PB is not the first person to say I deserved the beatings I got from my ex, my ex said it, members at FFI said it, members here said it.
So is it true?
Am I so bad I deserve to be beaten?
Do I answer back too often?
Be honest now, PB used to say I didn't, but he was lying since he exposed his real feelings later, which means that only my so called friends are either lying to me too and can also understand why my ex beat me,
Be honest now, Do I deserve to be beaten, can you totally understand where my ex was coming from?
Don't lie to spare my feelings, my feelings are already all over the place as I struggle against these new nasty things people say which simply echo the fears I try to surpress.
So be honest.
First, my secular-humanist answer:
I don't know if you're bad or not. Humanly speaking, I don't think so. Even if you were bad, that does not give anyone the right to beat you. A man NEVER has a right to beat a woman,
and any man who does is a coward...and one of the lowest forms of life there is.
Any adult that beats on a child is also one of the lowest forms of life there is.
Now my Christian answer:
There is none good, no, not one. If anyone says he has no sin, he's a liar and has no truth in him. Since we are ALL bad, who can be the one to cast a stone? A man is to love his wife the way Jesus loves the church. And a man that would beat on a woman is STILL one of the lowest forms of life there is.
As for an adult that would abuse a child? Parents are given children as a gift from God, and anyone that hurts one of His little one, will wish he had never been born. However, the bible believes in corporal discipline of children. It says not to spare the rod....but it doesn't mean for parents be sadistic...or to torture a child....ever.
What your parents did is torture. They did not discipline, they tortured. Discipline is spanking...and it is done to teach a child not to lie, steal, bully other kids or break any other commandments. So any adult that would abuse a child is going to wish he or she were never born.
So...my answer is we're
all bad....but no man has a right to beat on a woman...and no adult, even a parent has any right to abuse a child, much less any right to torture.
So, even though, technically, we are all bad, I still can't help but think you deserve a hug right now.
And you have missed out on the love that parents should have for their children. That's why I hate Islam! It takes away all persons' natural affection...as in parents for children.