No she is just boring, annoying, and patronising. Why do you think she feels the need to defend Zoroastrianism everytime it is even mentioned or satirised. Simple reason is because it's her religion. No one cares about the fact if the point is true, it's because it's obvious and she feels the need to reiterate it over and over again. The problem is her insecure obssessions with this forum. She is like a zoro missionary lol.
Lol,Zoros aren't a proselytizing faith.I have a high regard for quite a few other faiths which not mine.
As for being annoyed everytime Zoros are satirized, I'm not. But I have every right to be annoyed
at sexually explicit posts directed at me.
When did I ever criticize Islam by sexually harassing Muslims?Also, I have a right to be annoyed if the only way Zoros can be satirized is by pictures of vultures, which don't even touch any issue remotely connected to Zoroastrianism in every thread or post I make. I don't post images of mosques or niqabi women everytime a Muslim posts, I try to stick to the issue being discussed.
As for feeling the need to defend Zoros everytime its mentioned, puhleese give me a break.
I don't ever defend any abhorrent religious & cultural practices.
Did I defend modern day Zoros preaching wife beating,amputating limbs off theives, stoning women, preaching or conducting terrorist attacks against innocent people,cutting off little girls' genitals, getting their daughters married off as kids or honor killing their daughters & sisters?
You can call me a hypocrite if, & only if I defend such appalling acts, while simultaneously criticizing Islam for carrying out such acts.
Fact is Zoros
don't do such stuff.
The religion you were once a member of does these things.
Its very natural that people belonging to not only no religion, but other religions as well, who don't do such stuff, are going to criticize & ridicule Muslims. They might not be very devout, but they're not going to ditch their faiths simply because Islam sucks.
Grow up, deal with this.
However, the only way ex Muslims choose to deal with this is with sexually explicit posts & images of vultures, thereby discrediting their whole argument.
The problem isn't members of other faiths criticizing Islam, the problem is that ex Muslims don't like to hear criticisms of their ex faith from people who belong to other, better faiths.
Even though, I think in a poll & thread you ex Muslims did accept that Islam is the shittiest faith currently, or the shittiest faith in history. Right here in their forum.