That's actually a great compliment...considering what you have explained. It's too bad male muslims distrust females so much...yet that makes it even a greater compliment! He feels he can confide in you....and even tell you things he would tell his closest friends.
It sounds as though his friends are trusting you too...and so far, his friends seem to be all muslims and male.
My hope is that he is done being sneaky with you...and that he has learned his lesson, now that appreciates what a great sister he has!
Oh, I know it's a compliment, but it's just as Os said, it's also an insult to what I value.
It's not equality if I have to been categorised as "like a brother" to be taken seriously.
I am flattered by it, but dissappointed at the obstacles and barriers that exist because of my gender.
Anyway my step mother and father aree demanding the return of their son now, they have sent my sister who is on her way now to come and collect him in the car.
If he doesn't go back with her they say he will never be welcome in the house again.
He is 17, I am guessing they have some sort of legal right to remove him if need be?
He doesn't want to go, he says he prefers it here with me and plus he is still upset and frightened that she tried to stab him as he says.