Re: I really wish you'd bring back the "QUOTE" button
Reply #34 - February 28, 2010, 01:37 AM
Oh and out of interest, 60% of the current staff reckon we might as well leave things how they are since hardly anyone complains and no matter what you do somebody wont like it. T'other 40% are ruminating about possible alternatives.
Just in case anyone gives a rat's my reasons for liking the status quo are:
1/ I have to read a lot of forum content as part of my duties, which means I really do prefer to not have to read or scroll past anything that isn't necessary. It may not bug some people but it really does bug me. I like the cleaner and more compact look that comes from only using quotes when they are really needed.
2/ Resources and finances: everything that is posted is stored in the database, and has to be called from the database before being read. This takes resources.
Say you post a one paragraph response to the person who posted directly before you, and their post was also one paragraph. If you don't quote them you are using roughly half the resources compared to quoting them without needing to. This means around half the server load and around half the response time to process all the code.
In other words, if you keep the crap to a minimum the forum runs faster and cleaner and can be hosted on a smaller and cheaper hosting account. Now obviously we are trying to have fun here, at least some of the time, so we don't to make the place deadly serious and stripped to the bare minimum. However stripping out stuff that is not fun or informative and is just a waste of space does make a certain amount of sense to me.
Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West.