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 Topic: Berbs Blog, much madness within

 (Read 193789 times)
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  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #30 - January 22, 2008, 11:21 AM

    Well dio's got you well covered on the indecision thing ..

    As for the ankle swelling, i looked around, and I found this:

    After cast removal, use frequent ice massage. Fill a large Styrofoam cup with water and freeze. Tear a small amount of foam from the top so ice protrudes. Massage firmly over the injured area in a circle about the size of a baseball. Do this for 15 minutes at a time, 3 or 4 times a day.

    Apply heat instead of ice, if it feels better. Use heat lamps, hot soaks, hot showers or heating pads.

    Gentle massage will frequently provide comfort and decrease swelling.


    You should consult a GP though, before you do any of this  :-\

    Ooh thanks for that advice, I will go with the heat treatments, cold hurts, but the heat eases it.  Had my foot in a bucket of baby oiled hot water yesterday, then a long soak in the bath.  Smiley

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #31 - January 23, 2008, 10:25 PM

    Example of crippling indecison

    You are a Libra, deal with it. Other signs have much worse problems to deal with. And the good you got out of being a Libra should far outweigh the little indecisive problem you will face again and again (..and again).

    First point is learn to say No to people.
    Second point is stop trying to please people around you all the time (ie: Read the First point).

    With a bit of practice, your indecision thing will dissipate.

    "Ask the slave girl; she will tell you the truth.' So the Apostle called Burayra to ask her. Ali got up and gave her a violent beating first, saying, 'Tell the Apostle the truth.'"
  • Trying to have friends with differing views
     Reply #32 - January 25, 2008, 12:12 PM

    I think up until today I have always been foolish enough to believe that you can have friends who have different views, and it not eventually become too much of a problem.

    Today I realised that it is an idealistic way to view friendship or the world, if your views are too different you will eventually argue over them, and the friendship will mean nothing.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #33 - January 25, 2008, 01:44 PM

    This is one of my favourite videos and songs at the moment:

    Guess that means that somewhere inside me is a deluded idealist who thinks things like true love exist somewhere.

    Damn this song makes me feel things I don't want to.  Embarrassed

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #34 - January 25, 2008, 04:58 PM

    This is one of my favourite videos and songs at the moment:

    Guess that means that somewhere inside me is a deluded idealist who thinks things like true love exist somewhere.

    Damn this song makes me feel things I don't want to.  Embarrassed

    Sigh! I've felt that way so many times...its a torturous cycle to go through  :-\

    Beautiful song though Smiley
  • Feel like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #35 - January 29, 2008, 07:49 PM

    I don't know what to do anymore, I feel so defeated, and so depressed right now.  My eldest son, the one with ODD, attacked me really badly today.  It started on the bus, going into town.  There were only a few stops left before we were due to get off, and he asked if he could take his coat off, I said he couldn't because it would be a matter of minutes before we got back off the bus.

    He went mental at me, started calling me names and threatening all sorts of things if I didn't let him.  Of course I felt like now I really couldn't cave in, because it would look like I was giving in due to his threats.  The bus pulled up, it wasn't even our stop to get off, but he got up and went diving for the door saying he was running off.  I grabbed him to stop him at which stage he turned around and punched me in the shoulder.

    We struggled a bit but I sat him back down, all the while with him kicking and throwing punches at me whilst everyone stared at me like I was a bad mother because I couldn't control my kid.  For the remaining two bus stops we struggled in the seats, with me trying to restrain him, and stop him constantly punching and kicking me.

    I had my other two kids with me aswell, and even though they are too young to cross roads without holding my hands, I had no choice because my son was still attacking me.

    In order to jump on a returning bus you have to walk through the high street, and since I cancelled going out due to this incident I had to return home straight away because I knew with my son the way he was I needed to get home as soon as.

    He fought me every step of the way, half way through the high street I couldn't take the kicks and punches anymore, so holding him against a wall I tried to phone social services and that is when he really went crazy.  Up until this point it was random, now it was pulling my hair, punching over and over, wriggling out of any attempt of mine to hold him and stop him.

    I admit, I lost my temper after this, and smacked him and forced him back against the wall.

    People were walking past, or standing around and watching, some of them saying that kids deserves a good beating, which he could hear, and say "fuck off" back to them.  He was screaming and crying, and swearing, saying he would kill us all and himself.

    The police came over, and asked me what was wrong, I was still holding him aginst the wall and I told them through tears of shame about his condition, and they went on there merry way looking really baffled. (unhelpful)

    I managed to call a taxi and get him to it, more fighting, more screaming.

    He has been so tearful and so apologetic since he calmed down, so ashamed of himself he says.  Cry

    He knows I am thinking of sending him to live with his father, and he was crying saying he doesn't want to go and that he loves me and that he wants to try harder, but he has done this before, said it before, and still ends up getting worse.

    I feel defeated now, I feel sad, I just don;t know what to do.  I love my son so much, I know I joke about and moan about being a mother, but I do love my kids, I love them so much that it hurts, and this illness of my son means I hurt so much more.

    I feel alone, no one helps me really.  I have no breaks, social services tell me I'm not entitled to respite, his home schooling is touch and go because he has chased of three teachers (female) and is on the fourth (male).


    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #36 - January 29, 2008, 08:09 PM

    Berbs, I'm not going to pretend to be any kind of an expert, but I will say this as an impartial observer -  even Superman and Wonder Woman married to each other in a perfect home could not cope with ODD, (or possible full blown CD), without professional help.  I don't mean social workers, well meaning as they no doubt are.  I mean medical help, your son needs a child psychiatrist who is experienced in both ODD and childhood depression.  I know this is easy for me to say, and not so easy for you to do, but I would advise you go to your doctor asap and tell him/her in no uncertain terms that your son is becoming a danger to you, himself and your two younger children.

    You could do what my mother did once when she took me to the doctor with a sore throat as a kid, and the receptionist told her there were no appointments till Wednesday, (this was a Monday).  She raised her voice and announced "She could be dead by Wednesday!  We're not going anywhere till she sees a doctor."
    Tell your doctor you cannot wait six months, you could all be dead in your beds in six months, (I know that's overstating it, but sometimes you need to do that before the NHS takes you seriously).

    Two side issues - what kind of idiots were those two police officers?  They shouldn't have walked away from a situation like the one you describe.  Forget about them though, on a more positive note, a male teacher is almost certainly going to be a good thing for your son.  Apart from the discipline side of it, he is probably missing the presence of a strong male role model in his life, and if he even remembers what his father was like, that wasn't much of a role model.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #37 - January 29, 2008, 08:16 PM

    Ah, Berbs - I don´t know, what to tell you. My heart bleeds so much for you, but that isn´t helping... Probably Cheetah gave you the best advice - SCREAM for help! Cause a ruckus (ask Bunny how to do that effectively - he seems to be doing it with success, when there is need) if that is, what it takes... you know you will always find us here, to lend the support we can.

    Hugs, hugs, hugs!!
  • Re: Entry 1 - Fear and indecison
     Reply #38 - January 29, 2008, 08:30 PM

    I'm not sure how much of my fear and indecison stems from nature or nurture, am I so crippled in making decisions because I was taught it wasn't really my place to make huge decisons, or is it just my nature to be so fearful over trying new things?

    Example of crippling indecison:

    During Xmas I stood for 30 mins, with two rolls of wrapping paper in my hands, 30 mins of indecison over which colour wrapping paper I wanted, 30 mins in the same spot in the shop stressing over my inability to commit to such a tiny choice, until in the end I just said fuck it and chose a totally different one that I hadn't been holding.


    sounds so familiar to me. The worst was a fight I had with my SO over whether to do Wendy's or Roy Rogers for lunch one time... and I could not make up my mind, and so they got mad and drove into the RR parking lot and then I said, "You know, I think I really wanted Wendy's."

    But having to make arbitrary decisions with no "cues" to go on is pure hell sometimes.

    I think part of this is temperament -- the fact you look for certain "cues" at all" -- and the other part is that one of the cues that most people use... their personal desires... to make these arbitrary decisions has been snuffed out of us due to religious/home influence.

    Once the little inner voice is squelched, and you pull yourself out of the framework that had been dictating answers to you, you are left with nothing on which to base a decision. And since every decision is "right/wrong" and thus extremely important, even something as minor as wrapping paper, well... you agonize.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #39 - January 29, 2008, 08:42 PM

    Hey Berbs, as with Dio I'm stuck for words, the best I can offer is to re-iterate what Cheetah has said, go to your doctors and see about going to a psychotherapist, your son can have individual sessions aswell as a family session so you are all involved and this will help with you other children in learning how to respond to outburst's, also get his school teacher involved he may be able to push things along quicker too.

    wish there was so much more I could do for you Berbs, hugs Bloss xx
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #40 - January 29, 2008, 11:02 PM


    I sent you this link once before.  Maybe it is time to check it out more carefully.  It is something you can do yourself.

    They claim to be able to handle cases like yours.  I strongly urge you to investigate it.  Please.

     :( :( :(
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #41 - January 30, 2008, 07:17 AM

    I can't add much to what the others have said but one thing that did occur to me is that you should pick your battles very carefully. This kid is what, nine? So presumably he's capable of removing and putting on his own coat. If you get in a similar situation I'd just explain that by the time he removes it he'll probably be wanting to put it back on again, but if he wants to do it that's his business. That way you're not a target. When you're dealing with a kid with his problems you need to be very selective about when you make yourself a target.

    Getting a male teacher for him is a good idea too. One thing to watch is that none of your male friends or the teacher try to assert authority unless they already have it. IOW, if the kid doesn't already respect them he wont pay any attention to them if they try getting bossy with him. He'll just rebel and kick the shit out of them.

    Mind you, a bit of judicious violence can go a long way. A friend of mine has a son who was a bit of a handful in his younger days. I was pretty tolerant with him and explained that he shouldn't do some things, etc. Anyway one day he grabs a bit of 4x2 and starts threatening me with that. I told him weapons were not on and he better not try it. So the silly fucker tries it.
    So I slapped him around a little. I didn't bother taking the 4x2 off him. I just open-handed him around the shoulders and  threw in a few kicks around his arse. Nothing hard enough to bruise him, just enough to push him around the floor. He tried making one last stand and I just looked at him and asked him  if he was serious. He backed down then, although he was mightily pissed off because my ex and her two daughters were watching.
    Anyway, the next day he'd apparently decided I was the alpha male and we were best mates. Go figure. We've been best mates ever since.

    Best of luck and big loves to you.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #42 - January 31, 2008, 12:06 AM


    There is not doubt that, under the proper circumstances, the presence of an alpha male can be a stabilizing influence.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #43 - February 05, 2008, 09:36 AM

    I just want to say thanks to everyone who responded about my son, and sorry that I didn't reply to any of the posts.

    I laid it all out, and then found that I didn't want to talk about it much after because it was all so upsetting and I needed to withdraw into my cave to mull over myself.

    I did read everyones responses on the day, but I needed to absorb that information.

    My closest friend in the world, infact in my entire lifetime, spoke to him about it and he idolises her almost as much as I do maybe even more, she made him feel very ashamed of what he had done.  So much so that he is now my sworn defender rather than fantasising about how to hurt me in the future.

    She reminded him that not only was I a battered woman by his father, but that she also was beaten so bad she almost died.  Fractured jaw, broken nose, a half an hour beating on the floor whilst her son hid under a table watching and being traumatised.

    It seems to have really affected him, he worries now that he will never be able to hold onto his anger, and he is scared he will become like his father.

    He is still naughty, after all he has ODD, but he is no onger being aggressive towards me.

    I worry that when he has access again with his father, that it might set him backwards.

    I am reporting the fact that the day he saw his father, he returned home and pulled knives out on my 16yr old brother, and that he tried to beat me a few days later.  It's too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence, and if they won't listen I will go with what my new barrister said, which is to complain and be moved to a higher court.

    For now though, me and my son are doing well, he is still very ashamed of himself, and we are close again.  Smiley

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #44 - February 05, 2008, 10:42 AM

    Excellent news. Sounds like he's basically a good kid.
    Fair enough if you didn't want to get involved in D&M's after venting too.
    I'm sure nobody was offended by the lack of response.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #45 - February 05, 2008, 11:10 AM

    am glad to hear the news, Berbs!!! Really happy - but he IS your son, so MUST have lots of good in him... and do think about what we told you - go SCREAM you want the psychiatrist NOW. That "pulling knives" is NOT a good sign. Also - sounds like your son is himself desperately unhappy with the way he is... breaks one´s heart just reading it!
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #46 - February 05, 2008, 01:44 PM

    Impulse buying depresses me because I always regret it, and when I regret something I can make myself feel shitter than my ex ever managed to.  :-\

    I know, how you feel. I'm a depressive sort of guy, sometimes I plan, plan, plan and then I convince myself into not doing something. If I need to go out to the shops, I plan that too. I plan the time, I plan how I need to open the door, I plan how am I going to walk, I plan how much money I will need. And then I plan, a contingency plan, eventually, I make the issue buying some hair gel so big, I get scared of going to the shops, and then I convince myself I don't need hair gel or I send someone else. And even if I do go and do it myself, I'm robotic, my actions and everything is pre-planned. My sisters and wife say when I am out I do things like a robot, I speak in a different tone, its like I am reading a script.

    The advice I can give you is, don't think too much about things you've done, and don't plan your life so much. Try to spend time with new people rather then with old friends.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #47 - February 05, 2008, 01:53 PM

    By the way sorry to hear about your kids, and am glad things have worked out.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #48 - February 06, 2008, 11:49 AM

    Excellent news. Sounds like he's basically a good kid.
    Fair enough if you didn't want to get involved in D&M's after venting too.
    I'm sure nobody was offended by the lack of response.

    He is a good kid, and he gets more upset and depressed with himself at each outburst he has.

    am glad to hear the news, Berbs!!! Really happy - but he IS your son, so MUST have lots of good in him... and do think about what we told you - go SCREAM you want the psychiatrist NOW. That "pulling knives" is NOT a good sign. Also - sounds like your son is himself desperately unhappy with the way he is... breaks one´s heart just reading it!

    I have, and so have a few other organisations involved with him.  Lots of noise being made at this end now.  I really need to get them to see that he shouldn't have contact with his father.

    I never wanted to be seen as the vengeful ex who uses the kids in a game of tug and war, I always wanted it to be normal, to be peaceful, to be a shared parenting thing because doing it alone is hard, so hard and I never have any time for me.  My life ended to some extent when I had my son, even married I had no support.

    But it comes to me that no matter how normal and peaceful I want it to be, it will never be that way.  Access with his father will ruin him more and more each time it happens.  My other children will eventually begin to be affected, and my hopes for my sons future just can;t allow that to happen.

    It's not even the fact that my kids could become muslim, I know many of you think that is my biggest or should be my biggest fear, but it's not anymore.  Obviously it would break my heart to see them become religious and to become muslims, but access or not it could happen and I can't avoid it.

    What I care most about is that my son heals and learns to control his temper, and gets over the hurt his father and I caused him, when we were married and he had to see what he did.

    Impulse buying depresses me because I always regret it, and when I regret something I can make myself feel shitter than my ex ever managed to.  :-\

    I know, how you feel. I'm a depressive sort of guy, sometimes I plan, plan, plan and then I convince myself into not doing something. If I need to go out to the shops, I plan that too. I plan the time, I plan how I need to open the door, I plan how am I going to walk, I plan how much money I will need. And then I plan, a contingency plan, eventually, I make the issue buying some hair gel so big, I get scared of going to the shops, and then I convince myself I don't need hair gel or I send someone else. And even if I do go and do it myself, I'm robotic, my actions and everything is pre-planned. My sisters and wife say when I am out I do things like a robot, I speak in a different tone, its like I am reading a script.

    The advice I can give you is, don't think too much about things you've done, and don't plan your life so much. Try to spend time with new people rather then with old friends.

    Sounds so much like my ex, it was almost military going shopping with him.  He couldn't handle going to the shops with the kids because they always break a plan no matter how well laid it is.  The noise would embarrass him and throw him off stride.

    I plan sometimes, and then I never feel bad, if I have lists when I go out shopping and I stick to the plans.  But that is using my weaker functions and tires me out really quickly, meaning that after two planed weeks the next 4 weeks will be chaos and unplanned, leaving me feeling useless for making so many financial fuck ups.

    By the way sorry to hear about your kids, and am glad things have worked out.

    Thanks KT.  Smiley

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #49 - February 06, 2008, 05:57 PM

    I am certainly happy to hear things have improved, but it's not over yet, as you already know.

    I am no expert, but it does not take much google research to find out that ODD is usually accompanied by something else.  Have you had a chance for a professional, and an expert in ODD, to evaluate him to see what other factors might be present?  ADD/ADHD are the most common, but they are not the only contributors to ODD.

    I am sure that you know about these things, but with your financial situation the way it is, I was just wondering if you have had the opportunity for a professional evaluation?
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #50 - February 06, 2008, 05:59 PM

    I am certainly happy to hear things have improved, but it's not over yet, as you already know.

    I am no expert, but it does not take much google research to find out that ODD is usually accompanied by something else.  Have you had a chance for a professional, and an expert in ODD, to evaluate him to see what other factors might be present?  ADD/ADHD are the most common, but they are not the only contributors to ODD.

    I am sure that you know about these things, but with your financial situation the way it is, I was just wondering if you have had the opportunity for a professional evaluation?

    she´s being made to wait in line - six months or so... just fighting to get speeded up.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #51 - February 06, 2008, 06:15 PM

    I am certainly happy to hear things have improved, but it's not over yet, as you already know.

    I am no expert, but it does not take much google research to find out that ODD is usually accompanied by something else.  Have you had a chance for a professional, and an expert in ODD, to evaluate him to see what other factors might be present?  ADD/ADHD are the most common, but they are not the only contributors to ODD.

    I am sure that you know about these things, but with your financial situation the way it is, I was just wondering if you have had the opportunity for a professional evaluation?

    she´s being made to wait in line - six months or so... just fighting to get speeded up.

    I guess I am not surprised. :(
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #52 - February 06, 2008, 06:21 PM

    I guess I am not surprised. :(

    This is the UK, funding 4 wives is a higher priority than funding children with disablities.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Young muslim men
     Reply #53 - February 08, 2008, 11:47 AM

    My 16 going on 17yr old brother came over to visit me yesterday, and brought a friend of his along with him who has been before.

    It's a good laugh, we sit and have some puffs of a hubbly bubbly pipe filed with cherry sheesha, and we crack lots of joke.

    Well yesterday the topic went on to Islam, I have no idea why but it did.  My younger brother wasn't involved in the discussion, he was just sitting there probably hoping I wouldn't expose my apostasy to his friend by what I was saying.

    The things this boy (18) was saying were angering me inside, because he was discussing his future wife, and what she would have to do, ie wear a scarf, not work, stay at home because that's his wife and that's how it has been time immemorial in Islam.  :(

    He said "well as my wife she no longer needs to try and impress other men, which is why I will MAKE her wear a hijab", he looked perplexed when I replied "who said anything about impressing anyone, what about she just doesn't want to wear it because it's hot, it's itchy, and constrictive, how about you test it for a day"

    I asked him if he could imagine what it's like for a woman to be standing in the heat, wearing those things, looking at the man with his head uncovered and breeze cooling him down, could he begin to fathom how resentful and unfair it would seem to her at times, and how much she may hate being a female just because of this.  Roll Eyes

    He said he would have his daughter wearing hijab by 10 yrs old, so that she can learn about it and get used to it, I asked him if was infact saying that 10yr old girls are sexy enough to distract men, and if not why then would he put a scarf on a child, again he had no answer and looked like he had never ever in his life questioned it at all.

    However what upset me the most, what I began to see in his eyes, and know is in most other muslim mens eyes (and most of the women) is that women are like children, you care for their basic needs, discipline them when they do wrong, sometimes a short sharp smack as some children need it  Roll Eyes, and that you make all decisions for them.

    How can they bear living this way?  even though I stayed as a muslim all that time, I had at least questioned it many many many times, this guy looked like no question had ever come into his head.

    I was really disappointed and disheartened.  How can you change a society that raises women to accept they are children, and men to accept that it is their job to care for these women/children? 

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Young muslim men
     Reply #54 - February 08, 2008, 03:23 PM

    How can you change a society that raises women to accept they are children, and men to accept that it is their job to care for these women/children?

    I think it is easy for men to think that way. It's a 'macho' thing to do, most likely. The women, I think accept it from the lack confidence and since they don't do anything themselves this will make them feel special.  :-\

    \\\\\\\"The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.\\\\\\\"-Carl Jung
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #55 - February 08, 2008, 03:29 PM

    I view it the other way to your brothers friend, thats its actualy the males that are like kids, always wanting there own way and not taking responsibilities for their actions. To me its like they view women as slaves.
  • Re: Young muslim men
     Reply #56 - February 08, 2008, 03:35 PM

    How can you change a society that raises women to accept they are children, and men to accept that it is their job to care for these women/children?

    I think it is easy for men to think that way. It's a 'macho' thing to do, most likely. The women, I think accept it from the lack confidence and since they don't do anything themselves this will make them feel special.  :-\

    Yes, on the surface they bleat about it making them feel special, but deep down they must see how hollow it is.  That they are simply in gilded cages, and that no matter what was taught them, they actually have the intelligence to be allowed out of those cages.

    I hated being told what to do, especially when I have a mind of my own, it's hard to be told no as a grown up "No you may not study" "No you may bot work" "yes we are having another baby now, what else is there for you to do?"

    My parents failed somewhere in my education, they must have, otherwise why did I find it so hard to swallow the "women are special butterflies that need to be protected, and kept locked away from the world"?

    Truth is I hated every second of my life as a muslim woman, I felt empty, like I had nothing to look forward to except grow fat and old, and eventually be supplanted by a younger model with the occasional visit to me throw in for good measure.

    It was a meaningless existance, and I was never happy.  It always seemed so false, that the reality simply was men were better than women in gods eyes, not that we were special.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #57 - February 08, 2008, 03:36 PM

    I view it the other way to your brothers friend, thats its actualy the males that are like kids, always wanting there own way and not taking responsibilities for their actions. To me its like they view women as slaves.

    That's attitude wise, which Muslims do have, well pretty much anybody depending on how you looks at and interpret things. The child comparison comes from not wanting women to work, and like children who don't work they can't take care of themselves since they have no means to support themselves.

    \\\\\\\"The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.\\\\\\\"-Carl Jung
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #58 - February 08, 2008, 03:41 PM

    I view it the other way to your brothers friend, thats its actualy the males that are like kids, always wanting there own way and not taking responsibilities for their actions. To me its like they view women as slaves.

    Females are seen as property, but their intellect is seen as childlike, lacking certain functions to actually be truly intelligent in anyway.  So for their own good the man has to control her as you would with your own child.

    I mean this boy I was speaking with, it wasn't said with any malice, he spoke of his future wife the same as someone speaking of a child, and he talked of love.

    Love does exist, but it's combined with that parental control factor. It's fucked up is what it is.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Berbs Blog, much madness within
     Reply #59 - February 08, 2008, 03:44 PM

    Love does exist, but it's combined with that parental control factor. It's fucked up is what it is.

    That might explain the pedophilia (or extreme age differences) in certain cases.

    \\\\\\\"The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.\\\\\\\"-Carl Jung
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