Iblis, there was a documentary on Channel 4 a couple of years back and they interviewed an Imam called Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra about apostacy. Anyway, it was put to him that a recent poll of British Muslims found 36% of them supported the death penalty for apostates. The presenter read out the statistics and Shaykh Mogra started fidgeting, the eyes of the world on him, the camera turning, the blood rushed from his face. The presenter asked him, "What do you think about these findings, they are shocking aren't they?"
Obviously accustomed to thinking on his feet in front of kuffar, he replied,
"Well, look at the bright side. It could be worse. It could have been 60% or 90%"
I just wanted to put my arms around him, and I thought exactly that, this guy belongs in a Monty Python film about Islam
(this is our hero on the left, doing inter-faith love-in with a Christian, who doesn't have a flock of worshippers who think those who leave his flock should be put to death)
A jolly chap, isn't he, just the fit for a comedy romp about Islam