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 Topic: Berbs Blog, much madness within

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  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1110 - December 12, 2008, 04:00 PM

    Cheesy Do you need glasses Tut?  I mean look at the size of the text on your screen.  Cheesy

    I turned the size up myself, as I got eye-strain when it was on default i run the screen resulation very high..   

    but yeah I do need glasses, not to using the computer but look at things away form the monitor shits all blurry!
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1111 - December 14, 2008, 03:48 PM

    Am sorry, but it is generally true here in England. ?500 pounds a week for one child, have  6 - 7 babies and you can live a lavish life-style all funded by the tax-payer, this is why I am going to move to Germany then dudes know how to finance.

    As if lol for a guy who gets no benefit you display your ignorance time and time again, I could only wish to get that much money a week.  Roll Eyes

    So how much is it? am sure it must be more then 200 pounds a week... I don't even earn that much a week while busting my ass off:
    (Clicky for piccy!)

    98 quid for 12 hours.

    Money isn't everything you know. It is fair to say that money alone would not get her out of this situation, so who cares what benefits she gets? It's not like she doesn't want to get back into employment, she has mentioned that she does but she has to prioritise anyway. Berbs has to actually LOOK AFTER her children. It's so easy for you to judge from the outside looking in.

    You would give the children to the parent that was working or willing to work? Who would stay home and look after the children then? Even if the working parent earns about what you do, most of it would go into babysitting and thus it would be pointless to work! 

    I had a Muslim friend whose family got benefits for the kids, but she had a great education and went to a great uni. She is very bright. So money has nothing to do with education in Britain, since public schools are free and provide a good enough education. Good enough for one of my mates to get into Cambridge on the Law course...amongst many others.

    98 quid for 12 hours? I got 70 for 10. Get yourself a better job then. I'm not happy with my pay either, but that's just how it is, so I'm getting a second job. Quit whining about your job if you aren't willing to do anything about it.

    FYI from personal experience, child benefit is something like 16 quid a week or fortnight. Don't know where you get your figures from. The 90%, the 500 quid.... Roll Eyes 95% of statistics are made up Wink


  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1112 - December 14, 2008, 06:24 PM

    the judge always sides with women in marital affies 90% of the time custody of the kids is handed to the mother, and 90% of the time mother wants custody so she can claim benefits, its an easy living.

    If I was a judge I would only give custody to the parent which was working or willing to work and not on benefits, at the end of the day money provides better education, children from poor families or families calming benefits on the whole are less educated and less cultured, then wealthy families.

    King Tut,

    Go to your room, and don't come out until you can tell us what is wrong with what you said. Don't make we whoop you.  finmad

    Am sorry, but it is generally true here in England. ?500 pounds a week for one child, have  6 - 7 babies and you can live a lavish life-style all funded by the tax-payer, this is why I am going to move to Germany then dudes know how to finance.

    Can we have a quick whip-round and  collect his fare.

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1113 - December 17, 2008, 02:32 PM

    By the way, my mom worked despite having kids. Well come to think of it considering my shenanigans, maybe that's not a good argument.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1114 - December 19, 2008, 11:22 PM

    Hi BerberElla,
    How is your son doing in academics? Some of the kids having disorders on the autistic spectrum do exceptionally well in Maths, Science, Computers etc. There is no Math gene found yet, however there are surveys on that.  So, it is worth exploring, if he is interested in those fields, he will spend time with brainy things and atleast in that time, his behaviour will not be difficult.  And he will make a good career for himself.

    I did not mean to be nosy, again there are no scientif backups for what I suggested. But, based on statistics, just give a try.

    My sons best subjects happen to be maths, computers and science, they always have been.  He can grasp a new mathmatical idea really quickly and works at secondary school maths already.  his confidence in those areas is great.  Afro

    I have read alot about the link between giftedness and disorders of different sorts so I have heard this one before.  Smiley

    I have a nephew with Aspergher's Sydrome. He used to mimic the Three Stooges and recite whole movies. Now it turns out he is gifted in acting and singing. He has been in plays and have done singing solos at the Center for the Arts. The only thing is his parents don't want to support his talents, but want him to go to chef school. It is my parents that encouraged him when he stayed with them for the summer.

    They paid for him to take singing lessons. At the end, he did a solo from 'The Phantom of the Opera' in front of a big audience. He was amazing! Then when he went back home to Texas, he got at least two good parts in a play.

    But his parents will not support his talent! I do not understand.

    Anyway, I know your boy doesn't have  Aspergher's, but does he mimic shows and movies? 
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1115 - December 19, 2008, 11:29 PM

    I have a nephew with Aspergher's Sydrome. He used to mimic the Three Stooges and recite whole movies. Now it turns out he is gifted in acting and singing. He has been in plays and have done singing solos at the Center for the Arts. The only thing is his parents don't want to support his talents, but want him to go to chef school. It is my parents that encouraged him when he stayed with them for the summer.

    They paid for him to take singing lessons. At the end, he did a solo from 'The Phantom of the Opera' in front of a big audience. He was amazing! Then when he went back home to Texas, he got at least two good parts in a play.

    But his parents will not support his talent! I do not understand.

    Anyway, I know your boy doesn't have  Aspergher's, but does he mimic shows and movies? 

    No, but I do  wacko

    My son has found his niche so far in science and mathmatics, since he started at the boarding school he is coming back with questions I simply can't answer lol

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1116 - December 19, 2008, 11:33 PM

    Why did you think it would be so difficult in the first place?

    Because of my self esteem and low confidence.  I just figured no one would really want to know me so why give them the chance to do the rejecting when I can just reject them from the off?

    For the last 4yrs of my life I have gone 6 months upwards with no contact with other people, just phone calls to a close friend but 6 months maybe more not actually meeting up with her or anything, just chatting on the net.  It's quite easy to lose your social skills if you lose your confidence and trust in people.

    Plus the 8yrs of "who would ever want to be your friend" "I'm the only one who wants you, I'm the only one who likes you" from my ex hubby and you get a bag of nerves who starts to actually believe that shit.

    You sound almost exactly like my wife dear. Her ex husband is a Christian nutjob. And she still tells me she didn't think she could do any better than him, since he always told her no one else would want her. I have always told her he is manipulative little boy, whose greatest joy in life is making others miserable. He acts quite a bit like some of the worst examples I have read about on here.

    Just remember your ex's opinion is shit, you're better than he is. He is a little child who loves to manipulate, and derives great joy from making you and your family miserable. And frankly, the best way to get rid of extra stress in your life is to avoid any interaction with him.

    Our kids go from halfway normal teens, to little assholes, immediately after interacting with him. Which is why I keep such things to an absolute minimum. And he is to never physically see them. At least till they turn 18. He knows he isn't welcome at our house. I have already told him if I see him, I'll squeeze his neck till his head pops off. Not for myself, but for the lasting damage he has done to this family. furious

    What kind of "Christian" is he? For example, is he one of those charismatics that speaks in tongues?
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1117 - December 19, 2008, 11:43 PM

    I have a nephew with Aspergher's Sydrome. He used to mimic the Three Stooges and recite whole movies. Now it turns out he is gifted in acting and singing. He has been in plays and have done singing solos at the Center for the Arts. The only thing is his parents don't want to support his talents, but want him to go to chef school. It is my parents that encouraged him when he stayed with them for the summer.

    They paid for him to take singing lessons. At the end, he did a solo from 'The Phantom of the Opera' in front of a big audience. He was amazing! Then when he went back home to Texas, he got at least two good parts in a play.

    But his parents will not support his talent! I do not understand.

    Anyway, I know your boy doesn't have  Aspergher's, but does he mimic shows and movies? 

    No, but I do  wacko

    My son has found his niche so far in science and mathmatics, since he started at the boarding school he is coming back with questions I simply can't answer lol

    Don't feel bad. I was always in the "low" math classes. One night when my parents stayed up with me to help me with my math, I broke down crying.

    Fast-forward ten ex tried helping me with math....and I broke down crying.

    Now, maybe you can try to learn what your son is learning, so when you go to a college in the future, it will help with your entrance exam. Somehow, I got through it.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1118 - December 20, 2008, 12:32 AM

    By the way, my mom worked despite having kids. Well come to think of it considering my shenanigans, maybe that's not a good argument.

    It's illegal to leave kids under a certain age at home alone, and to hire a babysitter would be too expensive....that's my point.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1119 - December 20, 2008, 01:05 AM

    Our kids go from halfway normal teens, to little assholes, immediately after interacting with him. Which is why I keep such things to an absolute minimum. And he is to never physically see them. At least till they turn 18. He knows he isn't welcome at our house. I have already told him if I see him, I'll squeeze his neck till his head pops off. Not for myself, but for the lasting damage he has done to this family. furious

    What kind of "Christian" is he? For example, is he one of those charismatics that speaks in tongues?


    And a self-righteous asshat, who uses religion to excuse every selfish and destructive act he ever has, or will, perpetrate.

    I could care less what he says to me, but when he tells my wife that she is a whore and a cunt, and threatens to bash her skull in. To go along with all the other times he has broken her fingers, hit her, etc. I think a little eye for an eye action is called for.

    If I ever see him anywhere near her again, he will regret it. If he survives.

    I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I remain.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1120 - December 20, 2008, 01:43 AM

    Our kids go from halfway normal teens, to little assholes, immediately after interacting with him. Which is why I keep such things to an absolute minimum. And he is to never physically see them. At least till they turn 18. He knows he isn't welcome at our house. I have already told him if I see him, I'll squeeze his neck till his head pops off. Not for myself, but for the lasting damage he has done to this family. furious

    What kind of "Christian" is he? For example, is he one of those charismatics that speaks in tongues?


    And a self-righteous asshat, who uses religion to excuse every selfish and destructive act he ever has, or will, perpetrate.

    I could care less what he says to me, but when he tells my wife that she is a whore and a cunt, and threatens to bash her skull in. To go along with all the other times he has broken her fingers, hit her, etc. I think a little eye for an eye action is called for.

    If I ever see him anywhere near her again, he will regret it. If he survives.

    Yep. I know the type. Charismatics believe God speaks to them personally...even if this god tells them to mistreat their wives, take other wives, or have an affair and leave their wife. One famous Charismatic, named Todd Bentley is a convicted child molester. This is how evil the charismatic movement is, if you're interested...but you probably already know.

    My Recent Trip Down Charismania Lane (Part 1)

    My Recent Trip Down Charismania Lane (Part 2)

    I'm glad your wife is now away from that life and that she found you.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1121 - December 20, 2008, 07:51 AM

    Don't feel bad. I was always in the "low" math classes. One night when my parents stayed up with me to help me with my math, I broke down crying.

    Fast-forward ten ex tried helping me with math....and I broke down crying.

    Now, maybe you can try to learn what your son is learning, so when you go to a college in the future, it will help with your entrance exam. Somehow, I got through it.

    Don't worry, I don't feel bad lol I know my strengths and have no intention of beating myself up over how much I hate maths.  Wink

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1122 - December 20, 2008, 08:37 AM

    Ok, today is the day the kids go to see their father and he gets to take them out for 5 hours.  No doubt he will be taking them to visit his mother and their cousins and stuff from his side.

    I have my notebook at the ready to note down anything innapropriate the kids might be told about me or their religion.

    I am stressed lol even though I offered him more access I am nervous that they will be questioned intensely about whatever I am getting up to and whatever I am teaching them.  Roll Eyes

    Ah well, it had to come some time, and we will just have to see how things go.  I just hope he doesn't go and hang himself with all this rope I am giving him.

    Back in a couple of hours for a short break before I have to do the return 2 hour journey to fetch them and another 2 hours to bring them home, all in all I am doing close to 8 hours of travel for this. banghead

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1123 - December 20, 2008, 11:27 AM

    My nephew is good at math and science too. It's kind of funny, as sometimes we have to ask him some math questions. He wants to be a scientist, or an astronaut.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1124 - December 23, 2008, 03:40 PM

    Today I had one of those "restore faith in humanity" moments, one of the ladies I socialise with brought me round a turkey, cakes, wine, snacks, the works, as a xmas present because she knew how difficult my finances are right now.

    I mean I have avoided human contact IRL for many years now, all because I don't trust the goodness of mankind anymore, and it's moments like these that make me remember not to judge the whole just because of a few bad apples.

    I never expect anything good because it's me, so when it happens it always moves me.   sloshed

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1125 - December 23, 2008, 09:03 PM

    She's just setting you up for a fall. Wink

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1126 - January 05, 2009, 12:10 PM

    Ok, I just got back from the adult college having enrolled on 3 short courses.

    Creative writing levels 1 + 2
    Tai chi
    Piano/keyboard level 1

    I'm starting next week, I am so excited I am fit to burst right now.  dance

    So expect to miss me.  Tongue

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1127 - January 05, 2009, 12:15 PM

    Ok, I just got back from the adult college having enrolled on 3 short courses.

    Creative writing levels 1 + 2
    Tai chi
    Piano/keyboard level 1

    I'm starting next week, I am so excited I am fit to burst right now.  dance

    So expect to miss me.  Tongue

    congrats, berbs! Another huge step forward!!  Afro
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1128 - January 05, 2009, 12:16 PM

    Good idea, Berbs.   Afro

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1129 - January 05, 2009, 12:19 PM

    Yep, this is the year for "One small step for mankind, One giant leap for BerberElla"  bunny

    I am ready for a good year, hibernation is so over.  grin12

    Obviously the creative writing course is the one I am most excited about about, followed a close second by the piano lessons, I have always wanted to learn piano.

    Tai chi was just a fill in course for a bit of variety, next time it will be the yogalates class.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1130 - January 05, 2009, 12:24 PM

    Yoga wot? Sounds like some sort of bloody milkshake.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1131 - January 05, 2009, 12:25 PM

    Yoga wot? Sounds like some sort of bloody milkshake.

    Yoga and pilates mixed together.  Tongue

    It reminds me of those dogs called "cockapoos" or labradoodles" lol

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1132 - January 05, 2009, 12:42 PM

    Meh. Next they'll have synchronisedyogarobicswaterpolohangglidingmudwrestlingpoledancingcrochet for fux sake.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1133 - January 05, 2009, 12:44 PM

    Meh. Next they'll have synchronisedyogarobicswaterpolohangglidingmudwrestlingpoledancingcrochet for fux sake.

    that does sound challenging!  Afro
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1134 - January 05, 2009, 12:47 PM

    Meh. Next they'll have synchronisedyogarobicswaterpolohangglidingmudwrestlingpoledancingcrochet for fux sake.

    LOL yeah, well it certainly wouldn;t be me attending it though.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • My family has broken down completely
     Reply #1135 - February 25, 2009, 10:10 AM

    Yesterday my 15yr old sister called the police on her mother (my step mother) saying she was beating her, the police came and now my 15yr old sister is living with my other sister for awhile.

    This means that every child aside from my mentally handicapped sister, has now left home and hit a road that is bad for them in the long run, this means that both my parents have lost every child they ever had.

    I can very deeply imagine how much pain they are in right now, and I feel so much sadness for them, I know they weren't anywhere near good parents, but in their own way they truly believed they were doing the best for the children.  They never had any of our worst interests at heart, and it has all backfired on them.

    What's worse is I remember standing there during a heated teen arguement with my parents, a few years after the coma, in which I swore to them that before their time was up, I would personally ensure that each and everyone of their children would leave them.  I was very angry at the time, and have never actively sought to undermine my parents when it came to that issue, I have never tried to convince my siblings to leave home.

    In hindsight it seems an almost prophetic statement, and I feel inadvertantly responsible.  It's tearing me up imagining their pain.  My father was crying yesterday, my step mother is suicidal.

    My sister was seen in a car with a man, she is only 15, although I don't agree that violence was the best way to solve it, I can understand where their anger came from, and why she was in trouble, it's just sad that it had to come to this.

    I want to reach out and try to comfort them, but I still hold so much anger towards them, that even though I feel sad for them, I am angry with them for long forgotten hurts of my own.  It has just dredged up all the memories of the time I was responsible for making them cry and they were responsible for making me cry.

    It's just so sad. sad

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1136 - February 25, 2009, 10:17 AM

     far away hug

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1137 - February 25, 2009, 10:21 AM

    Yesterday my 15yr old sister called the police on her mother (my step mother) saying she was beating her, the police came and now my 15yr old sister is living with my other sister for awhile.

    This means that every child aside from my mentally handicapped sister, has now left home and hit a road that is bad for them in the long run, this means that both my parents have lost every child they ever had.

    I can very deeply imagine how much pain they are in right now, and I feel so much sadness for them, I know they weren't anywhere near good parents, but in their own way they truly believed they were doing the best for the children.  They never had any of our worst interests at heart, and it has all backfired on them.

    What's worse is I remember standing there during a heated teen arguement with my parents, a few years after the coma, in which I swore to them that before their time was up, I would personally ensure that each and everyone of their children would leave them.  I was very angry at the time, and have never actively sought to undermine my parents when it came to that issue, I have never tried to convince my siblings to leave home.

    In hindsight it seems an almost prophetic statement, and I feel inadvertantly responsible.  It's tearing me up imagining their pain.  My father was crying yesterday, my step mother is suicidal.

    My sister was seen in a car with a man, she is only 15, although I don't agree that violence was the best way to solve it, I can understand where their anger came from, and why she was in trouble, it's just sad that it had to come to this.

    I want to reach out and try to comfort them, but I still hold so much anger towards them, that even though I feel sad for them, I am angry with them for long forgotten hurts of my own.  It has just dredged up all the memories of the time I was responsible for making them cry and they were responsible for making me cry.

    It's just so sad. sad

    I'm really sorry to hear that Berbs (((hugs)))

    You're not to blame though. None of this is your fault. From what I remember of your blog your parents were quite violent, I know they had good intentions but they need to learn and it looks like they are learning the hard way. They will get through this and hopefully they will have learned something.

    Just remember, this isn't your fault. Your sister is now free from violence and that is a good thing. All you can do is hope that your parents realise where they went wrong.

    Hope you're ok Smiley
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1138 - February 25, 2009, 10:24 AM

    Hi BerberElla,

    I hope things work out between your sister & her parents. Can't say I really blame them for the beating, my Mom would probably beat me too if I was caught in a car with a boy, & my parents are really liberal, especially my mom. This isn't a right thing to do, but I'm sure I'd get a few slaps.

    P.S. I don't support child beating.

    World renowned historian Will Durant"...the Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex order and freedom can at any moment be overthrown..."
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #1139 - February 25, 2009, 10:44 AM

    far away hug

    Thanks awais, and happy birthday.  Smiley

    I'm really sorry to hear that Berbs (((hugs)))

    You're not to blame though. None of this is your fault. From what I remember of your blog your parents were quite violent, I know they had good intentions but they need to learn and it looks like they are learning the hard way. They will get through this and hopefully they will have learned something.

    Just remember, this isn't your fault. Your sister is now free from violence and that is a good thing. All you can do is hope that your parents realise where they went wrong.

    Hope you're ok Smiley

    I just feel so guilty though, I feel like this is all my fault somehow, that even if I didn't suggest they should run away from home, they all saw my freedom and craved it for themselves.  Which is a good thing and yet I feel so bad.

    Whatever lesson my parents may learn, they sound so defeated right now that I don't think they can see what gain lesson wise could ever come out of it.

    It's not like they haven't found themselves in situations where the same lesson needed to be learned, this is after all the 6th child to leave home as a teenager.

    I guess it's less my words and promise that caused this, than it was a natural course of action in the kind of household I grew up in.

    Hi BerberElla,

    I hope things work out between your sister & her parents. Can't say I really blame them for the beating, my Mom would probably beat me too if I was caught in a car with a boy, & my parents are really liberal, especially my mom. This isn't a right thing to do, but I'm sure I'd get a few slaps.

    P.S. I don't support child beating.

    I was surprised to hear she was seen in a car with a guy, because she wears the hijab out of choice (well the usual so called choice anyway) at the moment, turns out this guy was her boyfriend and they were in his mums car talking, which if my parents knew would be even worse.

    I am concerned about my sister now, all that freedom she just gained goes to your head, and gaining it so young usually leads to some immature rash decisions that haunt you for the rest of your life.

    I really hope she doesn't end up where I did.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
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