foiled on an almost daily basis?