Everybody knows that in Islam, a woman is not supposed to pluck or shape her eyebrows as it comes under the ruling of altering Allah's creation. See fatwa here:
http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Satellite?cid=1235477843556&pagename=IslamOnline-English-Ask_Scholar%2FFatwaE%2FFatwaEAskTheScholarNow, my question is, if plucking the eyebrows is seen is altering Allah's creation, wouldn't that also mean that circumcision of both males and females and the mandatory removal of pubic hair and armpit hair be also seen as altering the creation of Allah?
Why is it that removing the hair from one part of the body is seen as ok but to remove it from another part of the body is altering what Allah created?
Allah also created the clitoris and the foreskin but to remove these is not altering the human body?!?!
I think this is a subject that needs debate within the Ummah as there is no logic to it whatsoever!