Is it really becuase the media is not interested?
The media to some extent might not be receptive to this kind of thing. Remember the BBC documentary about guys named Mohammad. Even though a number of Mo's from here wanted to be featured on the show, it was pretty much a piece of propaganda for Islam. In Britain, parts of the media, especially the BBC, see themselves as having to go out of their way to promote dawah-lite images of Islam to counteract the 'negative' images of Islam that abound. To have ex-Muslims fully and freely articulating their views wouldn't be a case of setting the cat among the pidgeons, it would be more like setting a tiger amongst the sparrows, because lets face, what ex-Muslims have to say is frankly, so explosive.
Its already tough enough for broadcasters to make programmes that critically examine aspects of political Islam without facing storms of grief and hysterical protest. Actively giving major platforms for Islam's worst nightmare - ex-Muslims who can't be denounced as being 'Islamophobes' or 'Agents of neo-Imperialism' or 'Orientalists' or 'Neo Cons' and who won't shut up despite the culture of OMERTA inside Islam, and despite the injunctions to murder them - it would be so traumatic for, not just Muslims, but in particular, the ultra poiliticised Islamists, Jamat-e-Islamis, Muslim Council of Britain types.
A question every journalist should be asking, and asking it over and over again of every mainstream Islamic institution and self-appointed 'expert' or 'community representative' is on the question of apostasy, the death sentence, and the social coercion faced by those who reject Islam. On the basis of, why does Islam seek to convert, when it actively works to kill and harass with threats and violence those who exercise their natural right as British men and women to observe freedom of religion and conscience. It should be broadcast to every corner of the land, because it is horrific and unacceptable. Giving ex Muslims a voice would be a start to this, a powerful corrective to myths about Islam, to the ever engaged attempts to carry out dawah in our society, and most importantly, to the pretentions and hypocrisies of the Ummah Identity Politicians.