I'd piss on it, if I came across it.
the following Hadith quoted on page 523 of Shaykh Nuh Ha Mim Keller's translation of the Reliance of the Traveler (ar. Umdat us Salik):
"Allah has chosen the Arabs above others"
"An arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor a non-Arab over an Arab save through Taqwa".
It says in the Hadith in Shaykh Jalaludin Suyuti's book on Ahlul Bayt:
"Ahsanul nas ul 'Arab, wa Ahsanul 'Arab Quraysh, wa Ahsan Quraysh Bani Hashim"
The best of people are the Arabs, and the best of the Arabs are Quraysh, and the best of Quraysh are Bani Hashim.