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 Topic: Pakistan: The Nation.. The Politics... and The Religion

 (Read 250928 times)
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  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #30 - March 28, 2010, 10:02 PM

    Yeah yeezeevee, I've seen her interviews and am looking forward to reading her book. She is very intelligent and beautiful.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #31 - March 28, 2010, 10:33 PM

    Yeah yeezeevee, I've seen her interviews and am looking forward to reading her book. She is very intelligent and beautiful.

    She is indeed  intelligent and beautiful.

    But she lived/living  ONE HECK    OF A  TRAGIC LIFE any kid of her age could go through in life dear Billy.  She actually has None .. No father.. Father was killed.. No mother . Mother was  Divorced when she was child.. Grew  up    with a Lebanese step mother.. Doesn't have much interaction from her Afghanistan  Mother's Family . She has a younger step brother.   But you know.. Once Dad dies.. Step mother.. step brother... all are steps..

    So she has nothing except her bedridden grand mother.. Life is tough ..very tough.. is it not??

    watch this lady ., You know who she is

    Again the lady Blames Israel.. Mossad.. CIA..  When the FUCKING THING THAT RUINS MANY MUSLIM FAMILIES IS FUCKING MUHAMMAD'S ISLAM from Bedouin Baboons..

    I am not a superstitus guy.. But  Islam damn Islam., It is a CURSE BILLY ..IT IS CURSE

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #32 - March 28, 2010, 10:51 PM

    Yeah I know all that eazy-e I read her interviews and biography on wikipedia.

    I don't understand Urdu so I don't know what her step-mother is saying but if as you say it is the usual stuff blaming Israel, India, America and the Eskimos in the north Pole for the Ummah's problems then its just the usual sickness.

    However, Fatima does not seem to have that mentality, in fact quite the opposite.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #33 - March 28, 2010, 11:08 PM

    However, Fatima does not seem to have that mentality, in fact quite the opposite.

    Well Her step Mother is from Lebanese Shia Muslim  So that lady worries about CIA .. MOSSAD and what not that is the mentality of Muslim kids of that time who grew up in that area    But Lucky Fatima got educated in US OF A  from Columbia University   So she has  entirely different out look on life.

    well that is life and news says from land of pure

    Indian involvement in Afghanistan   Ban on Basant

    The ban on Basant, the renowned kite-flying festival of Lahore, appears to be the result of a political tussle between two forces of the country. Basant has been celebrated in this city for years. It attracts local as well as international tourists. The government banned Basant saying it was dangerous for citizens. In the past there have indeed been many unfortunate incidents during the Basant festival. But would the government ban aeroplanes if some of them crashed causing death to passengers? No sir, it would rather focus on making air travel a safer experience. The government should make the Basant festival safe thus reducing damage to life and property. Certain grounds could be set aside for kite-flying. Banning a festival which brings smile to many faces is a harsh step. We are also losing a lot of capital that this festival brings to Lahore every year. As a citizen I support cultural activities like Basant. At least these activities save our youth from becoming cannon fodder for the Taliban.
    Yasir Qadeer

    I don’t understand why the court and the government are opposed to Basant. If public safety is the only reason for the ban on Basant, then the government should enact strict laws and enforce them to protect citizens from the dangers kite-flying may involve. The police should be instructed to arrest violators of the laws. But why ban Basant? It is a part of our culture. Nobody should have the right to ban a cultural festival.

    So Indians are building some schools and roads in  Afghanistan and apparently interfering with  Pakistan from there So the Pakistan's Punjab bans the Kite festival ..

    Good actions from the Land of Pure..

    Idiots in power., That is what Muhammad's Islam does.. GET IDIOTS IN TO POWER

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #34 - March 30, 2010, 08:40 PM

    Pakistan-Hamara-Azam-Hamara-Mustaqbil-News1--PakistanFirst -Special Part 1  recent discussion

    Pakistan-Hamara-Azam-Hamara-Mustaqbil-News1--PakistanFirst -Special Part 2

    Pakistan-Hamara-Azam-Hamara-Mustaqbil-News1--PakistanFirst -Special Part 3

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #35 - March 30, 2010, 08:45 PM

    Pakistan-Hamara-Azam-Hamara-Mustaqbil-News1--PakistanFirst -Special Part 4

    Pakistan-Hamara-Azam-Hamara-Mustaqbil-News1--PakistanFirst -Special Part 5.

    Pakistan-Hamara-Azam-Hamara-Mustaqbil-News1--PakistanFirst -Special Part 6

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #36 - March 30, 2010, 08:58 PM

    I'd totally do the chick in the blue.

    How about u, yeez?

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #37 - March 30, 2010, 09:17 PM

    I'd totally do the chick in the blue.

    How about u, yeez?

    I am color blind Iblis.. blue, yellow, Black, white, green.. red .. Sap chalega..  A long as it has to be chick and  Both of us are in similar wavelnegths w.r.t. education and views on the society

    Did you watch all six videos?   Or are you watching sex videos??

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #38 - March 30, 2010, 09:51 PM

    Quaid e Azam Last speech, hidden truth., Zaid Hamid and his understanding of it in 21st century..

    This fellow doesn't understand that speech was of 1947 and we are in 2010..

    Yes we don't need banks, No credit or debit cards, No ATMS., we will exchange Chickens, goats and buffaloes for money transactions.. or paying salaries to people

    The fool need to watch this

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #39 - May 12, 2010, 03:03 PM

    Politicians _Islam and Pakistan _ Zafar Hilaly

    By the looks of it, the Romans considered civilisation as a way of living, an attitude of mind, of which the foremost principal was equal respect for men and their beliefs. They assessed the degree of civilisation of each nation not only by its laws or constitutions, or its literature or culture, or its wondrous edifices, but also by how much respect its society offered to its fellow man and his beliefs. By such a yardstick we are in the Stone Age, and regressing.

    While our society is divided between the rich and the poor, the literate and the illiterate, the powerful and the weak, it is the desire of all, rich, poor, weak, strong alike, to have more of the necessities of existence regardless of the respect owed to their fellow man, which is troubling. And it is religion that deficient societies such as ours exploit to obtain for themselves an advantage.

    Sadly, more wars have been fought, more turmoil generated and more lives lost in the name of religion than any other cause in world history. Religion has been used to motivate the populace even when power and lucre have been the goals. Muslim nations fighting each other declare their adversary kafir before they join the battle. This makes it easier for them to go on a killing spree which even genuine kafirs would balk at.

    As Pakistan comprises (virtually) only Muslims, one would have thought that religion could not be made an issue or exploited as an instrument of social or political change. But because without religion no fight seems worth dying for, sectarian differences are bandied about as reason enough to kill. The length of the beard, the manner of the dress, the extent of covering of the woman’s body and the observance of rituals--all are made to count. And all this in a society where priests do not (as yet) rule.

    Thus, today the Annual Confidential Reports of all government officers require the reporting officer to indicate whether the officer being reported on is a good Muslim. That Pakistan’s greatest hypocrite, Ziaul Haq, a declared accessory to a (judicial) murder, was responsible, says it all. In Pakistan, the murderer and his victim, the robber and the robbed, all seek His help, which is understandable, but what is not is how one of them expects to retrieve his property while the other make off with it at the same time, and all with God’s help.

    Needless to say, in a society which places prime importance on a man’s religious obligations rather than those to his fellow men or the state, which is the case in Pakistan, turmoil will prevail. Especially if each sect believes that any other interpretation of the Sharia is heretical, nay, beyond the pale of Islam. Our clerics wrangle for religion, fight for it, and die for it, anything but live for it. They prefer to politicise Islam rather than make politics Islamic.

    Today, those who would have us forcibly abandon our beliefs, and our interpretation of the Sharia, are the Taliban. One would have thought that because they were a small minority and because their beliefs were against the grain of our culture and ethos society’s response would have been swift, united and decisive. That was not the case. It required the Taliban to visit mind-boggling cruelties on the populace over a considerable period of time before the tide of public opinion finally turned against them. And this should have been a signal to our rulers just how badly they are perceived and how woeful their performance has been that antediluvian medieval bigots could be considered as rivals for public affection. And, more so, how deep is the malignancy that afflicts society and the danger that the malaise might become terminal unless drastic remedial measures are taken.


    Of the 33,000 madressahs which are functioning today, only 13,000 are registered. The rest operate largely unmonitored and unsupervised, free to teach what they wish, even though education is the soul of a society. Of course, not all of them are churning out potential recruits for the Taliban, but many do, because 11,000 students annually emerge from madressahs with nothing else but the ability to recite the Quran by heart.
    Their intellect "is perfectly and permanently preserved at the stage of boyhood." Well-developed bodies and underdeveloped minds. In any case, as a great teacher once said, "What is the use of transmitting knowledge if the individual’s total development lags behind?" What, indeed, one may ask, is the point of being able to read if one is unable to distinguish what is worth reading?

    In this regard, it is not that this government has no plan, it does not even know where to begin.

    The crisis that Pakistan confronts today is far greater than any experienced in the past. We are witnessing a comprehensive and systemic failure of governance. Nor can we merely sit on our hands as the clock winds down to the predictable denouement. If we believe that things are bad, we have a duty to prevent them from worsening, regardless of the consequences.


     That is what he says ., Mr. Hilaly  was a   former ambassador of Pakistan. read it all at the link.,  Now let watch this

    that is how land of pure became the Purest of all Islamic countries.. only few million  Christians and a million Hindus and couple of 1000(??) Sikhs left.  


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #40 - May 22, 2010, 01:38 PM


    Pakistan:  Adventure hunza valley

    Pakistan: Adventure kara kuram Highway

    Pakistan:  Adventure Badshahi Mosque  

    Macedonians-Decendents from Alexander the Great

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #41 - June 18, 2010, 12:50 PM

    Talibanization of Pakistan Spreads Into Punjab Heartland…
        LAHORE: At least two dozen militants once supported by the government have split off to lead one of the country’s newest and deadliest terrorist groups, working with al Qaeda at remote camps near the Afghan border to carry out attacks in the centre of this US-allied country, police say.

        The emergence of the network known as the Punjabi Taliban risks destabilising Pakistan’s political and military heartland. The group is closely allied with the Pakistani Taliban, which the United States blames for last month’s failed Times Square bombing.

        Police believe they are beginning to understand the network after months of interrogating captured fighters. But the government is divided over how to counter the group, with federal officials pushing for a stronger crackdown in Punjab and provincial officials arguing that the army needs to target the training camps in the remote northwest.

        Key leaders are from the Punjab. They include a notorious militant once arrested for trying to assassinate former president Pervez Musharraf, according to police officers and interrogation reports obtained by AP.

        Terror attacks in Punjab began about two years ago, and the Punjabi Taliban is now believed to have been behind most of the major ones. Those attacks include last fall’s audacious raid on army headquarters in Rawalpindi and last month’s gun-and-grenade strikes that killed nearly 100 members of the Ahmedi community in Lahore.

        Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah estimated that 10 to 20 percent of the members of banned groups like Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Jaish-e-Muhammad and Sipah-e-Sahaba have split off to join forces with the Punjabi Taliban network.

    A Weasel Zipper blogs at 

    The way and the direction Politics are going in the country, I am afraid that Weasel Zipper is right..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #42 - June 18, 2010, 01:49 PM

  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #43 - June 28, 2010, 06:18 PM

    Although I disagree in certain aspect of Nuclear dr.Khan., but here is airing some fact of Pakistan and History of Islam. let us read  a bot of "BLOOD IS CHEAPER THAN WATER"  by A. Q. Khan  at

    The old saying “Nowadays blood is cheaper than water” tragically manifested itself at Karbala when the army of Yazid surrounded Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA), the grandson of our Holy Prophet (PBUH), and his family and stopped their access to water. In all 72 people were martyred there. Hazrat Abbas (RA), brother of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) could not bear to see the suffering of the thirsty children and went out alone to fetch water from the river, ignoring the dangers involved. He was soon surrounded by the enemy and his hands were chopped off. Thereupon he held the leather water bag in his mouth......

     Oh well Grand son of Muhammad was a stupid guy., he was NOT as smart as Muhammad PBUH. Why fight when  you have no force or power??  Play Taqiyya for some time..
    While meat, vegetables, fruits, pulses, flour, sugar, tea, etc., are essential commodities, let us not forget water–I mean clean, potable water. Due to load-shedding and mismanagement by the supplying agencies, there is hardly any water available in the supply lines. One sees long queues of poor people–old men, women and children–gathered around a single tap to get a container full of water. They mostly have to depend on tankers, which seem to be under the control of a mafia. While to the poor water is sold at a high price–and even then it is not potable, often brackish and/or taken from unhygienic sources–the well-to-do can enjoy bottled mineral water. It is difficult to say whether the mineral water supplied by many companies is actually of good quality, but the illusion of drinking pure water gives great satisfaction to the rich.

    So what did you my man?  what is the point of making bombs without having drinking water?? bomb is all rigt but  what did you do after bomb??  You are a famous scientist/Engineer, why didn't you work for making electricity out of NUKE and desalinate ocean water for Karachi  to give it freely to every one?   are you  busy selling  centrifuges??

    If we look at Islamic history, we find many occasions when blood was cheaper than water. The first was the murder by Alauddin Khwarazm Shah of Mongol Muslim traders and Genghis Khan’s vengeance. The whole kingdom was destroyed, Bokhara, Samarqand, etc., were razed to the ground. More than a million Muslims later massacred. The bloodshed involved included massacres during the sacking of Baghdad. The caliph himself was murdered, together with the whole population (by Hulagu Khan, son of Genghis Khan). Fortunately, Allah sent Malik Az-Zaheer Baybars, the Seljuk king of Egypt, who defeated the Mongols, broke their strength and saved Syria, present-day Jordan and Egypt.

    Before that, the wars of Jamal and Siffin between the Muslims themselves saw almost a hundred thousand people killed. The massacre of thousand of Muslims in Delhi by Nadir Shah and Ahmad Shah Abdali and about eighty thousand Muslims were killed by the Crusaders after they occupied Jerusalem. In all these episodes, life counted for nothing and blood became cheaper than water, even as it is in our country today.

    So Doc., Smart man  ..why do such horrible killings and war fare happens in Islam??   let me add more of such wars from Islamic history all the way from the time of Mr. PBUH to to this day in Land of Pure..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #44 - June 29, 2010, 08:42 AM

    I fucking hate that we have the nuclear bumm. What the fuck has that accomplished for Pakistan? A bigger ego boost for our self-righteous faujis that are more or less worshipped as if they are the fucking Sahaba!

    Fuck nuclear weapons when you cannot even teach your people basic physics, chemistry, maths, biology, and social sciences!

    Pakistan Zindabad? ya Pakistan sey Zinda bhaag?

    Long Live Pakistan? Or run with your lives from Pakistan?
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #45 - July 08, 2010, 03:19 AM

     dance dance dance dance Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

    That guy Hamid Gul is good., he shuts Indians with one word that he fought in Afghanistan for SAVING INDIA from Russian onslaught.

    Any way let us watch some old pictures of Fouzi Gul..

    General Hamid Gul's old pictures in Afghanistan.

    After taking over as Director General ISI in April 1987, General Hamid Gul’s foremost aim was to be accepted by Afghan Leaders and Mujahideen. The Afghans  accepted him with open arms and smiling faces –  

    WAZIR KOOCHI – Famous PAKTIA Commander gets appreciation of his exploits from General Gul.

    Do as the Romans Do – It made him likeable and acceptable to all parties

    My man fighting for power..

    General Hamid Gul at ZAWAR military ghund.

    US Senator Hamphery Garden at lunch with Mujahideen.  Those were the days Americans were happy to fleece Russians..

    US Senator Charles Wilson with Afghan  Mujahideen

    Hamid Gul having good time A party for Hamid in Land of pure.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #46 - July 08, 2010, 03:37 AM

    Interesting comments of HAMEED GUL _ CURRENT AFFAIRS PART1

    Interesting comments of HAMEED GUL _ CURRENT AFFAIRS PART2

    Interesting comments of HAMEED GUL _ CURRENT AFFAIRS PART3

    Interesting comments of HAMEED GUL _ CURRENT AFFAIRS PART4

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #47 - July 08, 2010, 04:40 AM

    He also said 9/11 was an inside job on CNN and then appeared on Alex Jones' show stating the same.

    The biggest Taliban apologist (and promoter) in Pakistan. All those dollars he must have gotten from Saudi Arabia during the 1980s and 1990s must have made him a VERY happy mujahid-fucktard.

    Pakistan Zindabad? ya Pakistan sey Zinda bhaag?

    Long Live Pakistan? Or run with your lives from Pakistan?
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #48 - July 10, 2010, 11:02 AM

     Niaz Murtaza writes an interesting article in Dawn "Failure of dictatorship & democracy"

    HOW would you feel if you lived in a poor neighbourhood and your neighbours started getting rich while you became poorer? Angry, envious, depressed, suspicious? Pakistanis have experienced these emotions collectively as East Asia and the Middle East developed. Now even countries down the road in South Asia are developing.

    Dubai and Korea are already rich, India is moving and, to add insult to injury, unconfirmed rumor has it that even Bangladesh is on to something since the familial break-up. Thank God for Afghanistan and Nepal! We can still walk around in the neighbourhood with some semblance of self-respect.

    Perceptively concluding that our failure has something to do with governance, we tried both dictatorship and democracy, but neither worked. This calls for an urgent analysis of why what works for swans does not work for us, and developing our own walk.

    Sociologists say that political systems derive from social structures. Democracy works best in societies with atomistic families where sub-national identities between national and family levels, e.g., based on community and religion, are weak or do not affect people’s political choices, which are based on policies.


    Dictatorship survives but contributes to the dictators’ kitties rather than development where the army is the only power centre but consists of poorly educated warlords while parties, businessmen and landlords are weak, ethnic differences high, and the educated diaspora small, as in Africa. Rarely, dictatorships facilitate development....................

    Over the last 800 years, India was repeatedly attacked from the north-west. The conquerors grabbed lands and established feudal structures. However, except for the Mughals, others remained confined to the north, and south India suffered less destruction and feudalism.

    Unfortunately, the one conqueror that established a modern state, the British, entered India from south and east rather than north-west. While colonisation’s overall impact was negative, the few good things that it brought — education, rule of law and the urban economy — spread inwards from south and east and reached current-day Pakistan last.

    No wonder, the south and east produce India’s finest minds. The grass-root approach adopted by Congress, particularly Gandhi — going to villages to raise awareness — also helped in establishing democracy on a stronger footing than in Pakistan where the Muslim League co-opted feudal elements.

    Even though most of India was not ready for democracy in 1947, enough of it allowed an urban educated leadership to become the largest single group and gain control in parliament. This was not true of Pakistan. That is why land reforms were easy in India and difficult in Pakistan. Nehru’s longevity also helped. Before I get accused of being a lover of dictatorship, let me add that, paradoxically, Pakistan also lacks most prerequisites for successful dictatorships. While generals are educated, we received much less aid from the US than Korea which has adoringly savoured American boots on the ground for 60 years while Afghan war aid for us so far has only lasted 10 years, twice.

    The largest ethnic groups, far from being docile, are fiercely proud of their autonomy, rugged, and well armed to give the army a run for its money on their own turf if it infringes local autonomy or does not spread the fruits of development evenly. Businessmen, media and judiciary are strong and bristle at army dictation. In short, paradoxically, the ineffectiveness of both democracy and dictatorship in Pakistan is rooted in the same social structures — polycentrism, localism and a high level of ethnic heterogeneity.

    Viewed so, democracy is still more suited for Pakistani culture than dictatorship as it gives more local autonomy, especially with devolution.

    The writer is a research associate on political economy issues at the University of California at Berkeley, US.

    read it all at

    I didn't know this
    No wonder, the south and east produce India’s finest minds.

    Oh common that can not be true., What  all one can say is Early Islam  affected West and North India more than south or East India.  And it is established fact that brains that grew up with Muhammad's Islam gets STAGNATED and live in local Islamic wells with Arab Islam dominating their abilities to think ...unless the person is lucky to get out and interact/learn from rest of the human  society..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #49 - July 10, 2010, 06:55 PM

    And it is established fact that brains that grew up with Muhammad's Islam gets STAGNATED and live in local Islamic wells with Arab Islam dominating their abilities to think ...unless the person is lucky to get out and interact/learn from rest of the human  society..

    Unfortunately very true ! But they have been brainwashed so much that they are caught in a time warp.

    The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.
                                   Thomas Paine

    Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored !- Aldous Huxley
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #50 - July 12, 2010, 03:35 AM

    ‘I loved Pakistan until I visited Pakistani Occupied Kashmir’ writes Dr. Shabir Choudhry  in

    Pakistan had to twist the knife to make it relevant again.

    Death of innocent people, especially young children has created a new situation in Kashmir; and gave Spokesman of Pakistan Foreign Office to express his resentment and show that Pakistan was still relevant in the Kashmir dispute; and still hold some cards up the sleeve.

    A few weeks before this unrest, an impartial survey confirmed that 98% of the people of Kashmir did not want to join Pakistan. This was a big slap on the face of those who claimed and continue to claim that people of Kashmir were eager to join Pakistan and were giving sacrifices for this purpose. These claims are made despite the current deteriorating economic and security situation of Pakistan in which many Pakistanis don’t want to remain part of the Federation.

    This survey was conducted by a prominent British Think Tank - Chatham House, which has its own expertise in matters of South Asia. The survey confirmed what we – nationalist Kashmiris have always claimed that people were not interested in joining Pakistan. We believe that the Kashmir dispute is not religious in nature; and concerns our inherent and unrestricted right of self determination.

    Pakistani establishment and their puppets have, hitherto, made themselves relevant in the Kashmir dispute not because of any legal standing, but because of their de-facto control, religious card and Kashmiri collaborators which are available in abundance on both sides of the divide.

    Many experts and Kashmir watchers after the survey thought Pakistan was becoming irrelevant in the Kashmir dispute because of this change; and because of Pakistan’s serious internal economic and terrorism related problems. Somehow Pakistan had to ‘strike back’ and make it relevant again; and they have done it in a style.

    For this ‘gain if some Kashmiris have lost their lives, its price worth paying’, said one Kashmiri, on condition of anonymity. He said, ‘Pakistani agencies have always outmanoeuvred India over issue of Kashmir. They create a situation with help of their collaborators and Indians not only walk in, but jump in it and get trapped’.

    End result in this dirty game is killing of innocent Kashmiris and human rights violations. It serves four purposes. It further alienate the people of Kashmir and their resentment against India grows; It gives India the kind of image Pakistani establishment wants to project; and make India defensive on issue of Kashmir;

    It makes Pakistan relevant in the Kashmir dispute and helps them to promote them as a ‘good boy’ and well wishers of people of Kashmir; It keeps people of Pakistani Administered Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan under check, as message is given that Pakistan, despite its all faults is not as bad as India, as India kills and commits human rights violations.

    It is true people are killed and human rights are being committed on the Indian side of LOC; and comparatively less human rights violations take on the Pakistani side of LOC, but no one has time or even care to look at reasons.

    People on the Indian side of Jammu and Kashmir, especially Muslims of the Valley have not accepted the Indian rule, and after help from Pakistan have rebelled against India. On the hand people under Pakistani control have accepted their direct and indirect rule; and depending on interpretation and political thinking or lack of it, one might call it Azadi or slavery.

    So if people of Pakistani Administered Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan have surrendered unconditionally and have agreed to call their slavery ‘freedom’ and azadi, then why would Pakistan kill these subservient people, who go out of their way to please Islamabad. Some of these Kashmiris proudly claim that they are ‘fighting Pakistan’s war’; and that they are ‘unpaid soldiers of Pakistan’. Soldiers they may be, but surely they are not unpaid. Perhaps these people are clever, as they know what awaits them if they expressed their resentment and challenged rule of Islamabad, because tragedy of East Pakistan is not that old. Furthermore, they know what is happening to those Pakistanis who have asked for their rights and challenged Islamabad – they face bombardment of jet fighters and helicopter gun ships, their houses are destroyed and they are economically crippled.

    After the recent uprising and blood of innocent Kashmiris, Pakistan has perhaps made them relevant again in the Kashmir imbroglio; they might have moral upper hand as well, but they have failed to win minds and hearts of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. True, Muslims of the Valley reject Indian rule, but it must not be construed that they want to join Pakistan.

    Showkat Ul Islam from Sopor said: ‘I loved Pakistan before I visited Pakistani Occupied Kashmir.’ He said, ‘Of course we have problems on our side, as there is militancy going on for more than 20 years, but despite that we are far ahead of you in every respect. I have visited POK and in many ways you people are still living in Stone Ages.’

    Showkat Ul Islam said, ‘At one time my love for Pakistan was so strong that I punched my friend, Dr Ashfaq Butt of Srinagar when he said something negative about Pakistan’. His friend said to Showkat Ul Islam, ‘You have punched me because you don’t know true face of Pakistan, once you have seen true face you will feel sorry for your action’

    Shaowkat Ul Islam said, ‘During my visit to Pakistani Occupied Kashmir I had plenty of opportunities to see what Pakistan is, and how their agencies were using us. Also I witnessed deprivation of people of POK, especially in Neelam Valley. After my experience in POK, I phoned Dr Ashfaq Butt and apologised for my action’.

    He said, ‘People who shout India out, do not have love for Pakistan either. We want both India and Pakistan to leave our Kashmir.’ He said, ‘After what Pakistan has done to Gilgit Baltistan we are no longer in any doubts as to designs of Pakistan.’

    Pakistani brothers need to understand that our struggle is not for accession of our State with either India or Pakistan. Our struggle is for unification and independence of the entire State of Jammu and Kashmir. Religion has no role in our struggle. We want to promote peace, tolerance and coexistence of all ethnic minorities. We want to promote peace and stability in South Asia and oppose those forces which preach violence, extremism and hatred.

    Both India and Pakistan need to understand this simple fact: you cannot win minds and hearts of people by use of force; and you cannot eliminate violence by use of violence because violence breeds more violence. The Kashmir dispute is political in nature and needs political approach; and people of Jammu and Kashmir are the principal party to this dispute and they could not be kept out of the dialogue process.

    Writer is a Spokesman of Kashmir National Party, political analyst and author of many books and booklets. Also he is Director Institute of Kashmir Affairs. 

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #51 - July 12, 2010, 05:10 PM

    Something is Wrong with Imran Khan.. he is going Nuts against Nawaz Sharif


    CHAIRMAN Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf Imran Khan has lambasted PML-N Quaid Nawaz Sharif for spearheading a frontal assault on the media.

    Imran said during the previous tenure of N, it had also targeted a leading newspaper group for state persecution. Nawaz Sharif has a long history of confrontation with state institutions characterised by episodes as shameful as the attack on the Supreme Court, said he, adding his whole political career is marked by flagrant duplicity and unabashed self-service.

    He further said Nawaz Sharif had siphoned off his ill amassed wealth and assets abroad and had sold his soul to the USA. He added that Nawaz also sabotaged the principled stand taken by the All Parties Democratic Alliance by reneging on his commitment of boycotting the 2008 elections. He first categorically opposed the policy of military operations, only to go back on his own words he jumped onto the American bandwagon of War on Terror. Before the elections 2008, he went to the extent of taking oath from all his party candidates for the restoration and independence of the judiciary, only to sell the glorious movement down the river in March 2009 by calling off the long march at Gujranwala after reaching an understanding with the guardians of the Dogar Court.

    what the hell are you talking Imran.. You are NUTS., what frontal assault ?   do you think Pakistan media is Sita White??

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #52 - July 12, 2010, 05:19 PM

    Fuckin cricket players.

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #53 - July 20, 2010, 10:31 PM

    Dr Shireen Mazari on Pak-Indo talks (July 16, 2010)

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #54 - July 20, 2010, 10:35 PM

    Indian side story..

    India not ready for talks: Pakistan foreign minister   Pakistan Story


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #55 - July 22, 2010, 07:08 PM

    Something is seriously cooking in Land of Pure.. the story is same..

    Govt announces extension of Gen Kayani's tenure
    ISLAMABAD: In an address to the nation on late Thursday night, the Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has announced the decision to extend the tenure of the Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani by another three years.

    The prime minister said that the extension of Kayani's tenure will begin from November 29 2010. Prime Minister Gilani said that decision was made after consultation with the President Asif Ali Zardari.

    Prime Minister Gilani also said that the extension of General Kayani's tenure is in the best interest of the nation.

    Well .. we do everything in the best interest of nation and best interests of Islam. So why three years?? You mean present Govt will end its life in 3 years??

    Good show prime minister..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #56 - July 23, 2010, 06:01 PM

    True, Muslims of the Valley reject Indian rule, but it must not be construed that they want to join Pakistan.

    QFT  Wink

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #57 - August 04, 2010, 12:43 PM

     Khalid Husain writes early History of subcontinent its break up after British leaving the land..

    India, with a philosopher, Savrepalli Radhakrisnan, as its president, a brooding intellectual, Jawaharlal Nehru, who was the closest disciple of Gandhi, as prime minister, a woman, Nehru's sister Vijaylaxmi Pandit, as its ambassador to the US (women ambassadors were bit of rarity then), and a maverick foreign minister, Krishna Menon, who acted and talked as if he was the founder of Socialism, was the 'darling' country of liberals in American academia, and in majority of the mainstream media.

    Nehru's intellect and charm, whenever he chose to switch the charm on, won over even the most hardened interlocutors. Stanley Wolpert in his book 'Nehru: A Tryst with Destiny' writes how he was taken on an absorbing journey on the roots of Indian nationalism, and on the broader horizons of history by Nehru for over an hour when Wolpert was given only a fifteen-minute appointment.

    Americans, even those who served as ambassadors to India, or in other positions that brought them into contact with Nehru, usually returned home quite overwhelmed by him. They became India's powerful 'lobbyists' in the US, few more than Ambassador Chester Bowles, who upon return to the US, began to advance India's cause more ardently than India's own incumbent ambassador.

    Pakistan assigned an intellectual, and recognised legal brain, to India as high commissioner in the late 1950s, hoping he would build a useful rapport with Nehru. He did, except his reports began to show increasing signs of Nehru's influence on his thinking. He was hurriedly recalled.

    Against the Indian leadership mix Pakistan had on offer: Liaquat Ali Khan and Zafrullah Khan, and subsequently Ghulam Mohammed, Iskander Mirza, Chaudhry Mohammed Ali, Suharwardy and the rest who preceded or followed, ending with Ayub Khan during the Nehruvian period.

    The seedy political situation in Pakistan, after Liaquat's assassination, is reflected in Time magazine's comment, after Ayub took over in 1958, to effect that 'Nehru will no longer be able to offer the excuse that he would like to talk to Pakistan on Kashmir, and other issues, if only he knew who to talk to. He can begin to talk to General Ayub Khan'.

    Nehru talked to Ayub, and in 1964 after Ayub-Nehru-Sheikh Abdullah meetings, a settlement on Kashmir is claimed by Pakistan to have been almost reached, just before Nehru passed away. It seems strange though that the thread of 'settlement' was not picked up by Nehru's successor, fellow party man Lal Bahadur Shastri. Instead, within a year of Nehru's death, India and Pakistan went to war in 1965 over Kashmir. There is clearly a lot more to the tale of the 1965 war than has been given out, just as there is behind the East Pakistan debacle, and humiliation of the Pakistan army in 1971.

     Sardar Vallabhai Patel, the powerful Indian minister for interior at independence, also a hardcore Hindu extremist, considered Hyderabad state's accession to India more critical than Kashmir's.

    He is said to have offered not to resist Kashmir's accession to Pakistan if Pakistan did not encourage Hyderabad on seeking to be independent. Patel was overruled by Nehru, less for logical reasons and almost solely for his deep emotional attachment to Kashmir. Liaquat was delusional, he not only saw Kashmir coming to Pakistan, but also saw Hyderabad as an independent state in the heart of India.
    India encouraged the Hindu Dogra ruler of Kashmir to push as many Muslim Kashmiris as his forces could into Pakistan. There was an organised massacre of Muslims in Jammu. Pakistan facilitated an Australian adventurer, Sydney Cotton, to virtually run an arms airlift to Hyderabad, blatantly over-flying India in his WW2 transport plane, at heights the Indian Air Force tried, but could not reach.

    The Hyderabad and Kashmir issues would not really be problems if Nehru was less emotional on Kashmir, and Liaquat less delusional on Hyderabad. In the end it was might that became 'right', India seized Hyderabad by force of arms, and stopped Pakistan from doing the same in Kashmir.

    Hyderabad became Indian territory, while Kashmir, most of it held by India, ended up in the UN. Pakistan's foreign minister, Zafrullah Khan, debated India to the ground on Kashmir at every UN or international forum. Mountbatten, the Indian governor-general of India, in his official biography by Philip Zeigler, has lamented that "The inept presentation of India's case (on Kashmir) as opposed to the skilled professionalism, both legal and oratorical, of the Pakistan representative, Zafrullah Khan, was a factor in India's lack of success."

    Pakistan's impressive presence on international stage in its early years was undoubtedly the result of the competence of the founders of its Foreign Office, and brilliance of its first foreign minister, but neither would have produced results, as they did, without the back-up of the bright and gifted young men, selected through a strictly merit-based procedure, for the country's foreign service, and then methodically trained and developed to be professionals in the field.

    If Pakistan is still to recover from the devastating effect of the impulsive nationalisation by the first PPP government in 1972, of industry, banks, education and virtually anything that moved, it continues to stagger by the havoc caused by the same government's abolition, on personal whim of its leader, of the age-old administrative system, without a new one to replace it.

    Since then, Pakistan has been caught in a quagmire of incompetence, and is being pushed deeper into it by the pretenders, or successors, of the polity that created the quagmire.


    Huh., Now I understand, Wretched Indians BRUTAL HINDU EXTREMISTS and MUSLIM WIMPS with little Islam in their brain made the following tragedy  
    In the end it was might that became 'right', India seized Hyderabad by force of arms, and stopped Pakistan from doing the same in Kashmir.

    Hyderabad became Indian territory, while Kashmir, most of it held by India, ended up in the UN. Pakistan's foreign minister,

    Otherwise ..If Muslims followed Quran/Sunnah/Hadith whole continent would have been reverberating with Allah hoo Akbaar sounds and Indian Muslims would have been in charge of  Mosques in Mecca and Madina.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #58 - August 05, 2010, 02:20 PM

       Bilawal's speech fuels talk of political career   says news..

    LONDON: The son of Benazir Bhutto and President Asif Ali Zardari is expected to make his first speech Saturday since leaving university in Britain, fuelling talk he is stepping up his political career.

    Bilawal Zardari Bhutto, 21, is heir apparent to a dynasty whose most famous
    figure was his mother, Pakistan's former prime minister and the world's first Muslim female premier, who was assassinated in 2007.

    His grandfather, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, founded the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) in 1967 and became the president before being overthrown in a military coup and hanged in 1979.

    Bilawal was studying at Oxford University when his mother was killed and, at the time, those close to him said he should be left to finish his education before moving into politics in earnest.

    But now he has finished his history degree at Christ Church, seen as one of the most aristocratic of Oxford's colleges, speculation is growing about what steps he will now take towards his political destiny.

    Bhutto, who is already chairman of the PPP, is expected to speak before several thousand of its supporters at an event in Birmingham, central England, alongside his father who is visiting Britain.

    The PPP has played down its significance, perhaps wary of criticism Zardari is facing that he should return to Pakistan in the wake of catastrophic floods which have killed up to 1,500 people and affected some four million.

    "Bilawal will be there... most likely I think he will make a speech," said Waheed Rasab, the PPP's coordinator in Britain.

    "The president is going to address the community because since the assassination of Ms Bhutto, every time he's been to London he's only seen a handful of people and there was a demand from the community".

    But Farzana Shaikh, a Pakistan expert at London international affairs think-tank Chatham House, said the son's appearance was likely to be seen as an important event by PPP supporters.

    She added that Zardari, long plagued by corruption allegations, was likely to "attempt to really embed Bilawal firmly within the Bhutto legacy" as well as using the event to boost his own standing, which is flagging in Pakistan.

    "It's fair to assume that he's hoping very much by this gesture... to signal that in fact it's all change and not just for the better but for the cleaner," she said.

    Other commentators suggest that the event will provide an opportunity for the PPP to raise funds from supporters based in Britain.

    Bhutto, whose first name means "one without equal", could soon be heading back to the country of his illustrious ancestors, despite having spent most of his life outside Pakistan.

    If he does, he will be closer to fulfilling the role for which he has seemed destined since the day he was born.

    His mother wrote in her autobiography that, after she gave birth to him, there was celebratory gunfire, drumming and cries of "Jiye Bhutto" ("Long Live Bhutto") outside the hospital.

    "The most celebrated and politically controversial baby in the history of Pakistan had been born," she added.

    So 21 year old is going to become another Martyr of Pakistan..

    the foolish KID  talks like Nero-Bhutto  together., Well PPP  is going down the drain with this kid being PPP in-charge. I hope he grows up quickly..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Politicians _Islam and Pakistan., Videos in Plain Talk by Politicans of Pakistan
     Reply #59 - August 05, 2010, 02:27 PM

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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