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 Topic: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?

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  • Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     OP - February 22, 2010, 11:24 AM

    Do Muslims have an inferiority complex about the west or do they arrogantly feel that they are superior in the west? I can't figure iit out, sometimes the former seems true but the latter also seems true. Is it possible to have both at the same time?

    Religion - The hot potato that looked delicious but ended up burning your mouth!

    Knock your head on the ground, don't be miserly in your prayers, listen to your Sidi Sheikh, Allahu Akbar! - Lounes Matoub
  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #1 - February 22, 2010, 11:25 AM

    I'd say both.
  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #2 - February 22, 2010, 11:44 AM

    Its both, simultaneously, and that is what makes it so unstable and volatile - both a feeling of inferiority and supremacist mentality.

    It manifests itself in so many ways.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #3 - February 22, 2010, 11:47 AM

    Or perhaps its the latter trying to disguise the former

    "Modern man's great illusion has been to convince himself that of all that has gone before he represents the zenith of human accomplishment, but can't summon the mental powers to read anything more demanding than emoticons. Fascinating. "

    One very horny Turk I met on the net.
  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #4 - February 22, 2010, 12:56 PM

    I always think about this too.

    Personally I believe all superiority complexes hide a deeper inferiority complex, a truly superior person is one who knows they are not superior.
    There is a fine line between having a healthy belief in yourself as a person, to becoming arroagnt with overbearing confidence.

    I think mohammed always had an inferiority complex, he was a worthless nobody until khadija resuced him and supported him.  He was jealous of the other tribes, and other peoples wealth.

    It makes sense that a religion spawned by a man with such a bitter jealous mindest would create worshippers with the same issues.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #5 - February 22, 2010, 01:05 PM

    I very good question and an excellent answer

    I always think about this too.

    Personally I believe all superiority complexes hide a deeper inferiority complex, a truly superior person is one who knows they are not superior.
    There is a fine line between having a healthy belief in yourself as a person, to becoming arroagnt with overbearing confidence.

    I think mohammed always had an inferiority complex, he was a worthless nobody until khadija resuced him and supported him.  He was jealous of the other tribes, and other peoples wealth.

    It makes sense that a religion spawned by a man with such a bitter jealous mindest would create worshippers with the same issues.

    No need to add to this  Afro

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  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #6 - February 26, 2010, 10:13 PM

    I think most of the non-western world suffers from an inferiority complex, not just Muslims.

    ...nor shall they encompass aught of His knowledge, except as He willeth...
  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #7 - February 26, 2010, 10:17 PM

    Its pretty sad what an inferiority complex can do to people, particularly when it hits extreme forms and  makes humans revel in another humans misery

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  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #8 - February 26, 2010, 10:17 PM

    Muslims most definite suffer a severe inferiority complex. Many third worlders do. But Muslims are by far the worst.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #9 - February 26, 2010, 10:24 PM


    I'm not so sure. For instance, many men and women in India crave light skin, to the extent that they will use damaging skin bleach to change their pigment. There is a colonial hangover throughout the third world that manifests itself as inferiority and I'm not sure it's significantly worse in Muslim countries than it is elsewhere. Meh.

    ...nor shall they encompass aught of His knowledge, except as He willeth...
  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #10 - February 26, 2010, 10:26 PM

    Yes, desis do have the worst sort of inferiority complex. Very true, only if you consider something superficial like skin color.

    I think the Muslim inferiority complex is special because they really do have delusions of grandeur of what they "used to" be versus how low they are now. Indians might have insecurities about skin color, but thats the case with practically all darker skinned people. Indians have extremely high self-esteem with regards to pretty much everything else.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #11 - February 26, 2010, 10:29 PM

    ^^^ Very true and it's very childish.

    "The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."
  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #12 - February 26, 2010, 10:30 PM


    I'm not so sure. For instance, many men and women in India crave light skin, to the extent that they will use damaging skin bleach to change their pigment. There is a colonial hangover throughout the third world that manifests itself as inferiority and I'm not sure it's significantly worse in Muslim countries than it is elsewhere. Meh.

    I think its worse in Muslim countries as they have Islam to add to the complex woes.  They believe they are following Gods religion, so its unthinkable they are not on top.  

    Its justified (I know because I spent my childhood scratching my head in mosques) by saying that Muslims are being punished by God for not following Islam & by conspiracy theories

    They both add to the hatred of themselves and the West, which makes the inferiority complexes much worse, and manifest themselves in events like 9/11.

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  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #13 - February 26, 2010, 10:50 PM

    Or perhaps its the latter trying to disguise the former

    I think its worse in Muslim countries as they have Islam to add to the complex woes.  They believe they are following Gods religion, so its unthinkable they are not on top.


    I think Thomas Friedman said it best. He said something along the lines of "Muslims believe that Islam is Christianity 2.0 and so when they see that their countries are among the least free with failed economies they think it has to be one of 2 explanations. One is that West is conspiring against Islam because of the greatness and potential of it. The second one is that they're not following true Islam and they should be more pious and devout"
  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #14 - February 26, 2010, 10:55 PM

    Yes, desis do have the worst sort of inferiority complex. Very true, only if you consider something superficial like skin color.

    I think the Muslim inferiority complex is special because they really do have delusions of grandeur of what they "used to" be versus how low they are now. Indians might have insecurities about skin color, but thats the case with practically all darker skinned people. Indians have extremely high self-esteem with regards to pretty much everything else.

    Meh. Not a very convincing argument, to be honest. Most nations/peoples are very proud of their history and culture. A Greek friend of mine is still imensely proud of the ancient greek sages: "We invented Mathematics".etc. I've heard of black people do much the same when they speak of their impressive nubian heritage.

    ...nor shall they encompass aught of His knowledge, except as He willeth...
  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #15 - February 26, 2010, 11:15 PM

    Meh. Not a very convincing argument, to be honest. Most nations/peoples are very proud of their history and culture. A Greek friend of mine is still imensely proud of the ancient greek sages: "We invented Mathematics".etc. I've heard of black people do much the same when they speak of their impressive nubian heritage.

    Are you saying Muslims are not that unique for their inventions in the Golden Age?  So it was nothing to do with Islam, but every civilisation does it?  In that case why dont the Greeks & the Romans start mimicking their behaviour hundreds of years ago to get back to their personal glories.

    The reason is as you correctly state not related to their belief in religion or a certain ideology.  They were just doing the right thing at the right time.  Islam converted all the knowedge of the world into Arabic - something that had not been done before as theire would have been little to gain, and could only be done with their far reaching conquests and power at a specific time & place.

    Once you ditch the inferiority complex and the flawed assumption that every belief system is flawed apart from Islam, you are then in a position to want accept knowledge and learn & grow from it.  If you still want to mimick the behaviour of a 7th century desert bedoin and believe you get sawaab by brushing your teeth with a twig, the future development of your tribe is doomed my friend.

    Suicide bombing is pretty much the only hapless option you have left.

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  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #16 - February 26, 2010, 11:32 PM

    Meh. Not a very convincing argument, to be honest. Most nations/peoples are very proud of their history and culture. A Greek friend of mine is still imensely proud of the ancient greek sages: "We invented Mathematics".etc. I've heard of black people do much the same when they speak of their impressive nubian heritage.

    Not a very convincing argument? I could care less about convincing you of anything. Why would you presume I place such importance on whether you were convinced or not? Weird, kinda of silly statement to make.

    In any case, you seemed to have missed my point. Muslims can be proud as much as they want. That's not the point of discussion here. The point is Muslims are extremely sensitive to any criticisms, far more than anyone else. Muslims resort self-victimization and claims of oppression at the drop of a hat. Muslims also scoff, blame, insult and deride practically everyone but themselves. Every other society is a cesspit of immorality and jahilliya, only Muslims have proper morals etc. This behavior is deeply rooted in an inferiority complex that attempts to deal with the jarring reality that Musulmans are literally the lowest and most under-achieving segments of humanity only a few notches above sub-saharan africa.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #17 - March 01, 2010, 07:57 PM


    Are you saying Muslims are not that unique for their inventions in the Golden Age?  So it was nothing to do with Islam, but every civilisation does it?  In that case why dont the Greeks & the Romans start mimicking their behaviour hundreds of years ago to get back to their personal glories.

    I do not think collective Muslim yearning for our great past necessarily represents an inferiority complex. With regards to mimicking behaviour - that has absolutely nothing to do with inferiority complex. SOME Muslims choose to adopt the practices of the prophet because they believe, rightly or wrongly, that they will benefit religiously by doing so.

    The reason is as you correctly state not related to their belief in religion or a certain ideology.  They were just doing the right thing at the right time.  Islam converted all the knowedge of the world into Arabic - something that had not been done before as theire would have been little to gain, and could only be done with their far reaching conquests and power at a specific time & place.

    Slightly off-topic, but I would contend that the Arabs did more than just translate the ancient works of the greco-roman civilisation.

    Once you ditch the inferiority complex and the flawed assumption that every belief system is flawed apart from Islam, you are then in a position to want accept knowledge and learn & grow from it.  If you still want to mimick the behaviour of a 7th century desert bedoin and believe you get sawaab by brushing your teeth with a twig, the future development of your tribe is doomed my friend.

    I think you'll find that Muslims generally did adopt their religious, economic judicial and legal structures to suit the time/location. The discussion, and in some cases adoption, of greco-roman ideas certainly suggests that Muslims were willing to 'accept knowledge' from sources outside our own cannon. Extending to the present day, most Muslim countries have adopted secular elements into their legal systems. The fact that they haven't absolutely mimicked western forms of government is sensible - not one form of government is objectively right.


    Muslims can be proud as much as they want. That's not the point of discussion here. The point is Muslims are extremely sensitive to any criticisms, far more than anyone else. Muslims resort self-victimization and claims of oppression at the drop of a hat. Muslims also scoff, blame, insult and deride practically everyone but themselves. Every other society is a cesspit of immorality and jahilliya, only Muslims have proper morals etc

    These are just a collection of unsubstantiated generalisations of 1.5billion+ Muslims. 

    ...nor shall they encompass aught of His knowledge, except as He willeth...
  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #18 - March 01, 2010, 08:01 PM

    These are just a collection of unsubstantiated generalisations of 1.5billion+ Muslims.  

    Yes of course it's a generalisation. You figured that out just now? Of course it's far from unsubstantiated. All the current events linked to musulmans (terrorism, cartoon riots, extremism, lack of integration) all link back to this common theme of an inferiority complex. Its deeply rooted in the musulman psyche.

    And don't tell me what to think about muslims, I'm born and raised as one I don't need some apologist for a barbaric ideology to tell me what Muslims are about. Thnxbai. Smiley

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #19 - March 01, 2010, 08:17 PM

    Yes of course it's a generalisation. You figured that out just now? Of course it's far from unsubstantiated. All the current events linked to musulmans (terrorism, cartoon riots, extremism, lack of integration) all link back to this common theme of an inferiority complex. Its deeply rooted in the musulman psyche.

    And don't tell me what to think about muslims, I'm born and raised as one I don't need some apologist for a barbaric ideology to tell me what Muslims are about. Thnxbai


    Terrorism - Muslims have been economically and militarily inferior to western powers for well over 2 centuries. Terrorism, however, is a relatively recent phenomenon - going back, maybe, 2 or 3 decades. Did this inferiority complex only manifest itself in the past 20 years? Or might there be other causes for terrorism other than this supposed inferiority complex (lack of classical schoalrship, for example).

    Lack of integration - When you go to the Costa del Sol, you'll see thousands of Brits speaking English and living in isolated communities away from their Spanish hosts. Is this a sign of inferiority complex too?

    ...nor shall they encompass aught of His knowledge, except as He willeth...
  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #20 - March 07, 2010, 09:48 PM


    Terrorism - Muslims have been economically and militarily inferior to western powers for well over 2 centuries. Terrorism, however, is a relatively recent phenomenon - going back, maybe, 2 or 3 decades. Did this inferiority complex only manifest itself in the past 20 years? Or might there be other causes for terrorism other than this supposed inferiority complex (lack of classical schoalrship, for example).

    Perhaps not THE reason but a reason is that terrorism as a tactic wasn't really feasible until modern explosives became widely available.

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #21 - March 07, 2010, 11:56 PM

    Good thread. Definately both:

    Inferiority complex: The West is richer, more technologically advance, enjoy/live decent lives, have freedom and are much more powerful. Being a restricted Muslim and human, somehow we can still be dominant again.

    Arrogant sense of superiority: There was a Golden age and therefore we can dominate again Inshalla, I'm the right one, non-Mulsims are going to hell, Western leaders are corrupt, the media tells lies, the West have high divorces rates & live on credit ...

    India and China make it evident that feeling inferior can make people work harder to acheive more. Muslims just show more and more arrogance and fail to come to the truth that to be Western/developed means to let go of Islamic restrictions that hinders growth.

    Also, I think it has only been in recent times (the last 40-50 years) that the pace of growth and advancement of the West make it more evident how far the Islamic world are behind, or going backwards.
  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #22 - March 08, 2010, 06:02 PM

    Inferiority complex: The West is richer, more technologically advance, enjoy/live decent lives, have freedom and are much more powerful. Being a restricted Muslim and human, somehow we can still be dominant again.

    India and China make it evident that feeling inferior can make people work harder to acheive more. Muslims just show more and more arrogance and fail to come to the truth that to be Western/developed means to let go of Islamic restrictions that hinders growth.

    Also, I think it has only been in recent times (the last 40-50 years) that the pace of growth and advancement of the West make it more evident how far the Islamic world are behind, or going backwards.

    First of all, I reject the notion that a highly technologised society is necessarily a better one. Sure, we have access to comforts our forefathers could only dream of, but at what cost? I do not think it is advanced, or for that matter civilised, to pursue technology at the expense of the natural world. Evidently, the west, and now China and India (both of whom you praise) continue to grow. But this growth, I'm sure you are aware, is largely dependent on the exploitation of poorer countries and their natural resources. Is this something to aspire to?  I should think not.

    Also, what is it about Islam the 'restricts' growth? Are you referring to economic growth? Should that be the sole measure of a society?

    And finally, the 'notion' of western freedom is illusory. You may think you are free to say, think or believe as you feel, but in reality, your beliefs are largely a product of transient societal trends. You think you are free to wear what you want. But in reality, you wear what society deems reasonable and fashionable. You think you are free to say whatever you want, but in reality, you say only those things which are palatable to society. You believe that you have a say in who runs the country, but in reality, you pick leaders from a 2 or 3 candidates from a particular class and background.

    I am reminded of this:

    ...nor shall they encompass aught of His knowledge, except as He willeth...
  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #23 - March 08, 2010, 06:04 PM

    And finally, the 'notion' of western freedom is illusory. You may think you are free to say, think or believe as you feel, but in reality, your beliefs are largely a product of transient societal trends. You think you are free to wear what you want. But in reality, you wear what society deems reasonable and fashionable. You think you are free to say whatever you want, but in reality, you say only those things which are palatable to society. You believe that you have a say in who runs the country, but in reality, you pick leaders from a 2 or 3 candidates from a particular class and background.

    And yet still, much more free than Islamic countries.   Afro

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #24 - March 08, 2010, 06:05 PM


    Is hassan1 for real? Or is he pretending to be a totally delusional musulman trying to cover up his blatant denial in pseudo-intellectual concepts?

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #25 - March 08, 2010, 06:06 PM


    You are probably right. In fact, you are. But that's not the point. The point is that much of the freedoms that we (I say we, because I too am a westerner) enjoy are not really freedoms. Muslim countries are far worse in this regard however.

    ...nor shall they encompass aught of His knowledge, except as He willeth...
  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #26 - March 08, 2010, 06:13 PM


    Is hassan1 for real? Or is he pretending to be a totally delusional musulman trying to cover up his blatant denial in pseudo-intellectual concepts?

    Fo' real, yo.

    I'll add a particularly relevant Chomsy quote into the mix and bid you all adieu. For the time being.

    "The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate."

    ...nor shall they encompass aught of His knowledge, except as He willeth...
  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #27 - March 08, 2010, 06:41 PM

    We are all deluded and tricked into thinking what we think   Grin

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Inferiority complex or arrogant sense of superiority?
     Reply #28 - March 09, 2010, 04:09 AM

    For some I'd be inclined to say it's jealousy, not an inferiority complex.

    The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
    - 32nd United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt
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