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 Topic: Muslim Cleric on Wife Beating in the Early Days of Islam

 (Read 7469 times)
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  • Re: Muslim Cleric on Wife Beating in the Early Days of Islam
     Reply #30 - March 27, 2010, 12:12 AM

    Yeah, my parents are the same.  Infact all moroccan parents of their generation would be the same on allowing a teacher to beat their children, because in morocco they beat you in school.  The imam was able to beat us at the evening and weekend arabic school I used to go to in the UK too, and all the moroccan kids knew it wasn't something we told our parents about, because it was with parental permission.

    Even in the UK, it's not an old concept to use physical punishments in a school, roll the clock back 50/60yrs ago and you know teachers had a right to whack a child.

    Insane, I would go schizo on anyone who touched my children.

    Corporal punishment was in force at most of the schools I went to growing up too, and these were public (state) schools, in the 1980s. It's still legal in some states. The parents could choose suspension in lieu of paddling.

    My ma gave me the option of one or the other, stressing the importance of my education and how suspension would put me behind, so I'd always choose paddling-- after all, it just stung for a while, no big deal in my mind. It really was my choice too, my mother would not have punished me for choosing suspension, and it wasn't like she was happy about letting them whack my ass with a wooden board (and those shitheads hit hard, too), but she did figure it was better than me losing time in school, and I got in trouble enough to where the suspensions would have put me severely behind eventually. Given the options available I think both she and I made the right decision.

    Besides, it toughened me up. Since then I've been stabbed twice, had my jaw shattered, ribs cracked, hit in the head with a pipe and a club, been tasered, pepper sprayed, had guns pulled on me, etc., and I never complained, never begged, and never cried. It's a tough, nasty, shitty, violent world-- best to prepare for it early I figure. Thanks, ignorant, sadistic teachers and school administrators.

    Why, what do you want to do with him?


    Too fuckin funny. You got a way with that dry, understated British humor, IsLame.

    fuck you
  • Re: Muslim Cleric on Wife Beating in the Early Days of Islam
     Reply #31 - March 27, 2010, 12:22 AM

    Corporal punishment was in force at most of the schools I went to growing up too, and these were public (state) schools, in the 1980s. It's still legal in some states. The parents could choose suspension in lieu of paddling.

    Do you agree with them?

    Besides, it toughened me up. Since then I've been stabbed twice, had my jaw shattered, ribs cracked, hit in the head with a pipe and a club, been tasered, pepper sprayed, had guns pulled on me, etc., and I never complained, never begged, and never cried. It's a tough, nasty, shitty, violent world-- best to prepare for it early I figure. Thanks, ignorant, sadistic teachers and school administrators.

    Sorry to see this Q, but it seems like you have seen your fair share of violence.  I know you have been unlucky a few times, but I dont know if this is a factor of living life on the edge or where you live, but I really dont think the world is as nasty & violent as it would appear it has been to you. 

    True there are many, many dicks around, but I think the vast majority are decent, non violent, people out there.

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  • Re: Muslim Cleric on Wife Beating in the Early Days of Islam
     Reply #32 - March 27, 2010, 12:41 AM

    Do you agree with them?


    Sorry to see this Q, but it seems like you have seen your fair share of violence.  I know you have been unlucky a few times, but I dont know if this is a factor of living life on the edge or where you live, but I really dont think the world is as nasty & violent as it would appear it has been to you.

    On the contrary, I think it is much more violent and nasty than I have seen. I may have grown up in the most violent fully-developed, modern nation on the planet, but it was still a fully-developed, modern nation, and I may have lived in working class surroundings all my life, but I wasn't born into the underclass either, and I do have options even those in my own country do not.

    Even within the US, there are many, many people who have experienced more nastiness and violence in their surroundings than I have, and outside the US, Canada, Western Europe, Japan and Korea-- fuck, man-- it's pretty fuckin bad out there. Ask our man Iraqi Atheist or some of the Somali sisters we got here. Some of the barrios I've been in in Mexico make the ghettos here look like fuckin Beverly Hills and the drug-related violence in many Mexican cities would have them begging for Philadelphia or Baltimore-like conditions. 

    Naw, man-- I may have experienced more of that shit, both due to environment and personality defects/bad decisions, than many people in the developed world, but compared to the rest of the world and even my own country's underclass, I got it fuckin good, and I'm fuckin grateful for that. I'm grateful I had a mom who was smart, educated, gave a shit, and at least made enough money to support me comfortably. I'm grateful for the grandparents I had and I'm grateful I grew up in the heart of the empire. Yeah, I got some bad breaks here and there, but overall, relative to the rest of the world, I had it okay.

    True there are many, many dicks around, but I think the vast majority are decent, non violent, people out there.

    That doesn't mean the world is not a generally nasty, violent place. Even a small minority can wreak havoc, even more so when the foundations and structures of your society, organization, government, or community are weak.

    This has nothing to do with violence, but I've got a union local that I service that's basically a good local with good leadership, but there are two total assholes in that local. 2 outta 100-- 2%. And they disrupt the functioning of that local to an unbelievable degree and make life miserable for everyone.

    fuck you
  • Re: Muslim Cleric on Wife Beating in the Early Days of Islam
     Reply #33 - March 27, 2010, 12:43 AM

    Why, what do you want to do with him?

    Let him live a secular life Tongue
  • Re: Muslim Cleric on Wife Beating in the Early Days of Islam
     Reply #34 - March 27, 2010, 01:25 AM

    It's spelled s-e-x-u-a-l. Just sayin'.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Muslim Cleric on Wife Beating in the Early Days of Islam
     Reply #35 - March 27, 2010, 01:41 AM

    I think one day I'd like to adopt a boy from a madrassa in pakistan.

    Why, what do you want to do with him?

    Let him live a secular life Tongue

    It's spelled s-e-x-u-a-l. Just sayin'.


    This is why I love CEMB!

    Iblis has mad debaterin' skillz. Best not step up unless you're prepared to recieve da pain.

  • Re: Muslim Cleric on Wife Beating in the Early Days of Islam
     Reply #36 - March 27, 2010, 02:31 AM

    It's spelled s-e-x-u-a-l. Just sayin'.

    Errrrr, i didn't get the joke.?

    Also, who is this quote from in your signature os?
    Quote from: Berb's Toy
    Actually come to think of it, it's very unusual-- you mods/admin, yer a bunch of fuckin weirdos.

  • Re: Muslim Cleric on Wife Beating in the Early Days of Islam
     Reply #37 - March 27, 2010, 07:20 AM

    Don't worry. Everyone else got the joke.  Afro

    The quote is from Q-man. He was playing around with a different username at the time.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
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