Updated - you can watch the documentary in full here (thanks Iblis)
A Dispatches special on the infiltration of Tower Hamlets council in London by Jamat-e-Islami and Islamic Forum Europe (IFE) activists. Including the possible involvement of a war criminal from the 1971 war of Bangladeshi Independance.
The Spitoon has the details summarised:
Channel 4 Dispatches: Jamaat-e-Islam in the UK
The extent of the intertwined linkages between the East London Mosque, the Islamic Forum Europe, the Muslim Council of Britain and the South Asian far-right Islamist party, Jamaat-e-Islam is to be the subject of 2 Channel 4 Dispatches programmes, to be shown on Monday 1st and 8th of March. An accompanying article on the documentay by Andrew Gilligan, who will front the documentary, is in today’s Sunday Telegraph:
The mosque and IFE are inextricably intertwined. Dr Mohammed Abdul Bari, the chairman of the mosque, and its vice-chairman are former IFE presidents.
The director and imam of the mosque are trustees of the group. Of 22 IFE trustees in recent years, only five have not also been trustees or officeholders of the religious centre.
The mosque calls the IFE a “social welfare organisation” and the IFE presents itself as committed to “community cohesion” and “tolerance”.
But the undercover reporters discovered that it was also a sophisticated political group with a structured rank system and hardline goals.
Prospective recruits must attend training. One undercover reporter was told that she would have to take an exam and swear an oath of allegiance and ordered to keep her membership of the IFE a secret.
The nature of Jamaat’s fascist, supremacist ideology and the extremely sophisticated methodology of its propagation are well documented in the article. It’s all there:
1) The championing of fascist Islamic supremacist ideologues such as Syed Mawdud, the godfather of Islamism:
The key text, Let Us Be Muslims, by Syed Mawdudi, a high priest of Islamism, instructs recruits: “The sacred duty of Muslims … wherever you are, in whichever country you live, you must strive to change the wrong basis of government, and seize all powers to rule and make laws from those who do not fear God.”
2) The indoctrination of young people:
The nature of that Islamic social and political order in Britain was made clear when Mr Rabbani said: “Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.” He instructed the recruits to “protect yourselves” from music, television and “free mixing with women in that which is not necessary”.
3) The certainty of it’s religious supremacism:
Mr Abideen attacked key moderate Muslims for “flirting with the West and the media to convince them that we are ‘good peaceful Muslims’”.
He said they were examples of “deviation” who would go to hell. Another IFE document said: “IFE’s primary work is in Europe because it is this continent, despite all the furore about its achievements, which has a moral and spiritual vacuum.”
Our old friend Azad Ali, head of the Civil Service Islamic Society, “lover” of Anwar al-Awlaki and Abdullah Azzam, gets a namecheck too:
Azad Ali, the IFE’s community affairs coordinator, was filmed by the undercover reporters stating: “Democracy, if it means at the expense of not implementing the sharia, no one’s going to agree with that.”
The IFE is not itself a violent organisation. None of its members is known to have been personally implicated in any terrorist act and it has, apparently sincerely, condemned terrorist attacks in London.
However, the IFE appears satisfied to host speakers who advocate hatred and violence. Several of its senior officials, including Mr Ali, until recently defended Anwar al-Awlaki, who is blamed for inspiring at least three terrorist attacks, including September 11 and the attempted underwear bombing in Detroit.
Several IFE activists and officials, including Mr Ali, support Hamas, which is designated as a terrorist organisation by the British and American governments. Mr Ali advocates the destruction of Israel, justifies the killing of British troops in Iraq, believes al-Qaeda is a “myth” and has praised Osama bin Laden’s mentor, Abdullah Azzam.
When I discussed the forthcoming Dispatches documentary with a friend of mine, he made the following observations:
“I just hope they provide more content and context than previous docs. I know they obviously dont want Carter Ruck all over them, but if they are going to make accusations about Jamaat as a movement they should at least give us some examples of radicalism and how their ideology is manifest into action. The ‘71 war crimes involvement, Jamaat student wings trying to take over Bangladeshi and Pakistani universities through extreme violence, such as cutting the tendons of their “enemies”, so targetted students can never walk again, money laundering, the Gitmo prisoners with Jamaat backgrounds, the whole lot…”
One can but hope.